Ipod was the first mp3 player

>ipod was the first mp3 player
Mp3 players came out in 1997
>Apple invented tablet computers
Windows had tablet computers in 1996
>Apple invented the smartphone
Blackberry and Palms were in wide use by 2003
>Woah, Home Pod!
See pic

It was never an argument on who created it but you can't say Apple didn't refine and make them mainstream.

Yes you can. Believe it or not, people used smartphones a lot before iPhone was even thought of.

mp3 players, tablets and smartphones would not have caught on if nobody introduced them to the 99% broke faggots like me. Admit it OP. You don't buy the expensive shit when it's first released.

Apple invented spotlight.

Spotlight is shit, Sherlock was THE shit

Comparing the iPhone to "smartphones" of that time is a horrible comparison.

Nobody copied Sherlock, everybody copied Spotlight.

Yes, because noone needed unnecessary "apps" with premium prices such as a fantastic calculator or "torch".

No one needs a lot of shit. Technology is a luxury.

>mf i run sherlock on my 10.4 machines because spotlight takes forever to get results

>mf i tell lies on the Internet

>same technology available to eveyone else

It works in classic mode just fine user.

>Apple invented connected home speakers,

normies did not use smart phones until iPhone.

Apple did however create the first personal computer that came with a monitor, keyboard and mouse and also the first laptop.

The smartphones before Iphone were unusablle shit. Source: I bought one of these "bussines smartphones" before iphone worst decision in my life.

it must be because you are retarded

> windows had tablet computers
Source. Dx was in its infancy and didn't release in win 95 initially. Also windows itself was stolen so who cares

Touch screens were garbage before iphone. Remember BlackBerry was actually popular which had scrolling trackball before the iphone came to be

Google it you fucktard. Xp had optional touch components.

full keyboard blackbarries were the most patrician choice over touch screens.

you might not be old enough to remember, but the first iphone was less useful than blackberries at the time. It wasn't until the 3, maybe 4 that it actually started getting decent.

There was no app store, the hdd size was 8gb, it was twice as expensive as any other phone, the screen was tiny, it had a shit battery, the screen cracked if you looked at it the wrong way, the back got dented every time you set it on a table, I dont even think there was imessage at the beginning either, etc, etc, etc

I actually liked resistive touchscreens. You could play OpenTTD like a boss on 5" display. Especially when you also had physical 5-way controller. You could fit a lot of stuff on that screen when you didn't need to have hugeass UI for finger touch.

Wacom is obviously superior to resistive touchscreens, but there are only samshit phones with it and they don't have a keyboard or any physical buttons at all.


kinda funny considering they're by far the best phones currently on the market

OP might not but I do
t. richfag


Palms and symbian smartphones with buttons were too complicate to use for the mainstream social network normies.

Also yahoo messenger and hi5 (or that myspace thing in the US, in europe we used hi5 more often) were not optimised for any kind of mobile browsing back then.

>WinXP with MCE skin


I have a samsung tablet (Note Pro 12.2) and the quality is pretty bad. The paint on the frame is easily scratched (it's a plastic painted to look a little like metal; 'a little' because it still looks like plastic that tries to be metal), button placement is bad (because 2 out of 3 are touch buttons it actually matters), no OS updates so I have to use unofficial ones that make the bad button placement more problematic (because they are no longer disabled when using the pen, it's really easy to press them when writing so I use it upside-down), the battery connector got little loose after some time and the tablet would go into infinite reboot loop at 40% charge so I had to open up this piece of shit, and yeah, countless latches everywhere because apparently screws are too expensive or thick now. Surprisingly the insides were pretty nice, probably because then can't fuck up too much when a lot of components are already included in SoC.

Also, I think that Android is bad. Only with 7.0 we got some basic multitasking (split which actually is usable only on big screens and more importantly, quick switch between applications), but it still feels bad when the previous program you used must be reloaded because you ran out of RAM or some pajeet made some shit code or something. Android's only point is that it can launch a program. Lots of programs. Want to read messages? Launch a program. Mail? Another program. Messages from other communicators? More programs. It simply doesn't have much integration between all those parts. At least with 7.0 you can split screen (if your device is big enough).

no one fucking thinks apple 'invented' that stupid shit like the rest of your examples.

unlike dumb ass shitty mp3 players and bulky tablets, the google thing and the amazon thing are widely known about and heavily advertised

I had a cracking smartphone for ages before the iPhone came out. It even ran tomtom sat nav.