Screenfetch and Neofetch thread

Screenfetch and Neofetch thread

pls stop making these threads

mods get mad

mods ban user

user kills self

Second for /comfy/ Fedora


pls fix your font rendering

with love, me

I've finally escaped from panel cuckoldry. I use middle clicks to manage windows and I can use right clicks to access an applications menu. Feels good man. All I need now are a couple of desktop widgets for time and volume control.



is this the new memes thread

>1280x800 14.1" display
My condolences
That shit resolution is barely tolerable on a 12 inch display as it is.

I always appreciate your posts.


I meant


It's fine honestly. I only use this laptop for shitposting and music.

The future, wouldn't that be nice



Enjoy your ban

Reddit-fetch, no thanks. I'd better stick with the old good one.

Reddit Linux, no thanks, I'd better stick with Gentoo.

Super comfy

comfy, botnet, meme, CIA-nigger, Ryzen, Vega


screenfetch -s too big, cant upload.

Then just capture the single window. Your screenshot manager does that, right? Or convert the image to a smaller format.

>3.7 gigs running nothing

Based Gnome shell.

>2060 MiB


The shite for posers who can't use Gentoo on a daily basis excusing that lamentable fact that compiling takes a time.

Firefox open in other virtual desktop.

I like these threads because they aren't explicitly desktop threads and I can show off cool environments without my stock desktop

I've use Linux for nearly two decades and I can bootstrap a system from source with no guides or manuals; I used Gentoo for a few years even; and I use Ubuntu. How does this make you feel?

Why do these threads piss mods off? I've also noticed this. Even the homescreen threads trigger them.

they're newfags

screenfetch still kind of works with this weird Linux environment that Windows has. sudo screenfetch fixes that permission error at the top but that causes Shell to read as the command "sudo screenfetch" instead of the actual bash version. What a mystery.

my home server.

Would you be so kind and post wallpaper alone?

How is your arch ascii two tone? Mine is one solid colour


owo desktop thread?

Don't call it that!

my bizarro compo

What is the advantage of using zsh? Am I missing something?

You know, more features and stuff

virtual firewall

holy shit that's blurry

These threads arent really a discussion of technology, we are all just posting images without much reason

post feetsies ouo


gnome + conky


Is this the new desktop thread?

Cumfy Gruvbox

I feel kind of guilty that I have a Nexus 7 but don't use it for anything anymore. What do you use it for user?

Shitposting here, reading some PDFs, watching videos and even programming in C++ with vim and clang in termux

so ronery

Comfy fedora


There's muh wallpaper. wal gave me the colorscheme, shame it's by the neofetch guy



Please give us that wallpaper.

I love and use Fedora but it is so undeniably ugly!


>show off cool environments
doesn't look very cool when there's a syntax error message.

i can never tell if these threads are just gonna be deleted

hey hunter



damn nice font rendering. Did you do anything special to achieve that?

adobe-cff hintslight and bold ubuntu mono

My hypervisor

thank you


I made that on purpose to show off the +Errors buffer

my nigga