I'm a Sup Forums degenerate that was digging into the Seth rich murder. I found this site

I'm a Sup Forums degenerate that was digging into the Seth rich murder. I found this site


The site is a game played by MIT students back in Feb and was made by Alumni NSA mathematicians. I started going through the site and began finding weird puzzles hidden within the game

I found the site after researching the IP address of D.C. General Hospital.

After I found it I noticed a lot of weird activity going on with my computer. I checked for other users on terminal and found 3.

A fucking two hour war ensued over control of my laptop between me and the other users I unplugged my internet turned off wifi Bluetooth thunderbridge. It got down to them accessing my machine through one note until finally they somehow got full administrator control and used parental controls to deny me the ability to delete anything. I turned my computer off and a new log in was set up so I couldn't get In

I then wiped the disk but now whenever I try to install OSX there is software inside my computer that freezes it.

I'm just looking for any advice. Thanks.

Other urls found in this thread:


Install Gentoo


I'm Sup Forums and even I'm cringing at OP

Killary gonna get u.

>A fucking two hour war ensued over control of my laptop between me and the other users
What do you mean by this? What was happening?

>It got down to them accessing my machine through one note
How do you know it was a one note vulnerability?

>they they somehow got full administrator control and used parental controls to deny me the ability to delete anything.
This was after you disconnected from the internet?

I can still access safari so would I be able to insall it without full access to my machine?

Linux does not have this problem.

>making up stories

By that I mean me deleting all the files/keys on Keychain while turning off the different apps they were using to access my machine

>Sup Forumstard
Need more be said?

user, are you sure you know what a pound is?
# -> cardinal or hashtag
£ -> pound
Live and learn.

>By that I mean me deleting all the files/keys on Keychain
What's keychain?

>while turning off the different apps they were using to access my machine
What apps were they using to access your machine? How do you know which apps they had compromised?

on Sup Forums of all places

By that I mean me deleting all the files/keys on Keychain while turning off the different apps they were using to access my machine. It said that it they were using Office 360. I'm
Not positive if it was OneNotw.

This was after I had shut off my internet unplugged my router and modem. I'm not very experienced with any of the this so let me know if I can explain the situation any better

>What's keychain?
Some gay app that macOS has for safely storing passwords and keys.

>British matters
>noteworthy in any way at all
The real sign for a pound is lb.

Empire of the Never-Setting Sun called.

Prepare to commit suicide by 3 gunshot wounds to the head.


if I turn my laptop on I get the ? Folder which I pretty sure means it can't find a start up disk. So I boot with command R and get this

> researching the IP address of D.C. General Hospital.
so ping is a research tool now?

> Eeds teh gooobberment
Nigga, you got hijacked by chinese hackers. The gov can get anything they want without bothering to hack you. They setup some shit on your bootsector, installs don't matter, reformat your hdds, remake the whole table.
Whatever you do, this doesn't really matter anymore. If your security is shit, they already have the passwords to your accounts. Phone up your bank and let them know about this, enable two-factor auth.
If this is the gooberment, they have warrants and this is all legal. Enjoy your fried dumbs.
Use a live-cd to recover your shit. Turning it on with whatever compromised shit is running on the metal is pants on head retarded

What said they were using Office 360?

>This was after I had shut off my internet unplugged my router and modem.
Sorry user, the NSA has physically compromised your computer, but for some reason are also using an exploit in Office 360 which alerts you of the fact. They're probably trying to warn you off your critical research. The silver lining is that you might be able to find the implant and sell it to China for protection before you get suicided.

>got so bankrupt by WW2 that they were forced to let go of an empire of starving brown folk and Africans
>none of whom did anything substantially damaging to the Empire in their struggle for independence
>"Never-Setting Sun"
Fall into the village well, retarded chav.

>got so bankrupt by WW2 that they were forced to let go of an empire of starving brown folk and Africans
Omg war costs money? No way!
>"Never-Setting Sun"
Quotation marks are not an argument, user.

I understand that I don't know shit about tech and sound like dumbass to you all but All sarcasm and joking aside I would really appreciate an honest opinion how fucked my machine is. Anything helps guys thanks. And I'm taking pictures of all the files that I can see on start up I'll post them and maybe someone can tell me what they are.

I have no idea who hacked me the only reason that I think it was the government is because they were only observing and reporting my activity and until I found them out and started deleting anything I thought related to them did they take control I was literally watching them send reports on my activity to a DISA IP addsresa

>his was after I had shut off my internet unplugged my router and modem
Interesting. So how were they trying to control your PC? Through telepathy?
My advice OP: go see a shrink.

Your machine is not fucked. You're a paranoid schizophrenic. Seek professional psychiatric help ASAP.

>What said they were using Office 360?

>I was literally watching them send reports on my activity to a DISA IP addsresa

>until I found them out and started deleting anything I thought related to them did they take control
If the American state hacked you, you wouldn't know about it unless they wanted you to.

# -> hash
The tag part comes after the hash you brainlet

Bong here.
£ = pound sign, from italian ₤ for lira (crossed L)
# = also pound sign, we call it a hash or rarely an octothorpe.

# comes from roman ℔, libra pondo

>not https
why de fug u even click'd on it?

the fuck is "bong"?

>doesnt know what bong is
it is that time of the year already?

Oh boy.
go to England
>head to restaurant for food
>watch is set to timezone of hometown
>ask someone what time it is
>notice he doesn't have a watch on
>no one in England has a watch
>Big Ben starts to chime
>everyone stops what they're doing to count the bongs on their fingers
>man swerves off road and crashes into grocery store and is still counting bongs after crashing
>waitress drops my order on the floor while counting bongs on her fingers
>man panting while running frantically down the street: "OI, EVERYWAN, IT'S 7 BONG"
>everyone inside the restaurant and on the streets start clapping and cheering

Lurk more my redditor friend

I Appreciate the advice douchebag. You think I didn't shit my pants when that happened? It made no sense to me, I have no idea how they were doing. Maybe using my neighbors internet I have no idea.

This is all standard?

Pls respond.

You have paranoid schizophrenia. Go visit a doctor, the delusions will go away

I think you are holding your laptop wrong, try holding it in a horizontal position



Computers do not work the way OP described.

Also, if the NSA was truly out to get you, they would already know you frequented Sup Forums and be waiting here to catch you, OP.

Nice try NSA.

that computer has a standard CAC reader on it. credentials come from that. nothing fishy in that image

You downloaded a trojan while beating off and this is what locked you out of your machine. If you open a terminal in OSX and type who, you will see three users logged in. If you had bothered to check /var/log, you would see any ip address which attempted to log in. Furthermore, their ip address was probably logged by your router as well. If you're incapable of flashing a usb drive with OSX and reinstalling, you should take it in to an Apple store so some faggot genius can do it for you.

>believes the NSA is able to remotely administer your computer even when you've disconnected every connection and turned the power off on everything
>also believes that the NSA aren't able to lurk Sup Forums and scrape every thread

Pretty much

You think I don't know that? They were accessing through airdrop AppStore and iTunes and I don't know how. It is impossible but they did it

>You think I don't know that?
I honestly think you're underage or severely retarded, or quite possibly both.

You obviously know nothing about how computers work, and your picture in OP just shows a signed certificate. Non of your other pictures indicate anything fishy either.

>also believes that the NSA aren't able to lurk Sup Forums and scrape every thread
Que? Of course they are. I'm not even the guy you're replying to, I was just picking up on your last sentence.
OP is a schizophrenic macfag, I really can't feel sorry for him.

>I was just picking up on your last sentence.
Read it again, retard.

This is normal right? I'm
Looking for advice That's all

Now you're just larping

>A fucking two hour war ensued over control of my laptop between me and the other users

Did it look like this?

This is definitively not normal.

You must delete the Library folder at once.

If you have an agenda then it's a daily practice.

It looked like this


Dude, thats the internet recovery startup screen. You'll be able to reinstall macOs if you wait for it to load up. Usually cmd + r on startup results to a local recovery partition, but I guess you removed that one too.

Awe what an adorable insult! Please englighten me with the rest of your analysis


>also believes that the NSA aren't able to lurk Sup Forums and scrape every thread
>nice try, NSA
Makes sense.

what on earth were they thinking


>from Sup Forums
>cant use the computer anymore


your mom probably just put a parental control on the network you fucking loser

and no, we won't help you turn it off

This is what comes up when I try to install OSX

Why don't you just go shoot up a Pizza place instead of spamming Sup Forums with your absurdities?

And you expect me to beleive that story based on a screenshot of an SHA-1 cert? My advice to you is to seek psychatric help for your delusional state of mind.

I thought this board was redpilled AF, but y'all just a bunch of bluepilled cucks who swallow whatever shit the mainstream (((media))) serves you.

Fuck you Sup Forums


lolol look at the neo nazi schizo realize we're actually intelligent and not morons.

>underage idiot from Sup Forums
>got a virus from cruising shady websites chasing lunatic consparicy theories
>takes a picture of a signed certificate thinking the government hacked his shitty macbook
>every single photo is horizontal
>mom locked down the network
>wants Sup Forums to fix it for him
>mfw this is a typical american teenager's life in the two-thousand and seveneeth year of our christian lord (hallowed be thy name)

Why didn't you record any of this?

The way you're describing it makes you sound like you're either crazy or lying.
Especially the part about ((them)) "controling" your computer without an internet connection.

This thread is not worth bumping.

That's nice. Now try it with OSX flashed to a usb drive like people have been telling you. Your trojan probably nuked the recovery partition.

hey i have an idea how about you go get an AR-15 and "investigate" your local pizza parlour you half-brained dipshit

Go back to Sup Forums faggot

Yes, how "intelligent" of you to swallow the bluepill and think that the Seth Rich murder isn't even worth investigating.

Hillary personally ordered that shit.

They're obviously using my neighbors Internet to get access, duh. How retarded are you guys? I guess the government flouride and chemtrail program finally killed all your braincells.

>butthurt cucks


Thats a default unix like tree.
Have this linux one as an example.

Not OP, but the """pizzagate"""" thing was obviously a false flag operation to make true conservatives look ridiculous and potentially dangerous, justifying all sorts of freedom-removing regulations against us.

What about the mounted volume called "untitled"?

Sorry to inform you but Sup Forums is not Sup Forums. Come back after you see a shrink.

Most of those folders are hidden by default on OSX. He probably installed macports or osx homebrew and thought the government was attempting to steal his brainwaves.

>he believes in (((shrinks)))
Im not gonna let some kike (((doctor))) declare that I'm insane to take away my rights and force me on drugs that kills my male vitality

It's probably the recovery partition that got nuked, assuming you don't have any USB drives plugged in.

Oh God, OP is actually Alex Jones

>They're obviously using my neighbors Internet to get access, duh. How retarded are you guys? I guess the government flouride and chemtrail program finally killed all your braincells.

OP really should have used a tripcode.

This isn't even amusing as an ARG anymore.

It's pronounced crunch

No, it's crunch. Why do I even come to Sup Forums. Everyone here is literally just a gaymer pretending that they know shit about computers

Nah, he's just roleplaying in a not very entertaining way.

>he believes white clouds of barium just occur naturally in the atmosphere
>he believes two times the deadly dose of flouride in the drinking water does nothing with your brain

Ah he's a troll. Fuck I'm slow.

>what is a false flag

>he thinks pizzagate is (((fake news)))

I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be intelligent?

>what is a joke reference

>ITT things that never happened
You should seek medication OP.

The fun part is, you haven't given any useful information.
Where is that IP address in the first place?

Gotta be more subtle user.

If you think we're less intelligent than you, then why come here and ask for help with your computer. More than that, why do you come to Sup Forums? We'd be more happy if youd to stay in your containment board.

OP has clearly watched too many movies

Why do Sup Forumstards like to make things up? Are your lives really THAT dull?

I feel sad for you.

What's going on here?

I hope you're just pretending to be retarded

You might want to save this ISO somewhere the next time you go jerking off to tranny porn and wipe your computer.

imposter showed up, mods banned them and deleted their posts.

Get 4chanx, senpai.