Apparently these fucking red things are called paper washers, why do computer case manufacturers give me this shit...

apparently these fucking red things are called paper washers, why do computer case manufacturers give me this shit? what the fack are they meant to do???

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Use them so you don't fuck the case/screws, you idiot.

Protects the paint on the case

it stops the screws making the mobo short circuit

you guys didn't want wooden screws.
You brought it on yourself.

they can either:
>prevent the screws from becoming loose over time
>prevent the paint underneath from being scratched

I remove mine since they add weight to the computer and make it slower

How did you go to the nineties to buy a case?

Those haven't been used for years now.

>Not knowing the red ones make it run faster
Get a load of this guy.

You have to go buck

You place it on the screw then secure the motherboard, its so you don't scratch and short your motherboard I used to place stuff there, it seems like they include them now, pretty cool.


>Not wanting clean paper

yeah but the screws also serve to connect the board to the chassis as common ground

i always thought that the screw had to touch those metal parts so that the he mobo get grounded

That solder is just there to help lock the screw. They aren't connected to anything.

aren't those meant to direct the static from touching the pc case so that your motherboard wont die?

adding those paper washers there would prolly kill your mobo like hella fast.

I wouldn't be surprised if they are connected to the ground.

Someone get out a motherboard and diode test between two.

I thought the standoffs were supposed to keep the mobo solder points off the metal of the case and provide a ground (since the standoffs touch the case, which acts as a ground)

I don't think it has anything to do with static, although I guess that would work with it too.

The paper washers seem kind of counterintuitive though, since they keep the metal from touching the "ground" in the standoffs, which kind of gets rid of the ground for your mobo.

You would only put the paper washer on one side of the mobo, so either the screw or the standoff would still be touching the solder points.

mobo is grounded through the 24 pin connector to the psu, otherwise it wouldn't work when you built it on a cardboard box.

If it were the case, they had to be labeled as ground with the proper sign next to them

No. You're probably thinking of AC ground.

Add more speedholes to your case to make it faster.