>People buying tech products based on company politics rather than which provides the best bang for buck at the time

What the fuck is wrong with everyone these days. A decision to buy should be fairly easy. You should never give up performance because a company has a democrat ceo or they dont support an open standard.

so I take it you wear caterpillar workboots and eat nothing but rice and cup noodles? Wouldn't want to waste any money...

Free publicity.

"bang for buck" is not the same thing as "cheapest"

i wear new balance and eat chicken rice and vegetables every day

>buy asus
>gpu dies
>after 6 months a new gpu comes
>buy evga
>gpu dies
>new gpu comes in 7 days
Don't generalise everything. Sometime's it's better to stick to a good brand. You get QOL perks that'll pay for themselves.

>why do other people besides me spend money on things.
>rabble rabble rabble

>customer service
Two different things. OP is talking about "Moondollars CEO has political viewpoint X" -> "Boycott Moondollars!!!"

Did /biz/ meme you into buying imaginary coins, Falcon-sama?

>not buying the best there is at the time
>being poor
If Vega is more expensive and better than the 1080ti i will buy that. I would buy ryzen but already got a computer

No op said
>You should never give up performance
This is wrong and it's sometime ok to give up performance.

user will you please buy me a 25$ game?

I am old-world. I do not even own a proper credit card... just a debit card.

>You should never give up performance because a company has a democrat ceo
>You should never give up performance

>democrat ceo
Bitch please. We all know that doesn't exist, no matter what they say in front of the peasants to get them to buy their shit.

It is an example. Why are you arguing semantics, anyway? Thread is about products being worth what they are worth, and that the politics of those who make said products being irrelevant.

>You should never give up performance because a company has a democrat ceo
>or they dont support an open standard.
Hold up a fucking minute, a key part of how the market works is consumers voting for business practices they want to support with their wallets. If everyone just went with the best option all the time, we'd be removing yet another restriction on how unethical companies can be. This is a shit idea.

i avoid companies that force politics regardless of side.
Example i dont use github because of all the sjw stuff they force like the recent panel of all blind picked men being forced to include women.
However i have to say its mostly progressive neo liberals that force politics into their products.

I only went full AMD on my current build because I learned about Intel's crooked contracts and Nvidia closed-source G-sync. The performance is practically the same anyway so I'm voting with my wallet to keep open standards alive. Not having open standards would just hurt me back in the long run. That's why they exist in the first place, to prevent that.

I feel the best marketing would be to get two semi high up executives support opposing views. That way you can get both groups of sheep.

yet you support the psp engine in amd and the fact they pulled out of libreboot?

And with that you should also support firefox even though they had a CEO who voted against gay marriage.

The street goes two ways, SJW. Tell me how many people lost their jobs because of their political opinion and that's the list of people who accidentally revealed that they weren't SJWs like the rest of the tribe.


I consider AMD to be less evil than Intel. If there's another option that's even less evil I'll consider that the next time. That's how this works. Companies should be losing valuable customers based on their mistakes, so they'll consider carefully before making more.


Think ethically, sure hersgey bars are cheap and taste pretty good for the pruce, but they buy their cacao from literal slave drivers. So people dont support them for ethical reasons, not "politics"
You could get even more extreme, that's just a real world example.
