/tpg/ - Thinkpad General

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>Don't buy anything OTHER THAN T, X, AND W/P SERIES if you want the Real Business Experience™

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battery recall



i got my t470 today

will install SSD and 16GB RAM soon

ask questions if you have them

Is the new keyboard any good?

Why you haven't install Ubuntu on it yet?


It's better than winshit m8

>Real Business Experience™
>Not using the /tpg/ image

so you did not complete the linux user live cycle yet

Thanks ebay seller

clearly not because im on antergos atm

>StopTrack sticker
>Applel slapped on it
Yyyyep, you got ripped off, m8.

But seriously, check if it has Computrace or something.
And how much did you pay for it?

I'm about to buy an X230. Anything I should know before the purchase?
>inb4 HP

Look at the pictures amd see if the top of the screen cover is good.

That's it.


Is it ever worth updating the bios to the final version number?

moot is a really handsome man imo

>is security and more features worth it

gee I dunno

Yeah the OPs have gone full retard lately.

Well I just did it and it was a real pain in the ass and I don't have a disc drive, and their .isos don't work as bootable USBs so I had to rip the bios out of the ISO with some random tools you have to compile yourself and then added it to my grub manually.

It doesn't really feel any different.

I didn't buy it, i was just looking and that was one of the images he used

Is that a photoshopped 9cell battery?

just have to run a .exe on windows, then it reboots and it's done

Who here /waiting/?
>Laptop and battery finally meet in Missouri
>SSD is shipped, no confirmation email or tracking number but Crucial took my money

>windows on a thinkpad
what a waste

no you seem confused, THIS is a waste

I like this pic for the general better than the other one.

It wasn't that hard, the instructions on thinkwiki were idiot proof.

I have a winXP on my T40. Do you have problem with that?

what's the best wifi card i can put into my x201 and x220

I need a portable comp for runescape school and Sup Forums

Why shouldn't I buy an x230 and install the fuck out GNU+Linux?

because you'll have a hard time getting runescape to run reliability on linux and if you 'need' it for school then they probably want you to use their software which probably doesn't work on linux

Runescape runes gr8 on linux on my desktop.

I basically just need googledocs, pdf viewer, spotify

You should have gotten a samsung evo my man. I ordered mine and it gets here on the 9th.

aww man you got into runescape school? lucky!

Moot's a Macfag. Quit using his image in /tpg/ you idiot.

I bought 8GB of ram and amazon is punishing me for not having prime by making me wait 7 whole days before they'll even process my payment.
I'm still considering cancelling.

i though moot was a macfag.

>choose free shipping
>amazon waits a week before shipping the item
>it gets here a day later

why do they punish us

moot? who's that?

Sauce on the chick.

sigourney weaver

*blocks your path*

>talk shit about the new style keyboards online
>buy an x230 with the intention of replacing the keyboard
>don't even bother because they're actually perfectly fine
>still talk shit about the new keyboards online

Are there any ayy lmaos in that ThinkPad?

Has anyone read this book?

Do you Think the one on the left Pads her bikini?

*blocks your upgrade path*

Alright I've been trying to fix this for several days but I still can't figure this out

-Set my W520 to run on the discrete quadro graphics only. No integrated. That's it.

What I've done:
-Bios settings are:
>Nvidia Optimus

With an extra option of
-OS Detection for Nvidia Optimus (Enable/Disable)

Windows 10 boots fine with integrated and Optimus. The quadro card works perfectly with Optimus, passes stress test and everything.

I can boot into safe mode completely fine with the discrete graphics options.

I CANNOT boot normally with the discrete graphics. It hangs during the black spinning wheel.

I've tried a bunch of drivers and they all exhibit the same problem. I'm suspecting it's a software/Windows 10 issue.

Try Display Driver Uninstaller while in Optimus mode then rebooting into discrete only.

Make sure OS Detection is disabled; otherwise it will want to revert to Optimus if you try to boot an Optimus capable operating system.

Yeah I've tried ddu with Optimus/Intergrated/Safe mode discrete.

It even fucks up on a clean install with discrete enabled.

to the guy who sold me this x61 i just unboxed from ebay

you know who you are

I've got an x61s that has a dead battery... not sure if it's worth buying a new one for.

Relax. It is better that there is an opportunity than to not have one at all.
Though I do feel this way when my laptops I'm flipping don't sell or I lose profit.

I think its one of those 9 cells where the battery angles up.
I kinda like it, makes it easy to hold and feels slightly better.

At work we got in a mint X1 w/ i7, shits got some encrypted hard drive but looks like it just needs to be partitioned and OS installed.

I did a screen swap on a T430s w/ nVidia but the fucking mobo must be bad or something because it likes to go to sleep itermmittently.
Will have to remove the screen and put it into another T430s with shittier specs sadly.

Nah I don't think so, some of us unluckily need WIndows, thats where the dual boot, second drive or 5th ThinkPad comes in... Sacrifice for Winblows.

>install Alienware M14x display
ok we friends nao

>laptops works great when you put your hard drive in it and is in excellent condition, it just has some stickers on it.

Did it come with a fedora?


have a t420, i5, 6GB ram, 1600x900. Intel graphics. Linux mint xfce. hook up a 1080p monitor using vga. and browse some youtube videos. cpu throttles. is this normal? will upgrading to t430/x230 will help?

It shouldn't throttle on Youtube videos unless you're on a t40 series with a single core pentium m.

>it likes to go to sleep itermmittently.
Is the lid sensor broken and triggering lid close sleep?


I didn't think about checking that out.
Originally I thought I had a bad battery but I put it on my main T430s and it was working fine.
I tried two batteries, I think it is something with the sensor, it is really strange, but I didn't pay much for it, so I can't complain.

Well the easy way to check would be disabling sleep on lid close and seeing if it still happens.

what battery and power adapter do you have in it?

i did lower the res on the external monitor to 720p. no more throttling. temp under 70.

need to check back later. using the big battery which extends at the back, and default power adapter, came with the package

what is like to be rich

Thinking of buying a P51 but have two questions:
1) Is upgrading the 7770HQ to a 7820HQ worth the extra 200$?
2) Should I go bare minimum with the HDD, SSD, and RAM to minimize the costs and buy the later for cheaper?

1. if you have to ask, no
2. yes

>Thinking of buying a P51
Think again.

an e3-1505m is a little different from the 7770HQ and 7820HQ

Right, it's substantially worse. Why do you want a P51?

what am i looking at?
should he buy a w530 instead of the p51?
I was thinking of getting a refurb p50 or w541

Guys I just bought a thinkpad.

webdev or programming?

Which skill should I focus on first.


Are any X series past the x230 easy to take apart?

If not, is there any alternative business laptops with a 13" or less screen and at least 1600x900 resolution?

How do you make a frankenpad with a X60 and X61? And should I hunt for the components for one instead of getting a X201 or a X220?

>just have to run a .exe on windows
no, fuck you. asshole

>using windows to update your bios
>more secure

no, not in a million years

ya you just download the bios update utility from lenovo's website and double click it and it's done

What's the point of this post

A T430 cost $200 and a P51 cost $2000

P51 has a 4k IPS display
T430 has the worst panel in the history of laptops and it only supports a max of 1600x900 TN (which is also dogshit)

P51 has Maxwell graphics that can actually run shit
T430 has IGP or the abandoned EOL nvs graphics

The 3840QM also cost at least $150 and it'll throttle like hell. No you can't overclock it even with custom bios, the T430 doesn't support it.

Then there's years of IO difference like NVME and thunderbolt. The newest IO on the T430 is USB 3.

Windows will never touch my thinkpad as long as i own it. nor will any closed source operating system

any of you faggots want to update your bios, just install coreboot you fuckin pussies

nice clock ahmed

My T430's Thinkvantage button is not blue...just black. It still has the new style keyboard tho.

>The 3840QM also cost at least $150 and it'll throttle like hell. No you can't overclock it even with custom bios, the T430 doesn't support it.

That's where you're wrong kiddo.

That image is my 3840QM running at 4.2GHz (and it doesn't throttle). You're wrong on both counts. The 3840QM wins in raw performance.

Depends on why you need it. If you only care about raw computing power there's no point in getting the P51.

If you need certain newer I/O like mentioned, or can't stand a 1600 x 900 screen (you can upgrade to a TN that ISN'T dogshit), then get something else. If the W541 would be enough for you, then get the W540 with a garbage CPU, and save hundreds of dollars by manually swapping the trackpad/CPU (literally the only difference between the two, and the W541 is far more expensive because idiot normies). If you don't need a GPU, then the T540p will do even better at less than half the cost.

Update on the Lenovo T430 I found at Goodwill.
I used Hirens to crack it open. It was a school computer with all the bullshit bloat schoolboards like to install on them.
Everything works fine except for the up arrow key on the keyboard. The Hard drive is pretty much in perfect shape. There was nothing of value on it so I wiped it.
Installed Mint on it mainly because I want to learn Linux.

Lenovo T430
8GB Ram
Intel Core I5-3320M 2.6GHz

All for $80

I bet $20 you're from some eastern european shithole.

Why the hell do you keep posting pictures of this faggot? Who the hell is he some autistic youtube celeb?

Please don't be cancerous as the 2570p faggot.

dGPU beats a T430's whatever it is
P51 has modern ports that the T430 lacks.
T430 can't support hi res screens, & a non problematic 1080p mod chip is a dream.

>with the money spent on a P51 you can have a better T430 with an eGPU that CRUSHES the P51
and the whole reason of a portable workstation is thrown out the window.

>this coming from an X200 owner
SXGA+ X61/T is a much much more superior machine.
lol & a free bios and OS that respects ur freedumbs

Moot is Sup Forums's founder you newfag dipshit

I already mentioned here that if he needs a good screen or more modern IO that the T430 isn't for him.

I didn't even bring up an eGPU.



Can my W520 run Gamecube/PS2 Emulators?
I want to play Windwaker and Persona 4

I believe it can. I remember playing SSBB on a Pentium 4 back in 2010.
Granted, frame skip was enabled and Dolphin's versioning was around 5000 something.

Tl;Dr yes, but enable frame skip if you encounter slight throttles (I am encountering them, but I believe it's more of a hard drive issue since my hardware isn't straining; usage is below 60% on both CPU and GPU (I'm on a T530))

No that's hiroshima you newfag

I was triggered by potential faggotry thanks to 2570p fag

how do you get accustomed to using the clitmouse? i feel like it's either too slow or too fast, and while i'm able to use it, it's slower than using a touchpad

>get shit eyes
>lean foward
>rest your entire forearm on the keyboard
>use your retard strength to maneuver the plastic clit

i got the base model T470 (4GB of RAM, spinnan HDD)

will be putting in 16GB of RAM and SSD soon. I didn't realize how much faster SSDs are until I had to live with my current drive. Will probably pick up a 256GB ADATA SU800 or the new WD Blue SSDs.

I just have one question:
