Applied to Google as a transexual with zero qualifications

>applied to Google as a transexual with zero qualifications
>they want an interview in 3 days
>I lied and there's not enough time to get hormones or genital surgery
What do?

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Make up another story

>tfw another thread died for this

Just dress up like a meth whore.

just buy a with and a dress. They won't question you and if you do pretend to act offended and make them feel sorry

are you questioning the fact im a woman? how dare you be so regressive as to oppress me


Why would you want to work at Google?

Considering doing this.
Should I say I'm mtf or ftm considering I'm a 6'1 man

Tell them you sexually identify as a third gender; problem solver.

Less curry niggers than in other companies.

Who are they to tell you you aren't a transexual? Should have said you were a demisexual pangender transdisabled lionkin tbqhwy fampai

Tell them you haven't gone under hormone therapy yet and that you were hoping their medical would cover the cost

Buy programmer socks and a skirt+top combo. I got my crossdressing outfit together with a $50 Amazon gift card and I had enough money left over to get a Chink mouse bungee to trigger /bst/.

this never happened

reminder to sage these shit posting threads

You seem to have triggered the snowflakes, my tranny friend.

>People actually go through this much effort
Holy shit how is living with a mental disease of this level?

im sure everyone knows that user
it's satire

Ask them for a reference

Buying shit on Amazon takes effort? How lazy can you be?

tell them you already transitioned


Just bring a rainbow bracelet and act kinda ambiguously gay, maybe put on some eyeliner to complete the effect.
They can't reject you by doubting your claims, that would be extremely transphobic.

sue them for asking.. lol

Just buy a dress on Amazon

you don't need hormones or genial surgery
just wear a wig and ask your sister if she can do your makeup

Just don't forget to bring a clock inside Google HQ

wear a wig and put on makeup and just claim you are a riley dennis type of tranny who doesnt believe you need hormones or surgery then give it up after a year or so and just say you realized it wasnt really you

Did you specify what gender you transitioned to? If not, just say you transitioned to whatever you are right now (I'm assuming male). You'll just look like a very successfully passing tranny. I got you, lad.

fuck it, go balls deep, tell them you fully transformed into a man!


second that

tell them you're ftm

tape raisins on your nipples and wear a tight shirt

No joke, one time I sent some copies of my resume except I changed the name to a girls name and suddenly I got phone calls for every single one I sent in, where I'd been mostly been getting ignored when I'm being truthful.

This is how you get hired, apparently.

rip op's dick

You just identify as one, that's all

Why would you make up a shitty story like this and post it on the internet?

Same here, but I told them I was black and I already got an offer after the first two phone interviews. I wonder what's going to happen when I show up for work the first day. I'm sure it helped that I have a passable black name.

Just say that you're transracial.

Post your offer letter.

transnigger, what a time to be living

This user. Every time I go to burger land and try to pick up chicks i always I'm a transsexual lesbian that likes to dress as a boy. Some of them fell for this shit.
It's a fucking sad world.

if they ask say that you canĀ“t afford a transition and you can even less afford to come out to your imidiate family and friends

Just say you're planning to transition easy.

Their actually not legally allowed to ask about it anyway, OP. Don't worry about it.

it's google, according to them this nigger passes for a girl so don't worry

ask /r9k/, they all secretly want to be trannys anyway

OP you better make a Grindr and buy programming socks ;)