Commercial e-ink PC monitors when?

Commercial e-ink PC monitors when?

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When HDR and 144Hz for OUTDOOR GAYMING.

Enjoy your non-existant refresh rate.

I'll bite, what's wrong with AMOLED?

did you even watch the video? it's pretty good for reading


Are you also allergic to wifi?

>hurr durr tinfoil hat xD
no but my eyes get all red when I'm looking at pwm controlled monitors for extended periods of times, same with shitty led lightbulbs

that's kind of the point of e-ink. ideal for static images.

But so is AMOLED.

We need this:

Every AMOLED screen I've ever owned has had bad plasma-like burn-in issues in little over a year of use


strains your eyes if you read for too long

Then stop buying nexus and old samshit phones.

I have a tab S3 and an S7 active and have had 0 problems with the amoled screens they have.

>i-it works for me!!
Every fucking time.


That's an IPS problem not an AMOLED one. I've read entire novels on my tab S3 for hours at a time with no eyestrain whatsoever. But when I used to have an ipad air, the canceroua IPS display even gave me headaches not just eyestrain.

In my case it was a Note 4. My friend has an S7 edge and he started to see signs of burn-in on the notification bar after like 5 months of use. I guess it varies but I've seen it happen a lot.

Not all AMOLED displays are created equal. Nexus trash and old amoled samshit displays like on the S2 quickly developed burn in less than a year.

However the newest samshit AMOLED displays are much more resistant to burn in and require you to display an still image continuously at full brightness for days for the burn in to happen.

Of course eventually the screen will probably suffer from minor burn in after a decade but it's either that or IPS cancer so.... yeah.

I def prefer the samshit AMOLED screen over other displays, but I just wish they didn't turn ugly after so little use

i'd love an e-ink monitor. recently I've stopped using any screens after 10pm because my sleep was all fucked up. now I fall asleep and wake up at the same time everyday, it's comfy.

but if I could use an e-ink monitor during that bedtime hour, I probably would. all I do is read anymore.

>Note 4

my nigger, I just bought one ,unlocked the bootloader and installed the Note 7 rom, I'm surprised how well the phone holds up

>I've stopped using any screens after 10pm because my sleep was all fucked up. now I fall asleep and wake up at the same time everyday, it's comfy.

You can do the same with something like flux or redshift

never felt an improvement personally, even at the "ember" level of flux.

I bought a redmi pro for $200 after I thought my Note 4 bricked itself. I managed to fix it and I still use it like a tablet and backup phone, great phone even for 2017

>You can do the same
that's hardly even comparable

the price is decent, do they whish to sell it?

where do you see the price?
google translate is a neat tool, but they inserted an image for the technical specs.
5200 chineese money.

damn son, i wonder how much would my laptops battery last on that thing sweet

>Save your eyes!

Sorry, but that's just impossible considering we're biological creatures and we're failing at a slow pace since we were created till our time is done.

>implying a non-backlit light source using reflected light from the ambient surroundings is actually any different from a backlit display in term of "saving your eyes"
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all


>>implying a non-backlit light source using reflected light from the ambient surroundings is actually any different from a backlit display in term of "saving your eyes"
>implying it's isn't different
>t. I don't know anything about light

>if you don't use your phone it won't break
ok kid

>buy garbage
>get mad that someone buying newer products doesn't experience your problems
Every time

Why do people get so butthurt when I say that I prefer reading on an e ink disply over a traditional display? It is so shocking that different people have different preferences?

You're not allowed to have preferences, these autists think that their subjective preferences are the only way to go.

world be pretty good for a terminal emulator.

Holy shit we will probably get it in colour and 60Hz if we wait 20 years.

>Drive stick
>Leave in 1st Gear at 30mph, red-lining engine
>Surprised when engine dies at 10,000 miles

That's what I think. I've wanted a little netbook with a low power processor, large battery, 3G card for internet on the go, and a paper display for a long time. It'd be a perfect little terminal to go sit in the park and work remotely on.

My eyes are really shit right now
How do I do that thing that disables green or whatever to help reduce strain?

Windows 10 has nightlight by default

F.lux if you're not on 10, Redshift on Linux, and there's tons of screen filter apps on android, but they work better with root

That's why they mainly sell automatic transmissions in america

f.lux works on Linux and OSX too.

iOS and Win10 have it built in.
Later OSX might too, but the only mac I have is limited to 10.10.

i suggested redshift because it's open source which probably tickles the autism better

Hopefully never. color eink loks like shit.

That's like your opinion, man. It's not like anyone's forcing it on you.

When are they going to make them color, large and affordable?
I want my digital picture frames

where commercial vector monitors/displays a thing?

Why does it need to be colour?