GOOGLE faces $9 BILLION fine from EU

>Google could face a $9bn EU fine for rigging search results in its favour
>A seven-year investigation into the world's most popular internet search engine was triggered by scores of complaints from both US and European rivals

LOL... Jewgle BTFO! They managed to bribe their way out of antitrust trial in the US (thank Obongo) but EU won't let them off the hook.

Other urls found in this thread:

>friendship ended with the EU
>the USA is my best friend now

And they won't pay it, and what will happen? Nothing.

they should postpone the payment until the EU goes down

But Why exactly is jewgle answerable to EU in the first place? Who is forcing people on EU to use jewgle. Do they have some sort of contract?

>And they won't pay it, and what will happen? Nothing.
Fines. Blocking. Google does a huge amount of business in EU you fucking baka.

They do business there.

The power of the botnet

Google is garbage I hope it gets blocked in EU so we can use the flawless BING
Microsoft: The way you are ment to be searched TM

Why does this matter? Isn't that normal?
What does Google owe their competitors, and why is this something the EU thinks they have authority over?


next up google fires them all. no more cushy mountain jew jobs in zuerich


>what will they do if they don't pay the fine
>fine them

The operational costs of upending all those offices is orders of magnitude larger than just paying a fine.
Also those offices are not there out of the kindness of Google's heart. They need offices and most importantly, servers, in Europe. Otherwise, they can't serve ads as efficiently, and someone else might take their place in Europe. And certainly, they can't have that.
As long as Google has a hotdog stand inside the EU, Google-Europe can be fined.

Damn, is socialism that bad?...I had only heard about in textbooks, never actually saw it in working

It's just not bending over when big corp drops the soap.

>It's all a Jew plot!!
Thanks for the insider info

Give me the law where it's written that a private company can't tamper with their own data. Who gave EU the authority to determine what a business does?

I did. Fuck you.

Regardless, I'll probably never open up a branch in Europe, as my business grows... (((They))) are anti freedom. I'm sure other businesses will do the same soon.

Haha, no you didn't

>using your own search engine for your economic benefit?
>that's a fine
>using your near monopoly on search engines to push fake news and globalist propaganda?

Google, Facebook and Twitter are also going to get fined for that


Fugg :----D

enjoy your botnet

>why does business need to be honest?
>why do things that have become so commonplace they're more of a public service than a private enterprise and are considered to have a responsibility to do the right thing by virtue of the scale of their influence need to do clean business?
american detected

Do you think if a transport company gets into the position where it basically comprises the public transport net of a city, they don't have the responsibility to remain operational, keep prices stable unless pretty fucking justified, keep their schedules stable as much as possible, etc?

Now extend that to the search engine whose very name has become a synonym for searching. Google has grown to the point where it's a part of everyone's lives, thus they have certain responsibilities unused shit like bing doesn't have.

Why are there always people like you who refuse to accept that companies have responsibilities to the society they interact with? Society doesn't exist for companies to exploit unidirectionally - companies exist to cooperate bidirectionally with society.

>Society doesn't exist for companies to exploit unidirectionally
Why do commies always start with the believe people don't actually want to buy that sweet ass cellphone, but rather are being affected by those evil capitalist rays into buying stuff they don't actually want?

>company rigs shit in the US
>gets away with it
>what the fug fucking crony capitalism this is the gov't fault for keeping monopolies alive muh free markets fucking socialist
>company rigs shit in the EU
>gets in trouble
>what the fug fucking anti free markets, anti freedom socialist fucks muh free markets companies should be able to do whatever they want

>amrifats defend a corporation practices
>wonder why their ISPs are so shit
ayyy lmao

Yeah, they can tamper with their own data. They can't break unlawful competition laws. Google was promoting its own price-comparison service over those of its competitors on its supposedly neutral search engine.
Yes, we have unlawful competition rules. If Google doesn't like it, they can fuck off back to where they come from.
If they want to stay they have to come here legally and ASSIMILATE.

Hehe, yeah. Commies always fail to furiously suck the cock of companies for free.

>That one huge location in Israel

Do this to every business and see them leaving your socialist shithole....oh wait you can't, because your country runs on gibs me days from these very capitalists.

I know that not having food is an issue in commie shitholes, but semen isn't the answer.

Just a coincidence, user :^)

idk if I hate google or the EU more

I'm not hearing an argument that validates the statement "society only exists so our corporate overlords can fuck us all in the ass and do whatever the fuck they want to people to make moar money" from you, or invalidates mine.

People want to buy that sweet ass cellphone, but the price of that phone should be fair given its production costs etc. They can't price a $10 at $1000 just cause lol people will pay it anyway :D. Well actually they can and do and it's still allowed for now, but anything more manipulative than that, such as manipulating information (e.g. the response to a query to find sources of certain information, i.e. google results) and its spread is a crime against humanity.

> Taxing companies is gibsmedat.
Please user, tell me again where that American middle-class went. And while you're doing that, please, explain how those patriotic red voting states always depend on taxes levied from blue states.

If only Americans had the balls to fine Jewgle for rigging search results

First of all, America isn't exactly truly capitalist, it has socialism in the mix.
Also, being a capitalist doesn't mean being anti taxes. Some taxes are necessary. It does mean that government has lesser restrictions on businesses tho. Conservatism and capitalism goes hand in hand as they both speak for limited governments and free markets.


>Google have no interests in EU
That would be great, but not true.

Google gives you free email, free storage, free access to unlimited info. , soon it will give you eternal NEET Paradise through automation and AI , and you still complain. Why are you millenials so ungrateful ?

I understand your point user, the old capitalist-socialist dichotomy is flawed because almost all nations are mixed economies.
You are right, taxes have little to do with how capitalist is a country.
Capitalism would entail creating a good environment for companies, so they can compete. When the best rise to the top and bad business fails (without artificial outside interventions, maybe to break up monopolies) everyone wins.
I like the American ideal of small government, however Europe is another place right now. Regardless, that was not the point of that conversation. The point was "hurr, europe is literally Venezuela because you dare fine a company"

>not loving Greatest Ally


that's fucking nothing for google.

becuase all of those things come with asterisks and fine print, user

we can't keep allowing innocent* people to sell candy* to young kids anymore either

>paying the danegeld

If you are from EU and advertised on Google search you may can grab some money from the fine. Ask a lawyer.

Sup Forums hot take: the Jews did it

Because the EU loves Jews, right???

It's a childish nihilism and a feel of the inferiority toward Jews.

the mothership

This. Getting cucked and not realizing it.

>burgers in charge of understanding basic commercial law to prevent large companies from abusing its consumers


Jewgle, should pull a Jew card. Considering that you can't even deny the holocaust in france, Germany etc the EU would cave in

>how many countries have complained and nothing has happened about it ever?

Kek... and here the bong almost grasped the benefit of many smaller countries forming a union.

>EU offers to pay Google to rig search results in their globalist favor
>Google does it
>now EU fines Google for rigging search results in their globalist favor

So there's China and Russia, who are all the others supposed to be? A lot of the world is as shrimpy and unconnected as Britain. There are very few singular shitholes with a lot of negotiating power. Chile comes to mind, imagine the outrage if California didn't have fresh fruit of every variety all year round because of something Trump did. You'd have white people murdered in the streets.

>You'd have white people murdered in the streets.
Is it a meme or what?

>it's another Sup Forums thread hijacked by Sup Forums and their shitty buzzwords

>rigging search results in its favour

The simple fact that Google has been rigging all kinds of search-results for a very long time is why I switched years ago. It's also why I run my own instance of the YaCy P2P search-engine.

Google showing their own products before other's in their search-results is the least scary thing they are doing. Trying to influence what you are able to learn and what you think by hiding a whole range of sites while showing you a limited variation of approved sites is far more worrying.

Oh Google is very answerable to the EU. Less importantly, they serve consumers within the fascist union. Far more importantly, they pay almost everyone using Adsense through Ireland.

...and they've got far more than a "hot-dog stand". Financially (=revenue) they are essentially a European company.


Hyperbole. People would be unreasonably upset though. I once saw a lady hit a guy over some avacados.

I agree. The EU is really violating the NAP here.

take your bait somewhere else then

The others are multinational corporations like Google

I can't believe more people voted for Hill than Jillary. I hate hippies as much as the next guy but the two party illusion has gone too far, and everyone voting for a woman should have gone green.

Jill was just as bad as Hillary. She backs pseudo-scientific garbage.


so what are some good Google alternatives?

because the problem with most search engines is that while they may not be Google, they basically are Google and use the same algorithms and give the same rigged results.

Jill believes in healing stones and crap like this... not much better than Gary "What's Aleppo?" Johnson

Still better than the crooked.

>implying Jill won't be bought the instant she enters the Oval Office
The US needs a total reset, preferably trough nuke or asteroid.

>Jill believes in healing stones and crap like this
Nice but Pence have bigger bullshit and can be the next a POTUS any time.

im confused where you are getting socialism from this? Every single country those offices reside in are capitalist.

>Governments butting in a private company's policies regarding it's product on which the government has (and shouldn't have) no right on.
Yeah, totally not socialism...

they will delay the judgement with their army of lawyers until decades later and keep pushing it back until the end of time like any other large corporation

Yes, I know that Jews are smarter than you.

Pence is fucking awesome.

lol what stops you from double checking on another search engine you don't even have to move your fat ass to do it it's a tab away what the fuck

>the goy found out!
I'm Jewish tho...

It becomes the government's business when those products affect people's lives in any meaningful way, you fucking dipshit.

>the gubmint has no business forbidding me from selling my house paint based on lead!
>ebil gubmint wants me to stop using asbestos in walls I build, they have no right to!

We don't live in the goddamn wild west anymore

>just let companies do whatever they want!
Nestle in california, comcast in the whole country

And then triple-check with another, and another, and another, because all of them lie just as much if we allow them to. Besides, you're moving goalposts here. If google wants to advertise itself as "a search engine", it should do that: search information and present it. If they want to legally be biased about which info they show you and in which order, they should advertise themselves as "a search engine that pushes its own opinions on its users".

I swear it's like you burgerland idiots have a fetish for anarchy where you can just do whatever immoral thing you want if you're physically able to until someone pops a cap in your head

>Google has to advertise its competition for free in Yurop

>>Google has to advertise its competition for free in Yurop
>changing the argument to then counter the changed argument with a non-argument

Think the entire EU can live without Google or Android or YouTube in this day and age?

In 1983, 90% of US media was controlled by 50 companies; today, 90% is controlled by just 5 companies. Guess the trend

>pewdiepie and everyone else goes away
>we use some other search engine than google
>protonmail replaces gmail
doesn't sound too bad actually

>I HATE chip&pin cards, yesterday i had to wait 3 YEARS for authorisation

Why would it have to? Android can be forked no problem.

YT can be replaced in a while, too.

The European Union epitomizes European inferiority and jealousy of America.

All they ever do is complain and fine innovative American companies (Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc) because their own native companies are terrible and just cannot compete.

Instead of trying to pull down your competors to your level, why don't you Eurocucks step up?

Because we're not technologicaly retarded and we know it's not free

There really isn't a good alternative to Google.

You got Bing which is just as bad and Duckduckgo which is snake oil. At that point you're left with relics from the 90s and Chinese search engines.

>everything we muricans do is innovative and great
>we'd neeeever do anything disagreeable
>if we get reprimanded it must be because they hate us cause they aint us!

> >Be Sup Forums
> >cry about le evil jewgle every day
> >muh botnet
> >EU slaps google
> > Sup Forums "wtf EU, you can't go against this good business practice of screwing everyone else over!!1

my fucking sides lads

EU did a similar thing to Microsoft once.

It's just a way to collect money from American companies.

>YT can be replaced in a while, too.
This is the one thing that isn't simple to replace due to the already large amount of content it has, the deals with music partners it has and also the amount of data centres you would have to setup to accommodate the bandwidth and storage. At least with search engines you can still point to something like bing and yahoo even if they are worse. There is no real alternative to youtube that even comes close to it.