/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Freetype 2.7+
FONTS pasta

>I want a "lightweight" distro (no bloat / base only)
>Not Arch or Gentoo

>Network installer

you'll have a working base system in minutes
>skip last step of installer (don't select additional pkg groups)
reboot and install what you want, for example:
apt install i3 lxdm lxappearance pcmanfm gnome-themes-standard breeze-icon-theme

>ib4 ubanto autistic screeching
/ ~1gb; ram usage tty ~25mb, i3wm ~50mb

>>> ARCH WITHOUT SYSTEMD mine for reference
pacman -Qqs nosystemd

>troubleshooting libsystemd.so.0 error
rebuild using aur or abs disabling lib/systemd flags
>notable mentions
qt5-base mpv - both have aur pkgbuilds

There's no reason to use that over LightDM with the GTK greeter.

>how to jump through hoops for Arch without systemd

How about simply not falling for the Arch meme?

Fedora amd gpu

How do i get the options to change rgb full and limited? Thank you and rip ian murdoch, crazy man led astray by evil woman

Is this rendering bad?

What are some cool terminal commands?

sudo /etc/init.d/myservice start
sudo /etc/init.d/myservice stop

Hello /fglt/. I just bought a new laptop for 400€. This is actually my first laptop and I'm quite excited.

Which distribution do you guys use on your laptops? I've mostly used Gentoo and Fedora on my desktop but I don't feel like ricing or customizing the laptop, I want it to "just work" and have a great battery life. Should I just throw Ubuntu MATE LTS on it and upgrade every two years? Debian should be easy as well but I don't know anything about laptops and Ubuntu MATE seems to come with all the power management crap and bluetooth.

debian is most stable
fedora is alright
all real distros work fine on a laptop.
everything supports bluetooth, everything has good power management

Thanks! Is DE choice noticeable in the battery life of a laptop? That's the main reason I'm considering MATE over GNOME. The CPU and RAM usage is much lower on MATE.

obviously, use lxde or cinnamon or maybe mate i havent used it in ages.

There's no reason to use that over startx with the CLI greeter.

Looks ok to me. What font?

*sudo systemctl start myservice
*sudo systemctl stop myservice

Which are "additional pkg groups"? (Pic or smth) ;_;


Serif. It's just plain vanilla Antergos

Is jumping straight into Gentoo autism? I used Ubuntu in the past so I'm not exactly totally inexperienced, but I'm just on Windows now. Also I'm not a brainlet, at least not to the point I can't follow instructions from a guide.

stop spewing shit for one. Gentoo is fine

Try to install Arch first.

After you've succesfully installed Arch, remove it and go for Gentoo.

If you can install Arch you can install Gentoo. If you fuck up Arch installation you won't lose the compilation time like you do with Gentoo.

Otherwise, no. I went straight to Gentoo and everything went fine. [spoiler]That being said, I'm on Ubuntu again. Trying to fight it is a waste of time.[/spoiler]

Does anyone use Plasma 5 and chromium is sort of laggy for them (mainly scrolling doesn't feel right).

: >/sbin/init

Good thread

does anyone have any idea why mesa won't complile? paste.pound-python.org/show/FFcStoW1W9NJPnuIDcDR/

I heard that Ubuntu is going to Gnome.
Is that out yet, and if so, how do I upgrade to that when I'm using a Unity Ubuntu.
Note that I do not want to switch to Gnome unless it's the default Ubuntu Gnome version.

There is if you want a graphical login screen.

>Note that I do not want to switch to Gnome unless it's the default Ubuntu Gnome version.
Then wait until Ubuntu 18.04 comes out and download GNOME then.

So it's not out? I must have thought it was 16.04 that was going to get it.

Any idea when 18.04 will be?

Look up the Ubuntu release schedule and naming convention.

platform wdat_wdt: failed to claim resource 4: [io 0x0073-0x0074]
ACPI: watchdog: device creation failed -16

I get this message on startup after selecting arch from grub.
It persists for a few seconds then the system continues to boot into gdm. Any ideas how I can fix it?

Test out another distribution. See if you have the same messages and errors. If not, it means it's something Arch related. Then look up into those specifics or ask on the Arch forums.

get 17.10 daily builds

>Any idea when 18.04 will be?
April, 18?

since all variables must be quoted, what do with for loops like
for i in $items; do

So is there a way to write custom terminal commands? Im looking for a way to launch Doomseeker / Zandronum without having to first cd their directories then ./program. ioquake did this by default you just type ioquake3 from anywhere and it launches.

what shell are you using?

In this case you actually want word splitting.


set -e

cd DIR

Add your desired binary in your /etc/profile or ~/.profile


Classic. 10/10

Not sure if thats the right way to do it. The programs should have a config that defines a standard directory.

If you don't want to bother with adding directories to $PATH and so forth the easiest way to get what you want is alias
alias doomseeker='/absolute/path/to/your/binary -whatever -flags -you -wish -to -add'
Put it in .bashrc or .bash_aliases and just launch a new shell session (restart terminal)


thanks everybody getting this working right now

do you guys consider MacOs as a part of the linux family ?(even if its not linux)

i own a workstation running Debian 7 and im considering buying a macbook pro (late 2015) should i do it ? -> im a highschool student, that interested in IT security and programming overall

Regards, Duchy


It's not part of the Linux family (because it's not fucking Linux).
macOS is Darwin, which belongs to the BSD family of systems. BSD family of systems belong to Unix.

>im a highschool student
Global Rule 2. I'm sorry friend.

why not ? please give me some reason why shouldnt i buy it. thats alot

which global rule did i violate ? im 18 already

It should do great for your needs, 2015 Macbooks still had all the necessary ports and macOS is still unix-certified so all you can do on linux you can do on macOS (except obvious ricing)

thats exactly what i was thinking, thanks for the reply.

>be white
>things doesn't go my way for once in my life

no prob, I'm considering switching to macOS as well so report back if you find anything weird. this thread still applies to anything unix-based or unix-like. Just dont expect magnificent support from people who use linux :V

i was a similar user. familiar with desktop linux, could do basic terminal commands, but eventually went back to windows.

then I jumped straight into Gentoo a few months ago. Went through the entire install process about 5 times, with a lot of research and printing out guides/handbooks. It took 3 days before I was using Firefox comfortably.

No, compiling from source did not take 3 days. If I knew 100% exactly what I was doing and could type commands with 0 delay, the entire install process from wipe to Firefox would take 1-2 hours. But I don't know exactly what I'm doing, so those 3 days were spend reading, reading and reading. I would write out a list of each command I needed to run in order, and when something didn't work, I would go back and figure out which step I needed to change. Often it was just making a typo in and important config.

I would recommend it. It's gonna suck, you're gonna have moments where you think "fuck it I'll just go back to Ubuntu instead", but if you persevere, you'll end up with a 100% stable desktop that only has exactly what you want installed on it, and everything compiled from source. It's a comfy feeling.

The posts wasn't ironic.

im already trying macos for a month (2011 macbook air 11") and for my needs i love it so far, only thing it lacks is ram, but even with 4GB its able to run 3 vms at the same time, which is impressive. I love the build quality, it just feels.. right. comparing it to my current ThinkPad running Ubuntu, im impressed. And definetely going for a macbook pro with the retina screen.

please go back to rebbit

How can I limit bandwidth on my network? I want to experiment with some network speeds as I browse the internet and want to limit it on the machine I'm using.

>falling for some random troll

I use wondershaper, it's pretty straightforward.

dont blame me, my first posts here.. came straight from /b and /pol .......

Wow, it's just a simple bash script. I don't think I'll be finding a program as simple as that, thanks.

bad is not unix; it not Unix, the system, nor UNIX, the trademark

Did I write these correctly? They aren't working for me.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

# denotes a comment

>alias doomseeker='cd /home/blahblahblah/build/; ./doomseeker'

alias doomseeker='(cd /home/blahblahblah/build/ && ./doomseeker)'

thank dr stallman

I see you don't like organization on your file system. Simple names, with small folders make navigation in something like ranger much more enjoyable.

i'll try those thanks

nice strawman. you have to be retarded to not know whats wrong with it.

I like how wondershaper is a frontend to tc. I think I'll read up more on tc and iproute2 tools.

You specify the path of an executable file you don't have to be in the directory with it.

>don't like plasma, install other wm
>NetworkManager gets auth error
How can i stop NetworkManager from launching in specific wm only?

>Is jumping straight into Gentoo autism?
Kind of

>I used Ubuntu in the past so I'm not exactly totally inexperienced
It really depends what do you mean by that
For some people "being familiar with Linux" means not getting lost when they see Firefox instead of IE

As other user suggested, you can try Arch instead of Gentoo first because you won't lose time on compilation

Because these programs expect subdirectories they load shit from in the current path.

Plasma is not a "wm"

Also what do you mean by auth error? NetworkManager is a global system service

>Because these programs expect subdirectories they load shit from in the current path.
you should read some manuals before """"attempting"""" to be helpful. thats not how you limit the program to its directory.

You have no idea user, download the program and try it yourself. Then shame yourself.

its time for you to install windows

tripcodes are as much Sup Forums culture as anime.

Thanks guys I'm going to write some more aliases for certain programming applications. I appreciate the help with 'muh games'


Which distrib would you recommend for a small webserver with PHP7 ?
What DE would you recommend for managing it ?
Is Webmin the shit ?

Do you have success with a webserver on a Pi ?
A quick build for a Seafile server is slow as fuck on it but I read everywhere that it's enough for a small userbase.

Sup Forums at one point was nothing but tripfags

>What DE would you recommend for managing it ?

Get Ubuntu, I guess

>Which distrib would you recommend for a small webserver with PHP7 ?
>What DE would you recommend for managing it ?

I have to do backup from a GoogleDrive account (we're moving to Seafile) and it's a pain in the ass without GUI.
PHP7 isn't in Debian Jessie (waiting for Strech) and CentOS.

kek its in gentoo stable

>falling for the gentoo meme

put a symlink to you're executable in you're $PATH.

but stallman told me so


You fell for a meme, son.
stallman.org/to-Sup Forums.html

Reminds me a bit of the alt-right Taylor Swift meme. Sup Forums can be evil.

But gentoo is unironically the best distro

noob here, why is gentoo considered as best distro? isn't the whole compiling thing just a waste of time?

I keep getting timed out errors when using pacman on Manjaro in Virtualbox
I tried fixing the mirrors in many ways but it always timeout
It's a firewall problem or what?