I made some more progress on a Game Boy emulator for TempleOS
I made some more progress on a Game Boy emulator for TempleOS
but can it run crysis?
Does it have sound yet?
I have a few more changes to make to the tile renderer, then I'm going to do a Freq2Ona audio implementation
Let's see it run the greatest gameboy game of them all and then I'll be impressed.
>pic related
>degenerate crossdresser wallpaper
How can you stand to use God's own OS when it blinks so much? That webm alone started giving me a headache.
this is hands down the best gbc game
Isn't it that turkroach?
name por flavor
Anzu, i think.
Maybe not, I dont know
if it's a girl (female) dropped
Nobody knows.
This is great.
Technology thread.
>Hey guise check my new emulator!
No one cares.
Fuck nu/g/
>post the sauce on the qt in the background then i'll talk
Does Crysis work at 640x480?
you are in luck then
How so?
As your mother should have dropped you
Do it for me user! We could play with it at night, if you know what I mean. Mmmmh~ :3
That's a shitton of make up, wouldn't even be able to touch him without ruining his appearance, and obviously no kissing either
Should show Terry this on his next stream
>tfw no qt like that, appearance of which is not a lie and will pass down to offspring because, wait for it, it's genetically engineered with CRISPR (this post is tech related now)
>people like this turkroach and actually think she's attractive
all turkroaches should be gassed
>I post on Sup Forums and spread the edge to look cool on other boards
i didn't wish to imply anzu is the best turkroach grill. ilay is way better desu
can you have a key that lets you switch which channel you want to hear from the PC speaker
Why are you doing this to yourself?
I can confirm it does, since that's how i played it when it came out.
>flashing messages
>dat color scheme
Very cute
You don't seem to want to experience and enjoy divine intellect, CIA nigger.
The only thing that flashes is "MENU" and the Term button which is hidden like 99% of the time, it's not that big of a deal and you can turn it off if it bothers you that much.
Stop this.
If God wanted Mario played in his temple he would have told Terry.
Delete this
Why? That's a dude. Crossdressing doesn't change that.
When you're that cute it doesn't matter nigga