There is literally no reason to not using GNOME in the current year

There is literally no reason to not using GNOME in the current year.

>There is literally no reason to use GNOME in 2017


I wish they adopted some of the addons in the gnome DE
Like caffaine should go directly to the shell
Dash to dock/panel must be a default
and Pixelsaver


But I'm using Windows 10.

but it looks like doodie

fix the damn top border spacing already

This. GNOME 2 was good, GNOME 3 was a KDE 4 tier disaster. Except KDE got better over time, and GNOME just keeps getting worse.

You lost your way to then

Yes there is, some people actually love themselves and are not into self-injury.

Slow as heck. Even KDE is better nowadays in terms of performance.


solus >

LXDE and KDE are good reasons not to use GNOME.

>no thumbnail view in the gtk filepicker
>the search thing typeahead has been replaced by in the file manager doesn't focus the first item in the results by default
>no per-directory settings in the file manager
I wish someone would fix these

Plasma is also better at crashing and taking 3 minutes to restart the shell

It's not 2014 anymore, user. Plasma is probably the best.


>GNOME 2 was good
>having no hotkeys at all was good
are you dumb?

It's nostalgia fags being nostalgic

i agree if it didn't use half a gig+ also scrolling is terrible in enlarged windows

Parrot at work.
Gnome on laptop.
Windows 10 on personal pc because I like to play video games and I am still praying I will go into a coma, wake up and all of my games will be linux supported thank you.

KDE exists


>no reason
sure thing buddy

if you ignore:
>neither a tablet nor desktop UI
>waste of screen space
>no filepicker thumbnails (gnome2/gtk2 beats it in this regard)

Yes there is.
Many, in fact.

>You should upgrade to and suffer all the bullshit tablet UI features of GNOME3 just to get hotkeys support.

K, but there is no reason to change my pc to semi-tablet-something too

No, you should upgrade to be able to get a productive workflow without investing fucking weeks to configure it to your needs.

But I don't have to invest weeks into unity, not do I have to suffer a tablet UI.

I'm pretty happy with it.
OTher are pretty happy with Cinnamon for the same reason, GNOME3 is for tablets, I'm using a Desktop PC.

>install Gnome
>install a shitload of extensions
>install dconf
>use dconf and the terminal to change a ton of options because there is no nice GUI option to do so

Well but there isn't much difference between unity and gnome3 really. I use unity myself and that initial poster I was referring to was talking about gnome2, m9

>tfw when your labdobu has a touchscreen so you unironically look for touch friendly ui meme

There is literally only one bad reason to using GNOME in the current year.

And that is bistros being to stupid to configuratening anything else out of the box.

Except for the fact that I don't like it

Battery life. So I'm using the second best, MATE, on my laptop.

I like GNOME 3 and I came from a using a tiling WM for a long time, but that's largely due to living inside tmux a lot of the time.

I can see why a lot of people wouldn't like it.

>GNOME3 is for tablets
You can install like, two extensions, and have virtually any style desktop you want. You guys simply misunderstand the point of Gnome. You get a relatively ok desktop by default, but extensions exist so you don't wind up with a convoluted mess like KDE. Nobody needs half the shit KDE puts in their DE, and it probably is a major contributor to it's shitty performance.

Are you kidding? I don't have a touchscreen, so I can't even swipe up to unlock my screen with GNOME. Fuck that.

>and it probably is a major contributor to it's shitty performance.
You're aware that KDE uses less resources than Gnome does, right?

Wrong. I use KDE Neon and Gnome. Gnome squeaks in at just barely under what KDE uses. It's close enough to call it even.

What is a mouse. How do I press literally any key on my keyboard to have the same effect as swiping up. Help I forgot to breathe.
- You, probably.

No icon view on the file picker.

Well that's not intuitive at all. The lock screen actually wants me to swipe up.

its out of date, still on gtk2.
LXDE is under active development, has been ported to GTK3 and to GT, and work is underway to begin supporting GTK4 once it lands.

my init system is openrc.

Plasma exists. We don't need this shit. Ubuntu has failed us. Again. As always.

Your init is still sysvinit.

>tablet ui

That actually has me hyped for anyone who got gnome3 working on a surface pro.

I love me some KDE... But gnome is one slick tablet UI. I'd love to see it on an x86 tablet done well.

I tried LxQt recently and was pretty surprised how far they've come. It's really nice.

so you're saying there's people out there who don't use gnome?

mah nigga

Use openbox

>b-but it hurts senpai..

Holy fuck this. I got a chink wacom penabled 2-in-1 and I'd absolutely love to be able to use this OS on it. I'm actually trying it out right now, it's my first Linux experience after a lifetime of Windows Vista/7 and it's pretty comfy.