
Radeon Pro 580.
Nuff said.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the point in this for a desktop workstaion? All heavy jobs anyway should be computed on a dedicated server rather then locally on a workstation.

Only gaymers use such type of hardware but gaymers are retarded by definition.

Typical Apple users are gays and normies who use a machine for Instagram posting, they even barely know the basic bash commands.

>check prices
>can build the same or better for half
>won't have heat issues when playing solitaire

Well thunderbolt 3 ports are still hard to come by these days...


Apple admitted the Mac Pro trashcan was a mistake and they went and replaced it with the iMac Pro with even less cooling abilities and more power consumption and heat generation.

It will be interesting to see how the monitor reacts to things at 125C behind it and how badly it throttles when you try and do any considerable work on it.

As a workstation it blows. Only RAM is upgradable, anything breaks you have to ship the entire unit off to get repaired meaning in an office environment you need to have full spares available keep an employee able to work if something dies whereas with traditional workstations you could swap out a component in the meantime.

Basically, dumb people will buy it and barely utilize the tech inside.

>reading currytech leaks
It's called Vega 56.

It's got twice the amount of fans, the same amount of heatsink surface area and one less GPU.

That 308w TDP nightmare CPU though...

Plenty of motherboards with Intel's thunderbolt over USBC, even cheap PCI cards too.

I'm pretty sure the iMac Pro has smaller fans than the Mac Pro did though, and the Mac Pro was designed to suck like all the air through the middle so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a more efficient method than the iMac Pro.

dat chin bezel doe....

wtf applel looks cheap af


>and replaced it with the iMac Pro
iMac Pro isn't the Mac Pro replacement. It's just a beefier version of the iMac for professionals who want iMacs / are already using them.


Pic related made it the best WWDC in years.

iMac Pro is a total joke, aimed at stupid pros. But shit. Imagine normies walking in a web design firms and seeing those ont eh desk, they'll think they're dealing with the best.

Lol can't wait for some suckers to buy this thing, with that form factor you're going to need a commercial airliner worth of engines to keep the top end ones cool under any load.

>being this retarded.
No you can't jsut sub out an i7 with the same clock speed and call it "the same" that processor is fucking $3400.

Are you an idiot? You can find the same processor being sold for half that price. Even the 22 core version is $1300 cheaper: amazon.com/INTEL-PROCESSOR-E5-2699V4-2-2GHZ-SMART/dp/B01DTYQH4G

You will be able to buy a 32 core Epyc machine with 8 channel ram and 128 pcie for less money before this even launches.

mfw they are buying a computer that they cant even change the monitor for in 5 years

>no 4k
>no 5/8k
>no 120hz
>no ratio changes
>no size increases

shit wont age well

It's 5K...

>>no 5/8k

>tootpastelake-X in an imac
Hope you have a fire extinguisher nearby

just kill me now sempai

I just want a desktop that's unix with hardware that werks

This thing is not meant to be useful, it's a glorified paperweight. The people who buy this will use it for email and browsing reddit in between trips to starbux.

not to mention you can change out any part of it even competing gpus can be sli/crossfired

this means when a component dies you can swap it out instead of trashing the whole board

or you can use those components in other machines for years

Like the space gay colored keyboard, mouse, that's it.

>Meanwhile... everyone misses it

Surprising that Apple has come out with a wireless fullsize keyboard.

You can't post on Instagram from your computer you stupid, retarded faggot

8k information below

all netflix originals were filmed in 4k for example and 5k was the next standard but they are moving to 6k-8k whilst 4k builds

basically itll be cheaper to buy a 8k screen instead of buying a 4k>5k>6k>8K within a 5 year span

tech is speeding up

They might illuminate by the end of the decade.


>in a modular design
Apple is about to invent the computer case!

>5K resolution is horizontal resolution of about 5,000 pixels.
I just don't know.

The machine this thread is talking about has a 5K screen though...

whats the refresh rate 30hz?
whats the ratio?

hopefully they fixed hidpi for everything because that font will be miniscule

Eh. Keyboard illumination is dumb on a wireless keyboard.

>whats the refresh rate 30hz?
60 Hz.
>whats the ratio?
>because that font will be miniscule
It won't be.

Apple does it again. How do they do it!?
And how can other "companies" even compete?

honestly its probably not the best for laptop screen ratios

kind of like how everyone skipped from 1080 to 4k leaving 1440 behind


>hopefully they fixed hidpi
Apple's never had a problem with HiDPI...

why cant apple have a 1:1 square and give me true 5k

You're a case in the point.

Because that's not what 5K is.

thats because they used 1360x720 or whatever and called it a "retina" display

facebook normies didnt even notice the premium they paid

AMD in 2017
>Good CPUs
>Shit GPUS
Do you thing they just got confused and did it the wrong way round?

Is it OLED or IPS?





Just surprised that with all the heat this thing will put out, the glue bonding the glass won't go runny or yellow.

Why? I don't have a Mac

>This thing is not meant to be useful, it's a glorified paperweight. The people who buy this will use it for email and browsing reddit in between trips to starbux.
If only, Mac users are a nightmare for 3d and other applications. Apple keeps selling them "pro" machines and application features get held back because OS X doesn't have proper support for vulkan and openCL. Everyone begs them to stop using macs, the trashcan almost finished them off but this crap means they will stick around for another few years.

I miss when they put actual desktop grade gpus in the imacs.

It was so close, they were beginning to give up...
Now I'll have to keep dealing with them for years to come.

>Apple doesn't have proper support for OpenCL
That's where you're very wrong kiddo.

Apple IS OpenCL.

>tfw the original iMac shipped with an ATi Rage 128 pro, what was then the top of the range GPU, or 3D accelerator as we called them back then.

>tfw it didn't even need it since Quartz wasn't hw accelerated until 10.2 anyway.

>Shit GPUS
*blocks your path*

I'm not gonna lie.

I want to have something as powerful with macOS and that good of a display. But the idea of having something hard to upgrade, and that even though they advertise it as having a nice cooling system, that it might actually get quite hot makes me not want this just as much.

However I might just buy a macbook pro if this next model doesn't have glaring flaws like the 2016 one. I'm not so bothered about USB Cs even though it's a bit of a pain.


>tiled binning and larget L2
Gramps pls. Also sell your Fermi.

>Only gaymers use such type of hardware but gaymers are retarded by definition.

Name 3 programs that rely on avx512


Gaymers don't use xeon cpu's or ecc ram though. This computer is even more of a sales gimmick than a "gaymen pc".

This entire thread was troll bait from the start.

They combined a pc and a space heater in a single sleek package?
Now that's innovation!

It's for overpaid shithead webdevs who think they need a 18 core Xeon and 128gb ram to copy and paste js or whatever the fuck they do these days.

They do because they use hilariously inefficient crap like Atom.

Post that wallpaper