Does linux make animetards completely insane? Just look at this shit
Does linux make animetards completely insane? Just look at this shit
It's anime that causes the insanity.
Going on 4 years sober.
linuxfags and animufags were already completely insane
it's only natural that they go together.
Anime made me sane. Before anime, I thought the sluttiness of the typical western girl was something normal and to be accepted but now I realize that they are only good for pump and dump at best and to be completely ignored at worst.
Anime and Unix have always gone hand in hand.
— Hello, is this an anime channel?
— Yes.
— How do I patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?
Cute video, dude. Subscribed.
listen to the background music. it says something about you
Will ZUN ever make his games open source?
This is why I use Windows 10, only unemployed weaboos use linux or open-source software.
good, stay away
I want to tab the eru
gnome actually looks pretty comfy
GNU/Linux is moe, comfy, and uber customizable. There is nothing insane about that.
I read comments under video and came to conclusion that Sup Forums is fucking retarded.
>reading youtube comments
Please do not bully
Choose only one
It has an anime now.
Who's that semen demon in the wall paper?
>icons finally available
>no thumbnails in folders
>search now available
Woow... so this is... the power... of Linux.....
What motivates this style of video?
>want to get linux to make a top rice desktop
>remember that my waifu doesn't have any good wallpapers
Wow that saved me a lot of work
Pic unrelated
Anime is cool and nice.
>not liking anime
You're a literal cuck and don't belong here.
jesus, that was pure cringe.
So let me understand this, someone unrelated to the GNOME project makes (for the purpose of this, we'll say informative) informative videos for others blending two things they like, and you throw a fit and screech about it on Sup Forums of all places.
The only thing that we've learned from this thread is that you are insecure. I don't give two fucks about the video, or it's contents. But I'm a rational adult and guess what? No one gives a fuck if you don't like anime. No one gives a fuck if you do like anime. Go see a fucking doctor you retard.
>you read YouTube comments
>therefore you're retarded
>you're so retarded you bring Sup Forums's colective IQ down to retarded levels
>therefore Sup Forums is retarded
It's not Sup Forums's fault, user; it's yours.
It's ok to like anime but this level of autism is cringy as fuck
How do weebs play those hentae vidya on lonux?
It's Touhou, not an anime.
Cringe all you want. We are having fun.
Fuck off that shit was kawaii as hell
I don't mind anime, it's weebs and animefags like the one in OPs video that are problematic though.
how can i customize my terminal like that
Have you considered suicide?
Getting triggered by an obvious bait word? I think you're too new to be on Sup Forums kiddo
>This is why I use Windows 10, only unemployed weaboos use linux or open-source software.
I like anime.
>anime made someone out there realize this
more depressing than bronies tbqh
What a fag.
>youtube comments
its somewhat funny because before in the days when i even heard a anime like voice was like the normal, now i heard it again and i cant just stop feeling cringe
>i base the reality of women on kids cartoons
*Teleports Behind You*
Do you think to even look more like?
>women with autism
does such a thing even exist?
Tbh, everything that guy makes is fucking strange
They always make me kind of uneasy, mainly because I can't really pin down what kind of person would make this kind of stuff.
Hey! come back! Don't go to the mountains.
Anime is love, anime is life.
The Linux user at r9k
what does linux have to do with anime?
real programmers barely even have time for news and politics they arent wasting their time with eastern childrens entertainment
>theme is in english
also amine forum
absolutely degenerate
ebin thread, OP
This is on libgen, by the way, in case anyone is morbidly curious. I was. Partly because I wanted to see if it was some weird kind of leftist propaganda and partly because I thought it would be easy porn fodder. Unfortunately, no illustrations,besides the cover, as far as I can tell.
Also, there's an equivalent for autistic boys, which I know is more relevant for all of you kids.
blame javascript
>english lyircs in background mewsic
ew the goosebumps.. I appreciate the effort anyway, the animations are kawaii, it's not so bad when muted.
>well known fact that most Linux users are pedophile cucks
>actually surprised when then make videos like this full of underage girls and songs about how they are with other guys
This degenerate mentally ill shit is why I prefer Windows and Reddit tech/os boards.
people who watch anime are retarded to begin with.
I thought this joke was a Russian thing.