Pirate Radio

Want to start a small pirate radio broadcast just for fun. What are some ways to not get caught?
I would only be broadcasting in a 1000m radius or less.

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>Radio in 2017
You can't be serious.

It's fucking fun dude, serious

Sounds interesting, bumping for OP

would anyone even bother to catch you? not to mention listen to it

It is fun, I worked on a radio station for some time (I live in a third world country, so people still listen to them). I don't think nobody would give a flying Fuck about it OP, but broadcast on AM.

Well, yeah. There are laws in Canada saying you can do jail time and the max fine is $5000 because you can interfere with planes and emergency broadcasts. However, most people just use some shitty radio station's frequency by accident and then get reported and found.

Ok, thanks for the tip

I've been thinking on doing the same thing, in my small country there aren't many radio stations and all of them are censored by SJW's and are full of propaganda BS.

Why would you risk that?

I have a lot of free time now that I am not studying at school this summer and I need a project, I don't really know.

Why would you even want to? The FCC are assholes and you will get busted.Just get a cheap rtl-sdr and mess around with it

You need a tall building that is in direct sight from your place of residence or wherever you will be while DJing. You will put the transmitter and the antenna in that tall building. In order not to get caught you will need an infrared transmitter.
You will transmit the audio via infrared to your transmitter, which will transmit it via FM.
0% of being caught if you're not a retard this way

From someone who has done this, it's really fun to manage a pirate station. However, you need to be careful on the equipment you use to transmit. Some shitty transmitters emit harmonics which will interfere with other communications on different bands. This will get the FCC all over you. This hobby can get expensive because you need a transmitter with built in low pass and high pass filters as well as a solid pll system to prevent frequency drift. Pirate stations are not easy to conceal as they are easily triangulated. If you do it just be mindful of your transmitting signal, the better it is the less chance you'll get a knock on your door.

Literally have this exact fm transmitter. My car doesn't have AUX or a way to replace the radio, so its my only way to listen to music unless I wanna use CDs...


bump for interest

FCC is hardcore.

Just make a internet radio station and with the money you will save get some stickers printed to advertise.

This. I can speak for Ham operators, but most of them are old ass men who monitor the airwaves like a gentle-sir. If they catch you not reporting your callsign every 10 minutes or cursing they will file a report on you.

Are you Canadian OP?

>third world country

>he does not like fun
What a faggot.

Get of the board newfag.

Do it any ways and broadcast the three-dog dialogue on loop.

i'm a HAM operator, not all of them are old ass men. ypu can get your general class license now with just a written test, no morse code needed, and you can legally run 1500 watts on any of the ham bands.

pirate radio is a big no-no, and the FCC don't play.....so be prepared for the party van to come knockin....

Hide the antenna well and turn the transmitter off if you see suspicious vehicles
I fucked around with 87-108MHz transmitters from ebay. Make sure to avoid occupied frequencies because tiny transmitters are no match for powerful commercial stations even if you're several miles away.

>no fun allowed

Sounds like fun. Bumping for interest.

Bumping for interest too


soon there will be more bumps than actual conversation.

Thanks for the bump

Check out SDR

I work for the Canadian space agency and right now at this moment some asshole is transmitting on our satellite downlink frequencies near our Saskatoon antenna array. We sent the CRTC after him but they're still unable to find the source of the signal, it's maddening.

What would you even broadcast?

conspiracy theories

>1km range
>ways to not get caught

Impossible. I'm a ham radio operator. We track down and triangulate signal sources ourselves for fun. It's literally impossible to broadcast on any VHF frequency with any real power (think 100mW and up) and not be tracked down.

We call the game a "fox hunt". We always find the transmitter.

And we're amateurs with shitty hand made equipment.

Now imagine what a government agency can do once someone reports you. I hope you enjoy being a prison wife.

That's different. You're trying to track down someone beaming shit at your satelites with a directional antenna pointing towards the sky. Someone's bound to stumble across OP's station, word will get out, and then the FCC will rape him.

>I hope you enjoy being a prison wife.
He wouldn't end up behind bars, he'd just get slapped in the dick with a 4-5 figure fine

...and when he fails to pay it...?

twitch tv

Then he'd end up behind bars.

Could you not just broadcast from a car/van inconspicuously?

Cars have a decent enough battery I'd think.

They do. 1~5W TX power is MORE than enough with a correctly built antenna.

>Pirate radio
TANIS sucks move on user

Heard a story some time ago of a guy that hided a transmiter in a public bus. Could be a good way to avoid tracking.

past tense of 'hide' is 'hid'

>My taste in music is so patrician and aesthetic that I need to share it with the world.
>But not the whole world, just a small area around me because anyone can share a playlist on the internet.

Quick tip:

Watch your language on the air. You can talk about anything you want, play any kind of music or whatever. But if someone says "fuck" literally one time, then the FCC comes knocking.

Keep it professional and redpill the hell out of those motherfuckers.


>But if someone says "fuck" literally one time, then the FCC comes knocking.

>pirate radio is a big no-no, and the FCC don't play.....so be prepared for the party van to come knockin....

>Now imagine what a government agency can do once someone reports you. I hope you enjoy being a prison wife.

All of this fear mongering yet no one has really pointed to anyone caught and imprisoned for pirate radio.

Pretty much comes down to how much of a threat you are. If you operate in the FM and start jamming existing frequencies then the FCC might want to come after you hard. If you are on open frequency then you are not a massive threat at that moment, if you go to AM then you are even less of a threat, go to shortwave and who at the FCC would give a flying fuck or even monitoring that.

Not to mention all the CB people who go way above the 4 watt limit, into the 100s of watts without ever being charged.

You can broadcast about a block sized area like is done by realestate to advertise houses. If someone lives near you would get a repeater then you could extend the range with your userbase being repeaters. Block by block you would cover your area. The signal would be within fcc reg. and no problem legally.

Get a boat and broadcast offshore.

>You can't be serious.
Welcome to Sup Forums. grab a beverage and enjoy what would delight any normal boy.