What the fuck Ethereum ?

What the fuck Ethereum ?

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guess who bought in last week

How do I get into ethereum mining?

> tfw got in at $144 a piece
not bad ;)

Ethereum is going to crash imo
Apart from the classic bubble explosion Ethereum is going to become proof of stake => non gpu minable.

jesus how the fuck? I saw this posted like 2 weeks ago. it actually took off...

I wonder who could be behind these posts.

chinese are buying into it now that their gov is cracking down on bitcoin

how the fuck were you guys this late to the party?

Staph, it hurts.


Got in at $7.88. Feels OK but now I'm hungry for more.

How do you not sold at 25, 50 ,100 150 200. truly hand of steel

it seems like the cryptocoin market makes huge value come out of sand or something.

>tfw got in at 13 a piece
>tfw only got a little over 10 of them

got in at 150

fuck my life senpai

got in at $91. should've put in more jeseus fuck

I only go in for nickels so that by the time a satoshi is likea penny or something i'm rich for little risk

>tfw I bought into the /biz/ memes and bought 2000 eth at 1.5
>tfw wanted to sell it at 20 but decided against it
>bagholded it when it went down all the way to 8
>kind of forgot about it at the end of 2016
You don't know the feeling when you check the news and remember that you have 2000 eth and they're worth 400k now.

same. I too have at least 200000.

For all of you feeling down about not getting in on this, remember that this is not investing; this is gambling.

Just like any other pump and dump stock, cryptocurrency has no inherent value and rides upon its popularity. For all the people you win money in this game, there is a large amount who lose. That's the nature of things.

If you don't have money that you're willing to lose, "investing" in things like this is high risk.

Congratulations to those who won and I hope you continue to win. However, to those who feel they've lost, don't jump on the next bandwagon just because others are hyping it up.

t. Guy who used to play the penny stocks game and made some good gains and some equally bad losses

it was clear from the get go that Ethereum wasn't just another shitcoin.

While that's true, there's also the question of getting in as early as possible on all of them for basically nothing, which is possible.
past a few cents per coin (or so), though, yeah it's gambling

>cryptocurrency has no inherent value and rides upon its popularity.

not true, don't talk about things you don't know about

>t. Guy who used to play the penny stocks game

lmaoo butthurt over your 0.5% annual gains

It's still very much high risk. It could be the greatest sounding shit in the would but be absolute false marketing that leads it up into greatness before a massive crash. Or it could be truly the best thing in the world but it doesn't gain a following and sputters into obscurity.

True. And that's also the appeal of penny stocks. But unfortunately for most the bubble happens so fast that they don't get time to sell and before long they're stuck holding on to shit they can't sell or the currency losses value so fast that they've made barely any profit, no profit, or a loss.

This is true. Looking at how other cryptocurrencies have gone, my investment could have easily gone the other way. I'm upset that I didn't buy more ethereum when I did, but it would have sucked to lose the amount that I did, if it went down instead.

I think has the right idea about it, but it's really hard to tell which is going to be the next big thing.

the last time Ethereum was a few months ago.
thought it died that day.

Cryptocurrency may have some inherent value but at the end of the day, it's largely dependent upon it becoming widely used and the value being driven up through popularity.

unlike penny stocks, eth has value in it's ability to create smart contracts.

not to mention bitcoin tx fees are ridiculous right now

Bitcoin was shilled hard on this board between 2009-2011 and you're still poor? Just end your life already. You're too stupid to live.

>missed out twice now
Fuck me.

You also missed strat and wave

Also AMD stock

Got in at 88 but it was pocket change ... Why didn't I buy more? Fuck

Cryptocurrencies are really ponzi schemes of 21st century.

shieet, I remember reading about this 1 year ago on wikipedia

how was it clear?

How do you buy etherum

download the 20 gig blockchain and trade it for bitcoin or cash

Oh, I tried downloading the blockchain but it stops every about 50 000 blocks

>2 weeks ago
Look at the fucking dates on the chart, dimwit. IT took off months ago, and has been around for years.

This. Best way to win cryptocurrency is to look at all of them and grab the most dead ones at dollars for hundreds of coins. then 5 years later when the bubble comes, pop that shit and make bank.

I just used the heavy af client and left my laptop to roast overnight

Does ethereum have the same block chain problems as bitcoin? Or did they solve them? By problems, I mean the continually growing size of the block chain and the slow transaction rate possible due to limitations of the block chain.

For example, compare the number of credit card transactions (60K per second vs 7 per second)

I think Ethereum is like 15 per second

i have an rx 480

is it worth to start mining? I have some knowledge of this because I mined dogecoin for a while

You'll make like 40 cents per day

goy that 40 cents per day adds up to quite an amount by the end of the year
it's good pocket change

no need for mining
stack 100-1000 eth and prepare a full node
you will receive money for supporting the network

that's 100% profit right there since my mum pays for electricity

how do i do that?

He basically said u gotta buy ethememes first
about 100000$ worth of them.

You might as well just steal the money from your mothers wallet.

Anyone used solidity before? I'd like to dabble in smart contracts.