At what age did you grow out of firefox?

At what age did you grow out of firefox?

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Huh? I still use it.

It's not a good browser but it's the best we have.

Went back to it after I find out how cucked google is.

>using SJWFox chromeclone
>he will have all his addons break and be replaced with chrome extensions in november
>firecuck will be nothing more than a shitty chrome clone with none of the benefits
>literally 0 (zero) reason to use it over chromium any more
>talks about others being cucked
It's time to leave the sinking ship

I have all my bookmarks from 10 years stored in firefox. It would be too much work to switch browsers

now that openPEPE fixed firefox so that thumbnail preview works in the file picker, there's no reason to switch

i grew out of it when chrome came out and made it impossible to go back to the slowest piece of shit available
>inb4 le botnet meme
what this guy said, mozilla is more cucked than google by far, even with all the gay shit google is pulling rn

>I have all my bookmarks from 10 years stored in firefox
and I bet you haven't used even more than 10% of them in the last year


>what is esr

Show me a Chrome App that can download Youtube videos.
Protip: You can't

well if the time comes Ill switch probably but until then I'll stay with firefox

>now that openPEPE fixed firefox

Firefox needs to be patched to use kdialog? LMFAO! Chrom{e,ium} detect and use kdialog out of the box!

I guess Firefox force gtkdialog incase any thumbnails are not female/homo/trans friendly and trigger the user in to an emotional breakdown and yet another stay at the loony bin.

Must be around 5 years ago. I got tired of the"smooth scroll". And the startup time. Chrome starts superfast if you have "run extension in background" enabled and Firefox took like 5 seconds to startup. A total turn-off.

Giving in to the Google eco system is surprisingly covfefe.

Since it started leaking memory out the ass and becoming unusable after more than 30 seconds of having it open with any more than 2 tabs.

Do you really think Google will allow something like that on the Chrome Web store?

Also, why don't you use youtube-dl? Are you retarded?

>he doesn't have enough ram

>Since it started leaking memory out the ass
Sooo... about 2006 then?

I still use it exclusively for sadpanda browsing for anything else it's chrome.

Basically when they switched to the >gotta go fast, version numbering. It was like some sales guy in middle management took over.

I have 32GB of RAM, but that doesn't mean I'm going to keep using programs that waste resources. That only serves to encourage poor development practises.

>none of the benefits
Which benefits, Rajesh?

Idk, I like it.


>this fucking retarded millennial alt-right chrome exclusive users all being anti-firefox but never understood the importance of netscape.

Please fucking kys you embryonic stem cells.

I still use it because of DTA addon is the only manager that has mutli-threaded downloading, until chrono manager does it ill keep it

When Firefox 53 came out

Right when I turned 29. I'm Australian btw

At what age did you grow into Firefox?

I never did

I've been using FF since 2004 and I don't ever plan to grow out of it.
If you like botnets though you're free to use Chrome.


>not a botnet

Why do people here seem to give a shit about the developers political beliefs. It doesnt actually effect the browser at all.

At what age will you stop caring what other people do on their machines?

I didn't; I still use it

>Complains about firefox's memory use
>Probably uses chrome since that's the only other browser
Just pretending, right?

What else is there?

>The company told CNBC that it will allow publishers to participate in a new program called Funding Choices. Under the program, when a user with a third-party ad blocker enabled visits a participating site using Chrome, they will see a prompt that asks them to either turn off their ad blocker, or "pay for a pass that removes all ads on that site through the new Google Contributor." If they choose to pay the fee, Google will take a 10 percent cut. If they select neither choice, they won't be able to view the website.

>To see the prompts, users must sign up to participate in the Google Contributor program, and must be signed in to Chrome. If they're not signed up and have an ad-blocker turned on, they won't be able to view the site.

>chromecucks will defend this

>what is anti adblock killer

Even if it works only 0.1% of all Chrome users know about it

Won't work when your closed source browser is reporting it to the site, dumbass. Google found a new way to milk goys like you.

>implying you can bypass stuff embed in the browser with that
>chromecucks are this much delusional

>doesn't realize you can trick the browser

When I was old enough to realize that scroll lags are abnormal.

What other options do I have, chrome is shit for brainlet plens.

>Websites with walled gardens lost all marketshare and views
>Eventually gave up trying to block people blocking ads
>Went back to showing content with donation beggar notices at the bottom of the page/in page
Websites are the ultimate internet cucks
What will happen is everyone will just click leave page, just like they did when sites tried to block adblock users.
>Those hilarious traffic ranking falloffs
They deserve it.

what about cyberfox?

I doubt google will allow it.
They will surely add some shady DRM to prevent that kind of stuff.

Fuck off moot.
Stop spamming Sup Forums you google botnet shill.

it's dead

this tbqh

What font do you have enabled for FireFox, femanon?

just use youtubecenter you retard

>he uses SJWfox

>using SJWFox chromeclone
It sucks, but it's better than gay chrome.

Can't you just import them? Every time i start up ie or chrome for certain websites that claim to work better with them, a dialogue box asks me if i want to import my bookmarks.

Is there a way to tell Chrom* browsers to wipe my browsing data (history, pass, forms, cache, all that shit) upon closing it? I don't use any extension and that feature is the only reason I did not switch yet.

Ungoogled Chromium > Chromium > Vivaldi > Opera > (((CHROME))) > Palememe > Waterfox > SJWFox

>machine at work runs CentOS
>only browser is Firefox
>I don't have superuser privileges
>can't install any other browsers
>AppImage form of Chromium doesn't run

I never liked Firefox. I'm just stuck with it.

nice try, botnet thread
probably aren't even real people.

what about iridium?

What theme are you using, if you don't mind me asking?

install gentoo

Dropped it at version 4 when Chrome got released. Chrome has turned into unusable trash since then so I dropped it as well.

Anything but google

I use it with VPN when Im making research on producing certain chemical substances through the most profitable synthesis route

What was once googled can't be ungoogled.

That means Firefox too

16, now 23

>implying it takes more than 15 seconds to change browsers

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

12. Chrome came out, I tried it for a few months, then upgraded to Opera.

21 now - switched to Chromium a week ago.
As much as it pains me to say, Firefox is hopeless.

Never shall i out knee grow Firefox
>my freedumz stronk over your joogle tyranny

I've been gone for a while; what has Mozilla done to earn their product the title if "SJWFox"?

Summer is here I see

>open firefox
>cpu goes to 62c instantly on homepage


>open chrome
>few bits of ram out of 16gb are gone


>>cpu goes to 62c instantly on homepage

I see you're using an intel cpu with toothpaste tim too, user

op is the same fag who makes this thread every day for the last 4 months

clearly you do care about firefox because youre obsessed with trying to scare people off with it without any proper arguments

if your only claim is
>muh sjw

then clearly you havent paid attention to google one bit
>inb4 chromium

youre putting all your eggs in one basket and depending on google

after firefox got electrolosis and photon theres no reason to use chromium

we have about:config and the capabiliities speak for themselves

>inb4 palemoon fags who use a outdated fork of firefox without any of the vulnerability fixes applied and maintained by a schizophrenic

>inb4 google always making up sjw holidays and never showing christian or white cultured daily themes

They forced their former CEO Brendan Eich (creator of JavaScript btw) to resign because he donated (his personal money ofc) for a proposition to ban gay marriage in California and all media SJWs went full on about it. After that Firefox have significantly accelerated its downward death spiral.

Long live Firefox!

>downward spiral
alright quit exaggerating

they have been working on webstandards and projects like lets encrypt

they hunted down all the expired cert sites despite google not doing shit

they basically brought html mainstream when google couldnt let go of flash

i dont know how anyone can say google isnt the SJW when they make stuff up like black astronauts for their search page

But on a webkit engine after their servo meme would flop and with a

hows is servo a meme?

they you can run rust in the browser

rust is a meme

tor and opendns both use rust

or imagine the piston engine in the browser without requiring libraries

Meme is a meme!

is redox a meme?

how can a language be a meme when it already is in use

theres rust games you can run in your browser directly

>literally 0 (zero) reason to use it over chromium any more
Just wait until google introduces that adblocker inbuilt that you pay for and removes adblockers from their extensions.

They're both SJW now, that's the sad reality. And FF is turning into a Chrome copycat with a speed of light.

firefox is 14 years old idiot
if theres any resemblance its clearly the other way around

Just wait until Mozilla deprecates XUL for addons and it would be effectively the same as in Chrome.

>what is Australis
>what is WebExtensions

When I realized it was a slow, bloated piece of shit that is made by SJWs.

>doesn't realize "Webextensions" are a copy of the Chrome extension API

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

the reason is to remove the limitations and to make it easier to create addons/ext

removing os XUL will decrease vulnerability surface and also increase preformance

its been redesigned from the ground up for modern practices instead of trying to bend something that is limited

lastly it allows firefox to audit the addons to prevent malware based on the new protocol

all of the people who maintain addons are already ready for the transition that they had 4 years to prepare for

legacy addons wont work that arent maintained and thats for good reason because people like you will blame mozilla when you get malware for using a outdated plugin that isnt verified by them in a legacy standard

That's the fucking point, you goddamned retard.

it was a standard proposed and agreed upon that they both implemented in the same week

80% of the stuff chrome does was copied by firefox its almost twice the age of it