I7 BTFO by r7

>i7 BTFO by r7
>i5 BTFO by r5
>i9/i7 X soon BTFO by Threadripper
>Xeon soon BTFO by EBYN
>i3 soon BTFO by r3
>bentium/celeron soon BTFO by new APUs
>ULV processors soon BTFO by Raven Ridge
Who's excited for the Intel holocaust?

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't believe this, but I hope it's true.

Fuck the blue jew.

I wish the kikeripping doesn't end in the desktop and HEDT area.

If AMD really wants to snatch the shekels out of intel's hands then they have to start being competetive in notebook business, because that's where the normalfag money is at.

Gaymen laptops btfo by amd too

>mfw I don't want Jewtel to win because Jews
>mfw I don't want Ayymd to win because Pajeets

Yeah I have high hopes for raven ridge. It will be awesome if a 4/8 laptop ends up at the same price point as intel 4/4.

>i7 BTFO by r7
Not in games.

neat. But still, this is a desktop-class CPU.
And not everyone will buy a gaming laptop, so they need a proper mobile chips designed to run low power.

>tfw desktop class notebook is just as thick as your laptop with mobile i5 and no dedicated GPU
why live

You have outdated info.

>muh gaymes

Feel free to post a reputable review showing generally superior gaming performance across a wide suite of games when the CPU is a limiting factor.

When the fuck did this AMD Pajeet meme start? Is there any basis AMD is composed of Pajeets, because there is solid evidence of kikery amongst team blue (See OP's pic).

>Is there any basis AMD is composed of Pajeets

>Koduri holds a Master of Technology degree in Electronics and Communications from IIT Kharagpur, India

its because of Raja

>reputable review
Such thing does not exist. You are too naive

>when the CPU is a limiting factor
muh 300 fps at 720p?

one of the more important guys at AMDs graphics division is a pooinloo, I think this is where this meme comes from. Also AMD is, and, was always cheaper so you know, india poor, amd poor.

>Such thing does not exist. You are too naive
Your concession is noted and accepted.

The top designer on zen is white

Still though, one guy vs. an entire branch of a company.

>all intel cpu are designed by the jew and sold by the jew

>amd designes in american by whiteman,and gpu is designed poo in loo.

Enjoy your stuttery mess


Which website showed R7 to have generally superior frame times across several games?
It wasn't Techreport, which showed Ryzen frametimes on par with Intel architectures prior to Skylake.
Gamers Nexus showed inferior 0.1% lows as well.
Gamebase.de showed them as roughly on par. In some games leading, others not.
Anyway, no review I've found showed overall clearly better frametimes. It's at best on par per Computerbase, and probably overall worse.
>Do you have evidence?
>No. Ha! #Rekt.
Logic is hard.

I assumed they weren't smashing their way into the laptop segment because they're getting as much out of the fat chips as they can first (hence the absence of R3 as well).

Also wondering if Polaris floundering in mediocrity has anything to do with it.

Anyway, I'm just glad they're hitting Intel where it counts for the first time in a long time.

Yeah, it's all they have to cling to so they just hammer PAJEET POO IN LOO over and over like stupid retards.

What do we know about Raven Ridge/mobile processors at this point? And what will Intel's response be?

quad core single CCX, the rest is a small number of vega CUs or whatever it's called

intel currently doesn't have a response for that as far as public available information goes

>Do you have evidence?

he is the reason amd graphics are just shit
Jim is doing fine


Do you see the words, "Such a thing does not exist"?
That's a concession that the requested proof can't be found.

Koduri it's the Jim Keller of GPU's
Unlike Keller he got decent product lines, so be didn't get a nearly white canvas and complete freedom over the designs

It seems like Intel's 4 cores will continue to be the CPU for gaming until game devs get off their asses and optimize for more than 4 cores 8 threads. Not sure how soon it'll happen with Coffee Lake S having 6 cores in mainstream Intel CPUs for the first time.

Intel's response won't be out till 3-5 years.
Thank you based Jim "The Kike Killer" Keller

Clearly the English is not your primary language. Or you just have some logic issues. He means that not only "REPUTABLE review showing generally superior gaming performance" does not exists, but "REPUTABLE review showing generally inferior gaming performance"


>but "REPUTABLE review showing generally inferior gaming performance"
Nice solipsism.
Review sites across the web blasted R7 as having inferior gaming performance compared to the 7700K in general. In fact, I don't remember a single website worth its salt showing anything else. I hope I don't need to dump every single R7 review to show this to you.
Now, he can imagine that it's a gigantic conspiracy to make AMD look bad, or he can, you know, accept that maybe Ryzen's gaming performance just isn't there. "Nothing is true, everyone is lying" is the last refuge of someone who knows he's wrong.

It's pretty clear that Intel is getting the shit beat of them by AMD. The price and performance is through the roof. AMD is dominating.

Not doing so well against Nvidia though. Zen cpus/apus will probably fund Navi in the future.


>he is the reason amd graphics are just shit
Audible wut. He's the reason AMD graphics division recovered after the mess that was Fiji.


Oh ye of little faith

I never doubted Him.

>xeon/i9 btfo by Ryzen 7/EBYN
>i7 non Xeons btfo by all of Ryzen
>i5 btfo by R5/3
>i3 btfo by R3
Bentium G4560 and i7 7700K are the only worthwhile CPUs from Intlel, and only one of them from a price perspective

No, it's because their laptop chip is a new die (Raven Ridge). Which has Vega integrated graphics. Every single Zen product released so far has been based on the same die (Zeppelin).

By designing just 2 (two) chips for this entire year and stitching them together when necessary, they are assraping Intel's entire lineup.

>leave stutterlake to me

feel free to post an intel processor (R) with more than four cores for less than 400 burgerbucks

hold on a second, that's right! you can't!

delid this

And yet, the four cores on the 7700K generally beats the 8 cores on the R7 in gaming benchmarks.
Really makes you think.

>AMD finally beats Intel
>a full year after Intel announces they're abandoning the dying desktop and laptop markets
>AMDumbasses pretend they were right all along
Loving every laugh.

>le gaymes
Intel's final rebuttal whenever facing the fact that they're losing in absolutely everything else, even performance/watt, against fucking AMD. Hilarious.


>Threadripper 1998x has 16 cores @ 155W
>Intel can only limp in with some 12 core, double the price pos @ 160W

waste of dubs

killing every kikeposter

I was going to buy AMD but all this antisemitism is pissing me off so it's intel 4 life

>Jim Keller is my Furher
>Zen is my kampf
>Threadripper is the holocaust again
How the fuckin fucks this man do it anons?
How a single man can fuck a entire company?

whatcha trollin' rabbi?

0.5 core has been unlocked in your IntelĀ® Processor, thank you for your support

>one Hyperthread(HT) has been unlocked


>muh gaymen benchmarks!!!!
i'd tell you to go back to Sup Forums but they also hate you guys

I don't have anything agains Raja... But i want to see what Jimm K. can do un the GPU segment
You know, for the fun

Learn english before posting again.

We are not worty

Jim Keller > entire jewtel R+D

You should check those GTX 1080 laptops out that the same article mentions. Literal ultrabooks which shit on the average desktop system

>DEC is dead
>SGi is dead
>Cyrix is dead
>Transmeta is dead
>Via makes CPUs nobody cares about
>ARM was bought out by a Jap recently
>Apple locks their shit down harder than fort Knox
>Google can't into chip design
Who the hell am I supposed to root for?

Who was responsible for the disaster that was the Bulldozer architecture? It was everything wrong with the Pentium 4 and then some.

>Forgetting the absolutely disastrous mobile projects Intel had
Also Intel's biggest revenue source is servers, which are about to be raped by epyc

>disastrous mobile projects
I remember
Glad they died
>power improvements to other components
Immediately reaped by ARM
Burnt its bridge with Microsoft only to have the project cucked by Samsung. What's left of it lives on in Tizen.

How significant is AVX512 vs AVX2

How poorly Xeon Phi's sell is your answer.




>now high IPC and low TDP will come to my current and future intel cpus

thank you james



>Intel hire Jim next

What are we in for

both jewtel and ayyymd are botnet garbage

Keller has been with Tesla for 2 years now, he finished what he was employed to do at AMD.

Will we ever get RISC-V desktop or server chips? Right now there is the SiFive but that is basically a more powerful arduino.

>intel finally breaks even the biggest shill of them all, Linus


Interesting results considering the frequency. 4GHz v. 4.5GHz and 90% of the performance, and running 2933MHz memory on XMP. Seems like the gaming performance will line up nicely (not withholding commonplace overclocked 7700Ks of course) now that AGESA is out and 3600MHz kits can be used.

Yes, but in every parallelizable workload, e.g. rendering, molecular dynamics, HPC the even the 6900 and sometimes 6950X gets handily beat at a much lower cost. Considering the frequencies and the pipeline width Ryzen should have the same raw IPC as Skylake/Kaby Lake.

>Dont release any upgrade over PC that are already on the market for years
>literally 2500k is still revelant after 7years, even the i5/i7 xxx is still revelant.
>these chips are only 20-40% slower than intel new high end after 4-7years
>complain that pc market is dying when you literally dont release shit for years
Intel had higher core count cpu's for years, yet they choose to keep them for xeons and ultra expensive high end, mainstream 6-8cores should have been years ago. Literally we had same core count with first gen core cpus at 45nm, to now 14nm. Going smallers allows to fit more cores? So why arent we getting them?

and remember that these benchmarks are done without any background apps running, like webbrowser full of ope tabs, skype and other chatting apps, music app, literally all kind of other shit, that might use up 1-2cores. Now compare the results with 1600x and intel "mainstream i5/i7" and 1600x will likely be on the top.


>1 fucking indian in the entire company

Raja is based as fuck either way

you sound ass blasted
does your anus still bleed

>Gamebase.de showed them as roughly on par. In some games leading, others not.
so you're saying it is better

you know gaming is not the only purpose of a cpu

jews are not semites

Because intel wants to put in their shitty iGPU's. Half of a 7700K is it's GPU that is pretty worthless.

Wtf Intel. I want to build a new PC sometime '17Q4 or '18 and you're making me embarrassed to buy something from you.

God dammit, I used to just be able to buy the generic i7 from them and be like
>Great. I got the best single threaded performance on the market, and pretty good multithreading

Now I'm going to have to feel like I need to justify that purchase. Thanks a lot for letting AAYYMD catch up to you, you fucking losers.

Jim "Gas the Kikes" Keller

Tell me Sup Forums not sure how many of you remember this video:


How true is his word today since Ryzen release?

>muh childrens electronic toys

Grow up you mainchild.

You're the Intel CEO, your options are.

>Hire 1 talented engineer who knows what he's doing


>Hire 500 niggers and college flunkies and call it diversity

Witch do you pick :^)

What the hell are you saying?

How can one man possess such fucking skill?

hes not very attractive

Why is Sup Forums pol that talks about electronics.
Board tourist here because building pc.


>muh gayms