How would you create an off-the-grid long distance communication channel...

How would you create an off-the-grid long distance communication channel? The purpose of the channel would be to exchange text messages and small files.

my idea: build wireless electronic dead drops and attach them to vehicles that traverse long distances,such as ships,trains and busses

would be very slow but incredibly hard to intercept

pic just bit related

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I would use HAM radio. You are not allowed to encrypt traffic over it, but the only people who really care about that are 80y/o WWII/Vietnam vets who couldn't do anything about it if they wanted to. Write a program that encrypts your datastream and converts it to audio, and another program that decrypts it on the other end. Use those cheap SDR boxes as your sender and receivers.

I looked into it and I devised something myself
>get ham license
>hide message in innocent pictures and transmit using digital sstv
>no laws broken

long ethernet cable and two iMac Pros with 10GBit Ethernet

probably a small packet radio network with several repeaters

Lay your own fiber :^)

secure scuttlebutt

Two plastic cups and a 600 mile long piece of string.

quantum entangled butt plug pair

The flash drive in op's pic would have been much more inconspicuous if it were in the space between bricks.

put a USB type C one next to it where you think it belongs?

The hole could also be made deeper so that the USB connector is recessed.

lasers my friend

I don't understand why people posted the same thing twice??

You should look into sdr


Hahaha lad you don't think that those same retired 80yo vets don't have the time and money to run ur ass to the fcc for encrypting on public radio? They are a worse Sup Forums and the definition of weaponized autism if crossed.
t. License holder

>Get into lifi
>install wired up streetlight or flashlights at specific places
>transmit data through imperceptible blinking

There's a pigeon that visits my balcony every day. He's very friendly so I think I could use him as a messenger. I call him Dupont.

Nigga don't you dare start that shit and ruin another thread

Packet by pigeon is old hat

Falcons are where it is at

>I would use HAM radio

>Rafting photographers already use pigeons as a sneakernet to transport digital photos on flash media from the camera to the tour operator.[7] Over a 30-mile distance, a single pigeon may be able to carry tens of gigabytes of data in around an hour, which on an average bandwidth basis compares very favorably to current ADSL standards, even when accounting for lost drives.[8]

I thought IP by bird was just a joke. Turns out it is being used in the real world.

pic of cute birb?

Falcons by Pigeon is what you're looking for my friend.

There's no error correction in SSTV. You'd be better off using a digital mode.


You're gonna get rabies.

>plugging random usb devices into your machine

That's several kinds of retarded, OP

OP said long distance,and setting up a reliable long distance communications channel based on radios takes a lot of expensive infrastructure. HF would be the cheapest and simplest way to go but establishing contact on those bands is tricky even with ALE.
As mentioned before, it's perfectly legal on ham bands if you have a license and if you use a channel's redundancy (steganography). Not that you need to use ham bands in the first place.

You need a homing pigeon for that. They work by raising them at a home, making them dependent. Then, when you release them anywhere they will fly their way to their home with your message attached.

They're 1 use text messages that you need to carry out from base to use again.

Hes not here right now

Packet HF radio. It requires no infrastructure at all.

What distance?

not long distance but you and a friend could use a Serval mesh over Bluetooth

Those are dead drop zones. Files and shit.

>plugging your laptop straight into a usb stick in a wall instead of using an extension cord like a sane person
Enjoy your unusuable usb port and the fact that nobody can use that spot anymore you fucking idiot.

With proper equipment you can get wifi to go 10 miles without line of site. With LOS 40-50 miles. LOS most likely won't be practical unless you have a tower. 800 mhz wifi, like ubiquiti equipment is a lot easier to get that far.
Ham radio internet already exists but the legality of it is debated over and over (old fuds say no, law is fuzzy). A person who is mobile and transmits without a license and uses nothing that will identify him on the connection would likely never get caught. The fcc has closed a lot of its listenin stations.