Are these idiots even aware of the crimes their beloved ideology committed...

Are these idiots even aware of the crimes their beloved ideology committed? And to think I foolish enough to have this once installed. Never again and good thing it's dead in the water like their commie utopia.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's why you only use MPC-HC

Windows confirmed for a communist enabler company.
Fuck the commie scum of Bill Gates for funding the common core indoctrination program.

Remember kids, better dead than red.

Fuck off lardass.

Communism is worse than alzheimers

> He fell for the capitalism meme

>Are these idiots even aware of the crimes their beloved ideology committed?
>Their beloved ideology committed
>Ideology committed
What did he mean by this?

there weren't any commie countries in WW1 and only commie country on WW2 was on the "good" side.
Not going to defend them, but you know USA did shitloads of things and there are rumors that USA created ISIS, not some neo-commie secret organization

>on the "good" side

Oh before they held military parades together and had taken over territories with the "bad" guys?

Go worship your commie overlord Stallman, fosstards.

you really should go back to Sup Forums, even though original post is somewhat related to Sup Forums the thread will be all about Sup Forums

everyone should install K-Lite with MPC-HC and madVR checked

kys senpai~

daily reminder communism supports White identity while capitalism doesnt, saged for (((Sup Forums)))

t. triggered reactionary snowflake

It's just a prank brah. Comemenism died 30 years ago. You're just triggered that neo-commies can wear ushankas on public without being called out.

US commited more crimes than anyone else

> TFW some WinShit codec pack is more revolutionary than your GNU/Linux distro
Why even live?

Mpc is useless by itself without codec packs.

Screw you commie software supporter!

Nah, you kys, stupid commietard.

That doesn't in any way make it acceptable to attach the whole criminal commie baggage to any software.

What is the ideal way to install codecs nowadays? It used to be K-Lite, then I heard K-Lite was shit, so I switched to CCCP.

Sure is 2005 in here

what did he mean by this?

vlc and mpv fags need not to apply

>they're taking muh land, waah
real awful war crimes you got there, boi

Vanilla mpv user here, AMA.

reactionaries begone! Sup Forums is a commie board!

then why you downloaded codecs for free? don't you know you should pay for everything?

>no codecs
so you just stick with your trusty VT220?

are u aware of the crimes committed by the current beloved™ ideology™