Windows 10 version power list:

Windows 10 version power list:

God tier: Enterprise
Usable tier: Education
Shitty botnet arsehole tier: Anything else

Other urls found in this thread:

Windows power list
Shitty botnet arsehole tier: Anything

usable: LTSB
revolting: enterprise, education, pro
absolute cancer: home

I don't even care about the botnet anymore. I pirated Windows 10 anyway, they can go ahead and sell my data to make up the cost if they want.
Besides, everything is a botnet these days. Are you telling me you don't own a phone? You use a VPN for everything? You're still probably getting tracked by somebody. Its hardly worth the effort.

Pfffft it works and I disabled all the telemetry shit what's the problem?

OK tier: LTSB 2015/2016, Server 2016
Sub-OK tier: Enterprise, Education
Shit tier: Pro
KMS tier: Home, or any Insider Preview

>Pfffft it works and I disabled all the telemetry shit what's the problem?
If you're fine with the way Microsoft is treating their own customers then there's no problem but otherwise i feel that Microsoft is a lot like the panda in this video. No matter what you do, they can do whatever they want with your computer, it's a matter of principles. You literally cannot say no to windows 10.

Good tier: Re-installing Windows 7
Serviceable tier: Enterprise, Edu, LTSB
Unusably bad tier: everything else

i don't see any reason to not use LTSB. Comes with the least garbage out of the box out of all of them. Still requires some tweaking with group policy. Just werks with my dual boot with Fedora when I want to play the occasional gayme :^)

this is correct

You like bbc loosening your anus: Enterprise
You like aids-infected bbc loosening your anus: Anything else.

Install Fedora.

How is that correct when he's lumping pro in with enterprise when they are completely different and Pro is crippled as fuck?

doesn't work with my wlan card

>tfw you realize you will some day in the not too distant future be required to use a version of windows more recent than 7 or somehow go 100% open sores when there will still just be over 9000 absolutely disgusting neckbeard """hobby""" distros only good for running 50 terminal windows at once and nothing that can compete with windows

>tfw macos will be the only somewhat decent desktop OS
the future seems gay

I use server 2016 on my desktop there is no reason to use anything else

>when someone says Windows 10 is a good OS and, while you reply to them, you notice Windows Compatibility telemetry hogging up all your HDD

>when you feel like just downloading a cracked version of 7

They're barely different; Enterprise will still automatically download Candy Crush and Netflix by default.

>using any version of windows or mac
Fucking retarded tier

7 is old and busted
>no unfocused scrolling
>no snapping to all four edges
>no virtual desktops
>no win+space keyboard language change
>no right click on start button functions
>taskbar looks bad when anywhere but at the bottom
at least use 8.1, 7 is only good for transparencies

I'd say the opposite. What does Windows provide that the GNU system can't? Linux definitely has them beat as far as user interface goes that's for sure. What you can do with it is only limited by your imagination. Past that most of the foss programs are superior to their counterparts. You're brainwashed kid.

The only thing that makes Windows usable is every software being written for it.

>Past that most of the foss programs are superior to their counterparts
I'll take the bait.
Give me the replacements for Photoshop, Premiere, and Solidworks.

>Windows 10

..when you let Raj in charge of the UI

Around 74% of Sup Forums is using Windows 10 Home or Pro.
Install Windows 8.1 Pro.

You do realize that Enterprise and Education are actually the same in terms of functionality?

M$ treats Edu SKU more like Pro. See how they added Cucktana on 1703.

Well they made Cortana opt-out in Education.
You can completely uninstall Cortana in Windows 10 Edu

>completely uninstall Cortana
You can't. You can't even do that in LTSB or the system-wide search will be broken.

And how do you think system-wide search is working on Enterprise Versions?

The same. My point was that M$ treats Edu like Pro, forcing whatever they want on you. At least Enterprise you knw it's consistent. You never know the next update might limit GPO, just like they did to Pro.

They can still force anything on Enterprise.

I doubt they will ever do to Enterprise what they did to Pro on 1607. But I'm sure they'll do the same to Edu in the near future. Not so much to Enterprise.

What distro is that?

I agree, but Linux will never be successful among normies and I'm sure you know why but I don't see a problem with that.

As soon as Windows 7 is not supported I will switch to Debian or Arch. I'll be graduating uni by that time and will be free of absolutely proprietary software. :))))

Gimp is fucking shit is the only thing stopping me completely moving to Linux

>not using Windows 8.1 embedded industry pro with tweaks to make it behave like 7

This is the only acceptable version of winblows you can run. vista and 7 have no proper ssd support, 7 8.1 and 10 have the automatic update meme (unless you want to stay vulnerable and disable windows update on 7/8.1 before installing the update that rips that functionality out of your os)

Server versions of windows are slow as fuck to boot and without proper ram and cpu support just as unstable as the desktop version.

Embedded is the perfect combo of not having desktop OR server bloat. Now get out of my g you faggots.

Lrn2pirate or MSDN

Anything since Vista has proper SSD support. 8.1 is trash.

Out of the box it's trash but you can make it GLORIOUS
Windows 7 still had no proper ssd support my T420 and X220's boot times went from 30seconds with ssd to 5 seconds with ssd when I upgraded to 8.1 embedded

Your PC is trash. On mine 7, 8.1 and LTSB2016 boot the same from a SSD.

>Out of the box it's trash but you can make it GLORIOUS
You can't. Shadow Copy was removed on 8.*, you've got Store, unique ID, online service location, etc.. 8 is complete trash.

All of those things can be removed from the iso...
Stop making excuses and join the 8.1 embedded masterrace
Also 8.* DOES have shadow copy stop spreading fake news all you have to do is run a powershell script to reenable the guis

It doesn't have a functional shadow copy. 8.1 is probably the worst Windows ever released. It's also the first Windows which was complete botnet, going as far as "backing up" your encryption key to M$'s servers. There is nothing good about that OS. At least 10 has a few neat things like native scroll of inactive windows and better codec support by default. But 8 it's just a bastardised version of 7.


it only sends M$ the encryption keys if you are stupid enough to opt for logging in via a ms account instead of making a local account(can't even do that on embedded), again lazy people repeat what stupid people say 8.1 embedded is the most comfy OS there is and I hope you stubborn faggots never find out or else M$ might decide to ruin it for those of us who do know.

by do that I meant logging in via MS account ofc

>ms account
Yeah, I fogot about this botnet. Really nothing good about 8. The entire OS also breaks if you disable UAC (EnableLUA=0) or disable DWM.
Also a buggy piece of shit.

None of this works on any machine (real or virtual) running 8.1

The only version with no telemetry is the Chinese version
The LTSB/ Enterprise meme needs to stop

It has too. It just sends it to China first then to USA instead of directly to USA.

reminds me of a bug with nLite, if you set the username to 'null' then all the on-first-login stuff runs on every single boot

I assume you like w7 because of nostalgia because it clearly have no real benefits over w10.

>what are forced updates

There are some weird bugs on 10. I have a Titan X Pascal and Windows 10 constantly brings tha card to full speed (P0 state) whenever I interact with the immersive UI (such as start menu, settings, or any other modern application). It's annoying and makes it run hotter tha usual. Why would I do that when performance on 7 is the same or eve better in some cases and I also don't have to deal with such stupid issues?

Another issue, audio related, 32-bit float audio starts clipping if I pause for about 30 seconds then resume. Assuming I do some form of normalization or use equaliser. To fix I have to stop playback on all programs.

So you prefer an outdated OS? have you heard about security holes? maybe they push it a little bit too much, but everyone should update quite fast after it's ready. It's some of the reason why w7 is less safe, also w7 is less supported. w10 is the future, whether you like it or not.

Therefore, forced updates are not a good reason. They are also more flexible now with when you want to update. It's not really that "forced".

>security holes
>w7 is less safe
False. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Weird. I'm running Enterprise and I don't seem to have neither Netflix nor Candy Crush.

Is my Window bugged? Or are you just full of shit? Hmmm..


Microsoft back w10 with everything that got. If you believe w7 is more secure than w10, than I have no idea what you are talking about. w10 even surprise hackers. The security features in w10 are good, and Microsoft are fast with the updates. Especially Device Guard and Credential Guard are nice. Integrated protection with windows defender and the list goes on. I think you it's more you that are blind and have no idea.

>What does Windows provide that the GNU system can't?
Video games.

>w7 is more secure than w10
No, they are equal. If anything 10 has a larger attack surface due to the whole immersive shell on top of Win32 which 7 does not have.

I'm actually using 8.1 and I install the updates I want whenever I want.
I'd install Windows 7 but the drivers are dogshit for my machine compared to the 8.1 drivers.

I run 7 on a XPS15 9550, which driers are "dogshit"? I even installed it on laptops with KabyLake CPUs. I made my own iso of 7 with all updates integrated and USB3 drivers, it works on everything I tried it on.

It's an ASUS X550
CPU and GPU clocks won't "idle" properly
CPU stays at 2.80, while in 8.1 it goes down to 0.76
Same story with the gpu. That affects battery life badly.

Pajeetware tier: Windows 10

I can't see them fucking over Enterprise or Education versions.

Enterprise no, but Education? They're aleady doing it with Education, starting with 1703. It will only get worse.

>trying to convince people there's a "good" version of windows 10

And people are afalling for it, too.

Botnet tier: Enterprise
Botnet tier: Education
Botnet tier: Anything else

What tweaks in particular?

Things you don't ever need to worry about with LTSB, your point?

>What does Windows provide that the GNU system can't
grafical user interface for 95% of the possible configurations you want to change on the system in a logical and easily understandable way (registry) even if you do that for the first time without needing to be a pyton, c++ and whatdahall other language is needed for linux
yeah, when it comes to that to actually use the OS without getting a fuckin headache I wouldnt mind to get some of my user data to leak, I dont give a fuck I live in central europe, Im free bitch

Are there things you cant do with LTSB that you can do with other Windows 10 versions? How do games, drivers, etc work?

>What does Windows provide that the GNU system can't?
Time to do productive stuff instead of searching for 999 different files in 999 different directories just so you can enable a really simple feature.

The only difference between the normal versions of Windows 10 and LTSB is that with LTSB you can nerf the telemetry and put it on the same level as Windows 7's, the only official updates it gets are security updates, major content updates gets included in a new version of LTSB released in that same year (I think) and it doesn't have certain Apps installed by default like the Xbox App, the Windows Store or Cortana, everything else basically works exactly the same.

If you plug an android phone into a computer running LTSB will it detect it and let you access files? Some user the other day claimed media transfer protocol didn't work on LTSB

>trying to convince people there's a good GNU

Don't let your hatred for Windows 10 blind yourself. There's no single good GNU/Linux distro

I just googled it and apparently its also an issue with N versions, you just have to download something extra

>bought Ryzen
>have to install Wingblows 10 because of lack of support for 7
>install LTSB
>install classic start menu
>customize it to be almost exactly like my 7 install
Thank fuck for LTSB, only thing I miss is Aero, the shit tier flat UI in Windows 10 looks like it was drawn by little kids

>use windows 7
>vista theme
thicc and comfy

>God tier: Enterprise
>Usable tier: Education
>Shitty botnet arsehole tier: Anything else

It's all shitty botnet arsehole tier, arsehole.

The distro is irrelevant. The DE is KDE Plasma.

It' just as capable. The interface is just awkward to you and you're too stupid to realize that's the only difference.

This is a completely false assumption


it's pretty easy to tweak your ltsb version properly famalam

the only thing is that make sure you get the april updates anti that ransomware BS and then you can fully brick it so you can't update it(that's the only way you're gonna be 100% free of telemetry, turns out even telemetry data goes out even if your group policies tell them not to)

>grafical user interface for 95% of the possible configurations you want to change on the system in a logical and easily understandable way (registry) even if you do that for the first time without needing to be a pyton, c++ and whatdahall other language is needed for linux
you can change the interface pretty easy without any programming knowledge
>I wouldnt mind to get some of my user data to leak, I dont give a fuck I live in central europe, Im free bitch
saying you don't care about privacy is like saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say

God Tier: Server 2016
Tier: LTSB meme
Usable: Enterprise and Pro
Cancer: Home



move "?"

Windows 7 perfectly supports Ryzen and Kaby Lake CPUs, is just that you won't be getting windows updates with them for no real reason for it. There's a workaround though in case you want to be ble to install them.

>the interface is the only difference between Gimp and Photoshop

OS of the gods
>Windows XP
Last usable Windows OS
>Windows 7
Botnet tier
>Everything else.

Education is literally Enterprise with a different name.
Just another day OP being a retard.

Yeah, it is missing DirectAccess. Crippled as fuck.

That's pretty much true actually

Most eroges run fine on Wine though.

am currently using w7 enterprise looking to switch to W10 LTSB or enterprise

I'm aware its botnet territory but rather still mitigated, how does one purchase both products, would anyone know plz

dl form msft website then pay via cc

or this

downloading w10 unlocked, these work quite well but I'm lookin into goin back into a legit setup as nefarious it is


>Windows 10 version power list:

Only retarded GAYMER KIDS and NEETs use WInshit!

Anyone with half a brain has already moved to a non-toddler OS.