LIVE WALLPAPERS | Wallpaper Engine

Anybody else using this software? What live wallpaper are you using? I can't believe I just found out about this stuff.

Other urls found in this thread:

its not free and if you're using a cracked version you're gonna be pissed in the end.

It's $3.99, but all the wallpapers are free to download.

Sup Forums are the only ones that would use this kind of stuff.

My desktop never sees the light of day. Neither of them on both monitors. Unused desktop space is wasted space. And I mean programs on them, not shortcuts.


I own this and Stardock's solution but ultimately prefer a solid color pape

I take LSD and everything comes alive.

I used this for a while back when it was a native Vista functionality. When it went away in 7 I stopped using it. Maybe it's time to try it again I guess.

Vista had native live wallpaper support? wtf

That's cool. I had no idea that was ever a thing.

Why not just use Rainmeter?

If its just a simple clock

>Wincucks have to PAY for live wallpapers
top lmao, OS for true cucks

because it looks neat and the ring around the center is also a music visualizer

As if rainmeter can't do that?

>you need steam to get it

no thanks, if it was a standalone program I would get it though

I had no idea what that software was until just now desu.

This is the first thing I found searching for it so I'm going to pretend this is my reasoning.

Everything has a shitty subreddit, so what?

I'm just making excuses

Proof of concept, installed and setup in a couple minutes


well thanks for enlightening me and potentially the whole thread.

you just found out about rainmeter?

do you not realize that you just outed yourself as underage?

>you just found out about rainmeter?
>do you not realize that you just outed yourself as underage?
nah, I just outed myself as an ignorant fuck

Which OS do you use where you get gree live wallpapers you shit eating faggot? Guzzle some cum and lay off the faggetory you shit eater mouth breathing normie.

Well Windows apparently

Live wallpapers are garbage bloat
what do you do, just stare at your desktop all day?

Really it sounds like something a tech illiterate retard would use.

>garbage bloat
if your computer cant handle a live wallpaper then what are you even doing on this board?

It pauses the software when anything is fullscreen or maximized.

Also, I think it looks nice and this

proprietary bloat

>Implying rainmeter isn't a thing

I have windows on top of my desktop all the time because i actually use my computer. No point to it.

Why have a desktop or wallpaper at all then?


I don't.

Not worth paying.

I remember having an animated version of this as a wallpaper back when it was trendy

It was pretty comfy

>mouth breathing normie.
normies aren't mouth brathers
anime watchers are mouth breathing virgins

Holy shit more ads for this crappy software after being spammed everywhere on 9fag, how fucking desperate can you get

Too much anime and gayman bullshit on there to make it worth the price.

out of my way wintoddler
mpv --wid=0 -ao null --osc=no

using simplistic audio visualizer I put a WebM of some comfy rain in the background

what is this stuff ?

That only works in outdated window managers and has absolutely no place in wayland. The only modern desktop with support for that is with a qml script in kde.

Can be made to work easily in KDE:
mpv --wid=`xdotool search --onlyvisible --limit 1 --name plasma-desktop` -ao null --osc=no ....

Wayland a shit.