
I fell for the meme. $690 for this baby... (it's used). i7.

what nao? I know fuck-all about Unix. where do I begin?

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So you paid nearly seven hundred bucks for something you don't even know what you're going to use it for?

Fuck off retard

Don't wake up the goyim.

Do artsy shit

Sell it for $1000

Oh, I know what I'll use it for: programming! Starting CS at CMU in fall. Needed a laptop to take it with me to lectures and shit like that.

Anyway, would appreciate app recommendations...

why are you so mad? it is Unix.

A drug dealer is going to sell me a 2016 mod for 300

I already have deals set up to resale for 900.

Going to use 300 of that to buy a surface book from a privilege faggot and dual boot everything under the sun with my TB SSD.

Sell the Facebook and get something more free. Fuck what the retards here say. I have been much more productive with my new slate/tablet toys vs my laptop/desktop

Anything with pen navigation is 10/10.

install 9front

shove it up your ass. i bet your asshole is that loose already

Holy shit you are dumb

just hope you never have to do anything besides osx because NOTHING else scales correctly.

and when i mean nothing im talking about vms and rdp, ssh obviously works because its still just the osx terminal

You really are stupid.
>i'm going to be a CS freshman so I can't be retarded
Enjoy contributing to the dropout rate. College isn't going to be kind to your kind, especially since you "know fuck-all about Unix."

>Holy shit you are dumb
all that jealousy... kek

show me where you can find it cheaper, dumbfuck. and there's near zero chance I'll drop out. I even got a scholarship. stay mad!

>where do I begin?

>macshitOS clusterfuck

Pick one.

I also study CS at CMU; I hope you kill yourself OP you sound like a huge faggot

you really are retarded. you should kys.

ps: your OS is not Unix.

you're noq qualified to sweep CMU's hallways let alone study CS you fucking baka.

>Needed a laptop to take it with me to lectures

so you don't intend to learn anything? why pay for college then?

Same to you. Have fun failing concepts.

paying's for stupid people.

Outjew the jews.

>buys shit without a purpose in mind
>asks for a purpose
You gotta find your own purpose man. Personally I'd sell that shit and buy a desktop. Nothing against Macs, but laptops are shit.

Better yet, sell it and put the money into your 401k, if you actually don't have a reason to own a computer.

whats the year, screen size, condition?

2013/13"/excellent. completely refurbished by apple in 2016 (battery and SSD replaced )