Home screen thread r8

Home screen thread r8

I stopped tryingto makemy phone look "cool" when I was 17.


Go back to /wg/


the cringe is real


Y tho I like it here


There's no room for home screen threads here.

I thought we were friends


Sorry fryendo =)

Facebook user/ 10

I forgive but don't forget desu ;(

user, can i have that background? mine just feels a little plain compared to it

please dont fap to it its my fursona :(


thanks user, i found my new phone wallpaper


hes /ourguy/

Really I'm /your guy/ ?


Thanks your my only friend

Probably my last new setup with this phone as I'm planning to upgrade in the next couple months.
Give me icon pack recs.

I use whicons and I love them

I agree they look nice but obviously they're not designed for this kind of stacking.

Suggestions for packs with color? Wondering what is also also , I like the desaturated look of those.

Yeah agreed my only grips with whicons is they can't stack but it's good



How is my aesthetic?

what a bunch of odorous neckbeards and/or weeb fagits

no taste whatsoever


Even me?

that just looks like something google would put as a default lockscreen on a nexus or something equally gay

I know it's two clocks but r8 pls

Can you pls post your wallpaper?

keep posting this one.

please r8



I used to have Yes Man from Fallout: New Vegas.

Don't ask for ratings if you haven't rated yourselves.

They're all bad btw.

Tell me: why should I rice? It doesn't look that bad.
>inb4 jelly is shit and red moon is better
Fuck you.

Can you even read Japanese you fucking weeb?



weeb level 12

Zooper Widgets



Best one on this entire website. Including those echo autists at /wg/



How do you do this?

because screw anybody who wants to use this

Acceptable but not my taste

So this week you have that ugly whore chick I reckon

fake or goto Sup Forums and stay there

99% wallpaper rather than wat its used for. Dude do you stare at that shit all day os is your phone a TOOL like yourself. They're not fucking fashion accessories

Stock but functiona- dude is that (((Facebook)))?

Functional but fugly

Stock with a retarded pape.

>Listening to music on your phone
This website is 18+ you bus riders. Also, your autism. Is that easy to live with?

Stock but works

These are fine, almost identical even

So how does your sister's twat taste like mate? And may I have a go?

>For me my phone is merely a picture frame I carry with me. And this artists representation of a nebula means the most to me.

It's shit.

>Lock screen. *sigh*



You're on the verge of autism

Stock with a chick pape. Did you feel any hesitation posting this? Listen to that feeling next time

Best one so far

The same as most others here.

Unique, functional work of art. My homescreen.
Self made icons and lay out. May look crowded to you but I made this.. I know where everything is. Also you can't swipe. It's all there

Again, looks a lot like a lot of others here

Nice dots faggot

meh, I haven't changed the nebula photo in a while.

I don't require any icons as the folder gives me access to a 3x3 grid of apps that I frequently use. I can quickly select them with muscle memory. I sacrifice some function but it's negligible.

you've reminded me I do need to change the nebula tho kek

This would work for me as well tbqh


R8 it boys


And now you're 18

Rate others too

Widgets ?

Elun and Rondo

Unironically neck yourselves.


Pls no bully

Why the hell do you have the McDonald's app on your homescreen

kill youreselfs for being retarded enough to give that retard attention

Burger time

Default iOS unironically looks better than everything posted in this thread thus far


Daww one of my besties is a babyfur too


Post yours than

What icons are you using?

Whicons my good man

>have ishit
>apple won't allow customization like andriod

It's not fair.

> Jailbreak

the video app is not that interesting, calvin.












That's a really comfy wallpaper
Simple and nice. I hate discord though. Also you have two clocks on screen.
Shall not be infringed!!!
Segoi! Kawaii!
Ayy nice lmao
If only the vanilla andriod themes looked like this.
Hello fellow UT:Austin user.


That's pretty cool too. I might incorporate it into my homescreen.