What is the best bang-for-buck CPU on the market?

The new Pentium seems good, but is there an AMD CPU that's more cost efficient?

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Either the i3 6100, G4560 or the Ryzen 5 1600. Remember one thing because of the popularity of G4560 sometimes you can find a G4600 for cheaper. Also most H110 motherboards have updated bios so you don't need to buy an expensive b250 motherboard. Just check with the seller before buying.

If you can't afford Ryzen, go intel

No. The poorfag pentium completely obseletes this.

Second hand *Bridge based Xeons.

>No. The poorfag pentium completely obseletes this.

Skylake i3s can be found for cheaper.

Pentium, or Ryzen if you're not poor.

Yeah it does. But the the issue is G450+B250 adds upto 130$ pcpartpicker.com/list/3Cd42R. While the 6100+h110 adds upto 150$ pcpartpicker.com/list/NtRc23. For 20$ more you get 5-10% better performance. Which considering if you have money left in budget is not a bad deal

used c2q ? you can get them for free.

but thats probably not what you wanted to hear. so:
how much bang do you need and whats the buck range ?

>Skylake i3s can be found for cheaper.

Scratch that. Prices aren't cheaper at all now.

You can get a Sandy Bridge six core Xeon for less than 20 burger bucks. But OP and everyone itt are fucking brain dead.

pentium btfos literally everything in terms of bang for buck, it even btfos intels other budget cpus lmao
G4560 is probably the best, its the C2D of this generation

Mate you can always find better or similar performing used hardware for cheaper or same price as new. But not everyone wants to go through the headache of checking if it's good, carrying the risk of having no warranty etc.
But if someone knows their shit I always suggest buying used I myself do it too. But I'm not gonna give that suggestion to random strangers on the internet who might not know shit and end up wasting money.

Something within the same price range as the pentium. I'd like to use it for gaymen and eventually upgrade to an i5 or something once I've got more money.

get a bentium then, the good i5s share a socket

A second hand second or third generation Intel CPU.

Not worth it anymore. Ryzen 5 1400 beats them in value

intel core 2 quad q660

You can get an entire i5 2400 system for $110.


Ryzen 5 1400 is 33% or so (rounded up) faster then 2500K.

Ryzen 5 1400 is $170 on newegg
2500K is $35 on ebay.

How is that ""beating them in value''''?

Can you fucks stop reccomending old used shit on eBay, shit doesn't even work half the time and when it does, it dies in 2 years if you're lucky.

depends if you want new or used.

New is definitely between the R5 1600 on the higher end and the Pentiums on the lower end.

Used is 100% xeons. X58 and even some X79 xeons can be got for really goddamn cheap, and the DDR3 ECC ram can be got by the bucket now. Platform is still pretty expensive though.

Look at motherboard and ram prices too. While you can still find ddr3 ram easy motherboards are still costly. And they are prone to dying.
Also you never know what shape the cpu is in. Most reviews that'll compare the 2500k, the 2500k will be fairly unused. Because they just pull it out from inventory.

Second hand? AMD FX6300
Brand new? AMD Ryzen 1600

Using old refurbished server shit has a laundry list of issues for normal use. Would not reccomend it to anyone but people who know what they're doing, and they already know about it, so ..

>Also you never know what shape the cpu is in.

A CPU is not a car, user. It's either defective or it isn't (except for that 0.001% of edge cases).

Also, those mobos and ram can be picked up for free or for a few dozen $$$.

pulled xeon