Can anyone remove these?

Other urls found in this thread:

Can we?
Sure, I don't see why not.
Will we?
No, lmao

Not your personal army.


If what these people are saying is false, why not take legal action against them for defamation? Why ask for help here?

[email protected]

If anyone can help remove hose posts please help the sites themselves won't take them down and nothing can be done. Her ex got pissed because she left him and now she can't find a job because of this crap. If you need to contact me my email is at the top. She doesn't deserve this at all. Please help her please I implore anyone to help take this down by any means necessary.

I'll do anything it takes anything at all it doesn't matter what.

If what you say is true, get a lawyer. Sup Forums isn't going to be of any use (and damn well won't get you the money that a lawsuit will).

Can't sue and can't do anything talked to the police and talked to lawyer's everyone says ignore it and walk away make a post about them to get back at them.

Dude she lives in Burgerland, she gets like million burgerbux for suing him.

At the very least if you can prove she was denied a job because of it, there is legal ground for a lawsuit. If the local lawyers tell you otherwise, they're not legitimate lawyers and you should seek counsel outside your town.

>Her ex got pissed because she left him
She says. Kek

this is real guy's I wouldn't be here if I had other options I have a $300 an hour lawyer who said nothing can be done. Seriously she needs your help? Damn I should've known no one on here can help or do anything

She doesnt deserve this, those patriarchal pigs are just out to get her

>those tooling marks
Here, have a free bump. More people need a laugh today.


your lawyer told you to "get back at them" online?


The police said nothing can be done post something about them if you want to. The lawyer said it's not illegal.

Do American's really eat this?

Only the stupid ones.

This idea has always been obvious. But it seems like a easy way to abuse.

But to answer your question. No. 3d women are disgusting.

I'm so confused.

What you don't understand in your cuck cage is that she's going to do the same thing to you that she did to her ex.

american pizza culture is shit i gotta say, also that dominoes valintines day pizza was pretty comical

I guarantee this is nothing but a really shitty attempt to "engineer" (too kind a word) an attack on the email OP posted here. You're not nearly as clever as you think you are, faggot OP. Lurk moar.

No, Americans eat like this.

I don't really care what she does I'm just trying to give someone their life back because it's the right thing to do. Geebus does anyone have a good head on their shoulders anymore or is everything a joke to people now?

Bumping for possible entertainment potential.

Go ahead and engineer a blast on that e-mail I could care less there's nothing in it or on it or attached to it. Have at it thanks for letting me know to never log in to it again lol

Can something be done? Probably. Will something be done? Probably not. What's in it for us? There's no stake, there's no interest, there's no reason to spend the time or effort.
TL;DR: Tits or GTFO.

Why can't women take responsibility for what they did?
>cheat on someone
>think no consequences
>things happen because you cheated on someone
>cry mysoggyknees and try to get white knights to help you out
You deserve this

The truth is, there's nothing anyone here can do, since it's mostly filled with consumerist dumbasses, so we're just all gonna sit back and have a laugh. A "real hacker" might be able to find some flaw in the security of those websites and take the whole thing down, but it would take time and effort which won't come cheap. Your realistic best course of action is to contact the people who run those sites and threaten to sue for defamation or some shit if they don't take it down.

Is that a valentines day pizza?
That's really sad.

There is nothing wrong with American pizza. I prefer greasy food with my weed. Murica.

What's in it for you? What needs to be? I never said do it for free lol I thought there was real internet ninjas? Would the real intermet ninja please stand up?

did i say that?no, i said pizza culture.

I told you dude, there are none here, we're all dumbasses who circlejerk about buying the latest graphics card and other dumb shit like that.


No pizza is sad pizza. Unless you go to Lil Caesars. All of their pizzas scream depression.

Do American's really eat this?

god these people need to blame their husbands, this is retarded to blame the """"""""homewrecker""""""""

Okay circlejerking pizza ninjas point me to a channel with a more experienced crowd?


>ninjas work for free
I got work in the morning. I get paid there. How much are you going to pay for this?

>kali linux...loaded
>proxies X7...loaded
>All images...enhanced
>dank maymays...idle
>leet hax...ready to engage

Sitrep user

How much do you need? Serious inquiries only I'm paying in US fund's half when one gets taken down the other half when the other gets taken down

Email me at [email protected]

No one asked for money. Post your tits if you want our help. It's the Sup Forums way. Has been for years.

does anyone even give a shit about this site?

Lol here's the boobies!

>Android filenames in previous posts
>iPhone filename in this one

nice try

if it was an iphone wouldnt it just say "image

why do you keep using an apostrophe? are you illiterate?

kill yourself,f aggot

It was an IPhone image good guess lol my buddy said oh they want boob I'll guve them mine lol you didn't specify what kind of boobs mine are hairy if you want those?

newer versions of iOS use something like IMG_n.jpg


>Roastie getting toastied
>whines to Sup Forums for help

Reddit pls

maybe you shouldn't have sucked every dick within 5 feet of you, cunt.

>being a white knight for a cheating whore
she'll cheat on you too, dumbass.

who would you expect to date a known cheater other than some illiterate nigger?

Woah woah woah buddy no need for the N word here I get it you hate people of another race but that's notnwhat this post is about.

yahoo answers

are you married to her? if not why the fuck do you care, drive over to her, spit her in the face and move on.

Troll someone else retard.

i'll help her once she gives back the life she took out of the men she cheated on

Fuck off doggo

Timestamp with tits and sharpie in the pooper, that's how it has always worked. It's our currency

Also has herpes.

Haha nice touch.

delete facebook, lawyer up and hit the gym.

Do anything huh?

Hory sheet the english so bad it makes me laugh.

Talk about pulling apart a grilled cheese sandwich fuckin grose

Let's see some ninja warrior action!

>can't find job cause someone said she cheated

Hahaha ok