>use ubuntu
>"you're just a nubuntu fag"
>use debian
>"wow, you use that outdated piece of shit?"
>use arch
>"another archfag thinks he's cool for installing his meme distro"
When will this end? Sup Forums can never be satisfied.
>use ubuntu
>"you're just a nubuntu fag"
>use debian
>"wow, you use that outdated piece of shit?"
>use arch
>"another archfag thinks he's cool for installing his meme distro"
When will this end? Sup Forums can never be satisfied.
install gentoo
install void
go back to ubuntu and get shit done
install debian testing
macOS doesn't have this problem
Just use Ubuntu and disregard the hobbyists.
>Wanting to please everyone on Sup Forums
Install Fedora
That's why you're meant to use a distro nobody on Sup Forums has ever heard of, like Slackware
This. Ubuntu is pretty good
Use whatever you like and give no fucks to the opinions of others.
Does anyone legitimately use TempleOS?
only way to escape the memes is to become part of them yourself.
I run a couple templeos computing clusters at work
>>use ubuntu
>>"you're just a nubuntu fag"
I first logged onto a Unix box in the 1980s.
I started using Linux in the early 1990s.
I use Ubuntu on my desktop.
It does what I need it to do. I need to do shit, I don't need to fuck around like I used to years ago with adjusting VSync for X Windows.
If I want to look at other OS's, I can launch them in KVM's.
Load Ubuntu and then use a KVM to launch Gentoo if you want to. You'll have a nice OS shell to fuck around with Gentoo in.
systemd trash. All of it.
If you installed Devuan from the start you'd already be memeing with the best of them.
Just stick with Ubuntu if you don't have time to fuck around with Gentoo.
Literally all the other distributions have big downsides and there isn't any point to them. Except maybe suse.
Install Solus
>Install Fedora
Relax. Let go.
Bet she does a mean mrs piggy cosplay.
>Named after a black guy
Too hood for me user
>Trying to get tinydick sucked in desktop threads
>no downsides
YaST has fucking built in btrfs snapshots and instant rollbacks.
That's a pro user.
Same. I've been a Unix user since 91 and Linux since 97 and I use Ubuntu on my laptop. It is well configured and secure, and the lts stability sure is nice.
I run FreeBSD on my desktop for reasons, mostly to remind myself what a chore things were before Ubuntu.
Started with mandrake and I use ubuntu and debian now OP
Install Slackware
>install gentoo
Dont worry about what other people think. Use the OS that makes you happy
Just install Windows 10 :^)
>t. Poettering
you still haven't realized that Sup Forums is full of shit and 99% of the people here have no idea what they are talking about ?
Install Gentoo
install parabola
why do you care what a bunch of Sup Forums nerds think?
how the fuck do you even handle real life situations user?
install gentoo
Are you retarded? Just install Windows like the rest of us.
>wannacry or a botnet
it's not an option anymore user
>but windows is botnet
Are you a fucking pedophile?
If you have nothing to hide, what are you afraid of? They use it to improve their services.
>microshit windaids
Truly the choice of retards.
>using linux
then why the fuck are they recording every single keypress unless you specifically tell them not to do so and even then they'll do it anyway?
Make that Debian testing minimal and you're onto something
Just use whatever suits you the best dude.
All distros are the same, they are all powered by the same kernel.
>caring what some fat anonymous people say about your computer habits on anime imageboard
just buy apple homo
which part of "install gentoo" you don't understand?
Use Ubuntu LTS and upgrade the kernel if you really need to
If you try to please everyone, no one will be, including yourself.
Pick something that meets your needs and tell anyone that looks at you crossways to fuck off to the moon.
Just use Ubuntu with gnome. Seriously, what more do you need?
You could install Kali Linux and just use that for browsing and shitposting. It has worked for me with excellent performance.
If you really want something to be above and beyond just boot Linux from a USB Everytime and you probably don't have to worry about ever getting malware and shit performance
>I'm kinda new here.
why are you installing distros based on the worthless and often ill informed opinions of others? just use what you like and shut the fuck up
>using an OS with a fidget spinner logo
>t. NSA
You shouldn't take Sup Forums's opinion for anything, they like boys in knee socks and little girls
This, we have people here who don't know Fedora existed before the fedora meme.