Intel Core i9 will be software upgradeable with scratch cards

LinusTechTips taking a dump on Intel big time

Other urls found in this thread:

> Go to a store
> Grab a bunch of cards (50+)
> Point a gun at the cashier
> Tell him to activate every single one
> Go home
> Resell for 60% of their retail value
Find a flaw in my plan

I hope thr part of you getting ass raped isn't a flaw.

duma you could do the same with giftcards. That will take way to long to activate all of them. Might as well just ask for the money if you are going to point a gun at him.

Holy shit those are some faggoty motherboards.

Cards like these would actually make sense though.

What do you think Intel is doing now? Exactly this, but you're too stupid to realize it. AMD did it too with their tri-core shit.

The R&D goes into making the best core, not the best core and some mediocre ones.

They just purposely gimp other cores or physically remove them despite the cost being negligible. Every CPU company already effectively does this, but since it's done with hardware people don't seem to care (Linus' video basically says this).

If "upgrade codes" existed the only downside would be people would find a way to unlock the cores for free.

> cucked by intel, again

> If "upgrade codes" existed the only downside would be people would find a way to unlock the cores for free.
Really fucking doubt it considering the DRM is built into the hardware itself and will probably do a ton of online checks to ensure authenticity.
This is your fucking processor you're talking about, now even with more backdoors in the name of DRM

We found a way to completely neutralize ME, and people have found ways to unlock the 4th core in tri-core AMDs back in the day.

I think we'd find a way to break the core DRM.

>turn a shoplifting charge into an armed robbery charge

Make sure to tell us how prison is, user.

You can't shoplift scratch cards. They have to be activated at the cash register

okay how about this
i put a banana on my left hand, put it under my shirt and point it at the cashier like a gun?
i technically don't have a gun so they can't charge me with armed robbery if i'm caught

>buy a 500 USD motherboard
>have to buy a 300 USD flash drive to unlock RAID 1 and 5

can't make this shit up KEK

Would a key gen work? Why would they need activation? You're not loading money into the cards.

>arbitrary restrictions on NVMe RAID
>only RAID0 is supported without spending more money
Jesus Christ, Intel

Cool plan, I just plan on buying AMD products instead. Muh 10% fewer frames in gayman is meaningless.

No, the charge of armed robbery includes using "simulated weaponry." You'll get armed robbery for hiding a finger-pistol under your shirt.

>t. served on a jury for an armed robbery case

> Would a key gen work?
Why would they need activation?
To prevent them from being shoplifted. They're easy to conceal and you can even cut like 95% of the useless plastic on the card and keep only the scratch code for maximum concealment. Or you could even bring your cellphone and activate them right at the store.

Intel is Dead, What the Fuck are they thinking?

and apparently it only works with INTEL's own solid state drives. This hasn't been confirmed though but Linus mentioned that it was the "word on the street" at the moment

Awesome, this gives AMD even more room to catch up.

This is so confusing to me. So do the motherboard manufacturers also get a profit from these scratch cards?

The kikes went to far with this. No more kikery.

>They just purposely gimp other cores or physically remove them despite the cost being negligible.

>What is binning
It's as it sounds. They purpose defective chips.

Is Intel trying to get the gamers and enthusiasts on the HEDT platform?

This raises some interesting questions.
Does the RFID chip on the upcoming CPUs act as some sort of activation catalyst and stores activation data for these unlockable features? Meaning buy a card or dongle to activate and somehow the RFID ensures ID storage of these and sends them to a activation server to verify and validate feature activation and locks them to these chips to preventing reuse or sharing of the same dongle to activate features in other chips?

I'm quite confused myself about X299 despite owning a c602 2P dual 8 core Xeon rig. Features of the upcoming platform, especially the added on digital restrictions/addon seems to be planned in advanced rather than appeal interesting in comparison of the competitor's upcoming high end desktop chips and platform.

At the very least I'm excited to see we have a choice again in the high end platform than in almost a decade than be vendor locked into anti-consumer practices like this. I know what I'm going get on my next build and its not going to be X299 this time around.


Are y'all telling me that they're making a cpu that comes gimped and you have to use an activation code to unlock the full potential of the cpu?

Is this real life? I sincerely hope that nobody is tolerating this shit

lolno, Intel sharing money? No way.

It would be hilarious if all the motherboard partnes just flat out refused to make any X299 boards because of this fucking mess. Gigabyte seems to be the only one who ditched Thunderbolt though because of this whole mess

>Does the RFID chip on the upcoming CPUs act as some sort of activation catalyst and stores activation data for these unlockable features?

That actually makes sense holy shit....

Previously the upgradeable Pentiums were only locked down on the OEM motherboard, putting it into another mobo will enable it fully. How would Intel do this in a widespread manner though?

PC World mentions that it will be a physical dongle to enable different RAID configurations. 3rd party SSD's do work, but only Intel SSD's can be bootable.

read these posts:

The RFID chip on the Core i9 processors probably stores and handles the activation keys for unlockable features

hardware DRM straight on the CPU. insane if true

>and apparently it only works with INTEL's own solid state drives. This hasn't been confirmed though but Linus mentioned that it was the "word on the street" at the moment

PC World confirms this if you want to boot using VROC.

>put moar chipsets
still no pcie 4 though

That doesn't make any sense at all. The board manufacturers would have to provide the locked features whether the consumer decides to upgrade.

shouldn't this classify as anti-competitive behaviour? Intel basically locks out third party SSD manufacturer's from their motherboards

all X299 mobos have all features included but software locked though.

It's probably mandatory for the x299 chipset and Intel will revoke the mobo manufacturer's x299 license if they don't comply.

fucking lmaoing my ass off over here while looking at my ryzen computer

Looks like I'll be buying AMD poo in loo shit. I'm willing to take a performance hit if it means freedom.

Or maybe it stores data of overclocks so they can have more reasons to deny warranty.

>>>Sup Forumsylyl

>i put penis on my left hand, put it under my shirt and point it at the cashier like a gun?


and this is a bad thing... how?

Arbitrary restrictions.

but i can upgrayd my cpu without having to swap out hardware

If it's capable of being a better CPU it should be one.

You tell me.

it's genius, it's like software policies but for hardware now.

This is the future.

Next frontier: subscription based cpus.

I've heard Coffee will be 30% more powerful than Kaby.
>Waiting™ mode activated.

10,000 Facebook posts for only $49.99!

yes you will need to pay $2000 for a cpu, probably around $500 for a motherboard and another $300 for raid support
or you could just get a 16c/32t threadripper for $859 + a $500 mobo
i don't really get what intel is trying to do here, it's like
>here have this good cpu for the worst price you can imagine, oh and don't forget to unlock your raids with this $300 card
and don't forget that the "lower end" x299 CPUs are going to be even more limited, while threadrippers are all the same when it comes to features


finally you can pirate fucking desktop hardware

Hope this shit will NEVER catch on, or else we will be able to LITERALLY download a graphics card in the future.


Sounds pricey

>my car can speed up to 50km/h and if you pay additional fee it can go up to 120km/h!
>and I don't even have to buy a new car!
It amaze me how someone could even try to spin it as a good thing.

So CPUs are now affected by DLCs, holy shit man.

First 2 ram slots are free of charge, the third and fourth costs $50 each
Same goes for SATA/PCIE/M2 slots

guess my next build will be amd

>Next frontier: subscription based cpus.

>buhuu making money is bad!
kys socialist trash

>not buying cheap intel and pirating more cores

but u'd pay (initially) for a 50km/h car and THEN unlock the better performance if you WANTED.

Would you prefer a car that can't ever potentially go above 50km/h and the only way for you to is to swap out the entire engine?

So let's say it's 2021, you buy a "ryzen 3" 2000x:

8 cores + 8 locked (unlockable via upgrayd code) 200$ for the locked or 350$ for the unlocked out of the box. Upgrayd via code is 200$.



The solution is simple: Don't buy intel and pray to god AMD doesn't copy them

>No one, literally no one bothered to call OP out on his shit.
No one even asked for a source. Watched the video, worst thing that Linus said was that NVMe RAID set ups might be restricted to intel only cards.

amd already said what will be available for the threadripper CPUs, so i don't think they would do any of this

awww is it asbergers or straight up legit autism

it's funny how you can find all the info needed in like 5 seconds
here you go, this is how the key looks like

protip: you'll gain more performance

the fact that Gamer's Nexus hasn't said anything about this makes me question their biasedness.

Steve Burke is a fucking intel shill if he doesn't atleast mention this absurd software unlockable 300 US dollar shit

Except your still paying for a 16 core CPU and only getting 8 cores
You're a fucking retard

"Intel Core i9 will be software upgradeable with scratch cards = Intel's Core i9 and X299 enable RAID configurations for a high price"

no moron the 8c+8c costs less than the 16c I explicitly stated this. And in this hypothical price line it'd be a little more than a true 8c (no reason for it to exist though given this new business model)

the only difference is that they're not scratch cards but something that looks like a key

>anti-competitive behaviour

Nothing new there then.

[citation needed]

Looks like pirating hardware will no longer be a meme...

Are you retarded?

The OP is making fun of a mis-step Intel made in the past and comparing the hardware keys for Kaby Lake-x as akin to Intel making the same mistake all over again.

>hardware DRM straight on the CPU
>insane if true
what is a non-k intel cpu

dlcs where only the beginning

It seems that Intel REALLY don't want to maintain control of the workstation/HEDT markets.

Hell, or even servers, they've already said they're more than happy to lose market share in order to maintain their 60% margins

Intel's blood is in the water now. Fools.

AMD is lucky the only person more incompetent than them is the CEO of Intel

> > Would a key gen work?
> No
Yes. There's a keygen for iLO. There will be a keygen for CPUs if this will go beyond HEDT segment, why? Because enterprise will not buy a thousand of those cards and activate it by hand. You may argue they don't replace CPUs now, but it's all about cost.



back in the Sandy Bridge-E times you'd buy an unlocked one just for stuff like VT-d, because intel would strip it from any unlocked consumer CPU (locked ones have this feature)

Now even the HEDT X series doesn't have VT-d, now that's what I call maximum jewing
so basically
>you want VMs?
>buy xeons, you stupid goy!

>tfw intel has it that we should download additional RAM

LSI and others have done this for years on their RAID cards and the such, it's a good strategy

Heh, I knew something was really fishy when they were offering HCC Xeon dies for HEDT, which would clearly cannibalize their Xeon sales, guess the lack of ECC and DLC explain it now.
Wonder what other surprised Intel has

>Now even the HEDT X series doesn't have VT-d
Any source on that? Because as far as I could see, all of them do have VT-d.

>intel core i9 2000$ edition
>no ecc
>200$ raid
>just wait 2018 for 18c

It would be even funnier if AMD follows with a 24/32 core Epyc after the 18 core Intel comes out.

You are understanding Russian teenagers hackers

Soon there will be be a crack that plays some edgy 8 bit music and has a splash screen of a pigeon

>Really fucking doubt it considering the DRM is built into the hardware itself and will probably do a ton of online checks to ensure authenticity.
Hey that didn't stop countless gaming consoles from being jailbroken, don't speak too soon.

they have the serial codes, they can just disable them after you leave...

Soon Sup Forums gonna poo in the AMD's loo. The pajeets have won! kek

Intel WalletRaper

>go to register with some scratch cards
>wait for cashier to activate all of them
>pull weapon instead of credit card
>leave with activated cards

Seriously, you don't need to walk into a place waving a gun to rob shit.