Why XFCE is so fucking blazing damn fast?

Seriously, no other DE can compete with it, not even Mate o LXDE... XFCE wins on every aspect of stability, performance and look.

Why you are not using it?

*le screen tearing meme

Install Compton.

Looks not so much, don't get me wrong, it looks ok.
It's fast because it's the WinXP DE of the linux world.
I wish it had a working global menu, but only *buntu has that because Canonical jury-rigs it into the DE. Menu forwarding is a mess.

Isn't compton abandonware at this point?

My XFCE went from insane tearing to clear display by changing the refresh rate from 75 to 60 Hz

>Looks not so much, don't get me wrong, it looks ok.
You can rice the everloving shit out of it. Just check in on any of the totally not pedo threads.

>Isn't compton abandonware at this point?
It just werks.

Intel HD 3000 & optimus.
Installed the current testing version 4.12 from AUR and no more tearing.

Only thing that bothers me is a weird checkerboard tearing present in all DEs when I use nvidia-xrun for a session.

What is i3?

I used xfce a while back and I didn't really enjoy using it. Using lxde now, as per preference.

bspwm my man

Fair enough, user. I like XFCE even though I rarely use it. One of these days, I'll want a lighweight windowing DE and I'll be sure to use XFCE


Every fucking time we have an xfce thread people say the screen tearing is fixed and every time I fucking install the latest version I can find it still fucking tears near the top of the screen.

Why does KDE feel so clusterfucked?
Just tried out the live version of KDE neon and it really feels like shit. It looks decent, but there is so much wasted space. Just look at those terminal windows. God why?

Will there ever be a better DE than unity?

>Will there ever be a better DE than unity?

Now that Unity is marked for death has Sup Forums pulled a 180 and started saying it's good?

which part of this is bad?

That's generally how it works

XFCE is the best DE. I've switched to i3wm these days but if I ever feel like using a DE XFCE is the only choice, it's as perfect as a DE can be.

>comparing DE by speed
Why? Even on low modern specs any DE will be fast as fuck.
I use Plasma 5 because it the most featured DE and also it has the best WM with wayland support.
Also I have lxqt with openbox installed and i feel absolutely no difference.

Openbox + tint2

>has Sup Forums pulled a 180 and started saying it's good?
I've been saying that for years.
Was sceptical when it launched but got comfy really fast with it. Now it just works. But I am definitly looking forward to 18.04. This can be a huge success or a even bigger failure. Will see

>What is i3?
A window manager.

See () or ().

>ugly as fuck
>three different audio widgets, none of them werks
>ugly as FUCK

Also Compton makes everything lag and needs 5 fucking CLI options to not fuck everything up. Xfce was one of my last hopes, I've returned to Windows 6 months ago.

Enjoy your shitty DE. Drag the whisker menu and see what happens.

Which DE is the best for DPI scaling? Or is Linux generally pretty good?

Pretty much everything

>using le nvidia
Bad form.
This too.
That's a terrible bandaid fix though.

Eazy now please. Show some attitude

that crapware can't remember windows size and position. fuck that shit!

no high dpi scaling

screen tearing and looks like complete SHIT

hence xFECES

Should've installed Solus, Budgie just works™

The defaults are not ideal, I will give you that.
Most applications are set in a configurable mode to show off what is possible.
I think you are meant to configure it to your liking.
The terminal windows are a clusterfuck by default.
I always remove the scrollbar, set the tab to only show when needed and hide the menu bar.
There is menus to set this up in a few seconds and when you do this, you realize how KDE is different to other DE's.
Qt config files are easy to read, but a graphical frontend makes it very easy to configure how you want it.

Dolphin is another example.
All the panels are unlocked so you can modify them, the terminal is not enabled, there is a bunch of buttons you might not use etc.

But is this really something you find is wrong with kde?
It is usable by default, but you can easily modify to be better for you.

If you want to save more screen space, I would suggest you add this to your kwinrc

It will automatically remove window borders and decoration when you maximize windows.
In your case, firefox would loose the border while the other windows would be unaffected.

There is not a graphical option for this one, but I use it on all my machines.