Which DE is least like Windows & Mac? I want a new experience

Which DE is least like Windows & Mac? I want a new experience

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Gentoo Desktop Environment.

Install Gentoo

any with a tiling WM.

Vim or emacs?

i3, i3-gaps, herbstluftwm, awesome, bspwm

or dwm (configuration done in C) for the real cool guys



just use a window manager you 8 year old

Openbox will be very new.

What is happening in this picture?

2nd for this

pink-hair is married to the guy
blonde is girlfriend with black-hair
black-hair is a cuck but wants to fuck pink-hair
pink-hair isn't a cuck but is slowly becoming one

anyone switch to wayland yet? thinking about sway (wayland i3), but I tried it a while ago but didn't like its input control vs X11 iirc.

Any decent wayland DEs out there?

kwin is your best bet atm.

>but didn't like its input control vs X11 iirc.
am i the only one without any problem in wayland without any tweaks? It just works.

ehh i really don't feel like KDE

oh looking at sway's i3 feature support (github.com/SirCmpwn/sway/issues/2), it's really improved. I'll give it another chance.


Gnome 3 if you like Fisher Price toys. Also, i3 is the patrician choice.

Tiling WMs, openbox, MATE, GNOME and a few others.

EXWM is probably as far from normal as you can get. Super comfy though (assuming you know Emacs)

So is this a parody of some anime or what?
I'm getting some 8man vibes from this, but the blond girl throws it off

GNOME devs kinda went in the direction of macOS with GNOME3, but GNOME2 was completely unique

Just use i3 nigger

Sauce on the qt on the right

Could just be Idolm@ster