What has Sup Forums been saying or doing lately that is pissing you the fuck off? I hope this thread pisses you off too, it'll be here every day now.
/dg/ - De/g/enerate General
i hate how much of a liar Sup Forums is. he always pretends to know more than he really does. all white people are fake.
>t. ni/g/ger
continual meaningless surface/ windows 10 promotion threads - all the same
Whats been pissing me off is the new janitors, tech threads get deleted but not the Sup Forums style posts (linux has no gaems, can we finally agree that..., frogposting, etc).
apart from telementry and the atomtable bunerability, ransomware attacks, windows 10 is the best os. Why people say otherwise i really want to konw
>Whats been pissing me off is the new janitors,
the constant shilling never stops to irritate my fragile anus even tho it's been going for a while now
Ignoramuses that don't really understand tech coming here and posting racist memes and spouting propaganda because they dislike that we criticise Trump and his gang for killing net neutrality, killing privacy by allowing ISPs to sell your browsing history, and possibly killing strong encryption for communication applications.
>Trump and his gang for killing net neutrality, killing privacy by allowing ISPs to sell your browsing history
why do you even put up with this shit ?
come to yurop, our laws kind of protect consumers and we accept refuges
I am European, and this affects us too because most servers that matters still reside in the US.
Also, EU laws aren't all that good either. Sure, we have protected net neutrality, but as far as privacy and strong encryption goes, things aren't looking all that good either.
YouTubefags shilling their cancerous channels
true dat, better start self hosting and using encrypted dns
I really fucking despise the vast majority of Sup Forums for being shitty CS students at best who know absolutely fucking nothing of value regarding the topics they are discussing save for their recent internet searches while genuinely considering themselves to be actual IT specialists usually fueling their idiotic feeling of superiority for using/"knowing" some particular shit.
Though some of the people here are okay and actually know their shit - they are the only reason I even bother coming to this board.
I honestly don't know why I even bother, sometimes. The Dunning-Kreuger effect is extremely visible on this board. I actually blame anonymity, it allows people to continue to rant about stuff they obviously have no idea about without any consequences or being called out on it.
This board has sucked ever since desktop threads were banned. It destroyed the whole culture.
>since desktop threads were banned.
When did this happen? I've never posted in a desktop thread btw.
2 years ago ish
Shit, I just realised that I've been on this board since late 2007 or early 2008. What the hell am I doing with my life?
Can't believe no one has talked about the applel shills
I don't get it, why was this post banned?
The "lol applel is gay" and "mactoddler" spam is a lot more annoying desu senpai.
It isn't span it's axioms.
Enjoy your fiki-fiki
Where else is there even to go, though? I haven't liked this board in years
>Where else is there even to go, though?
I used to go to /sci/ a lot before 2010, 2011-ish, but the whole board was ruined when that nazi tripfag started spamming the board and the actual knowledgeable people just got tired of his shit and left. These days it's mostly homework threads, afaik.
mactoddling is far more prevalent
And there we go
>inb4 "butthurt mactoddler"
>you have nothing to hide, have nothing to fear
>intel BTFO amd
>Nvidia BTFO amd
>Vice versa
>Gayming benchmarks
>Implying that people here are gaymers
>Which attracts more manchildren from Sup Forumsydya to Sup Forums
I wish Sup Forums would be more about technology than products of technology, I guess...
I want to slaughter all of you.
>MacOS is best, prove me wrong
>WindowsOS is best, prove me wrong
>Linux doesn't work
>I'd like to interject...
install gentoo
because the mod probably got BTFO'd and had to compensate for his small peepee.
>Windows 10 is fine if you ignore these glaring issues, go- I mean guys!
You forgot forced updates that reinstall previously uninstalled software that you never used and is never going to use. And how it demands that you set an specific time where it will make the computer unusable. And how it refuses to work with standards from other products because it wants to isolate any competition ( making it harder to dual boot in newer motherboards, making windows not able to read other filesystems, developing exclusive web protocols when other standards are better and more popular. And other things. ).
And how it tells intelligence agencies of new system vulnerabilities so they can abuse it before their devs fix it. And how it's a product made by a giant monopoly company that always engaged in shady business practices ever since it was created. And how the system is a baby crib that limits what the user can do with it, ignoring the needs of power users.
Yeah, ignoring all that, windows 10 surely is the best OS ever made by mankind, I have absolutely no idea why anyone could possibly think otherwise.
Hmm I would have to say...
>Ayymd / intlel before shilling and counter shilling
>that one guy who shits up /tog/ with dell memes
>blatant shilling
>clickbait scare tactics on poorly sourced articles
>X Linux is better than Y
>did I mention shilling?
>microsoft damage control threads
>negro shenanigans
>reflexive meme posts that destroy meaningful discussion
Also autocorrect