/pcbg/ - PC Building General

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>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons & compatibility filter.

THEN state the PURPOSE of your PC & BUDGET. State COUNTRY if not USA.
List GAMES/SOFTWARE you use often. List resolution & hz if gaming.
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>How to assemble a PC, select components & more. (somewhat outdated)

>G4560 - budget builds (R5 1500x - generally all you need for 60fps with power to spare. No i5
>R5 1600 - best value for higher fps gaming & mixed usage; 1600x if you too lazy to OC
>i7-7700k - bad value but good for higher FPS; may have heat issues
>R7/Xeon/Threadripper/i9 - compute/Multitask/mixed use

>G4560 iGPU is fine for desktop stuff and very light game
>1050Ti for low budget. Drop settings if not Freesync/Gsync on newer games; RX560 if discounted RX570 4GB - 1080p@60+hz, running most maxed; older games at 144+hz
>RX580 8GB - 1440p@60+hz, inject SMAA & drop settings
>1060 - Generally outperformed by the RX 580 and GSync costs more; consider if AMD is not an option (ie CUDA/miners buying all RX570s)
>1080 - 1080p@100-144+hz maxed; 1440p at lower hz.
>1080Ti - 1440p@90-144+hz; 4k@60hz in SOME games, more at lower settings
>Freesync2 & Vega soon

>READ PRODUCT REVIEWS to see if that cheap SSD/PSU or whatever is reliable
>Consider larger SSD-only for what you budget SSD+HDD combined. Add HDD later once needed
>NVMe aren't for faster OS boot. They're primarily for productivity/scratch disk/VMs
>Stop confusing any M.2 drive with NVMe. M.2 is a form factor
>mATX board + case is often cheaper
>1 SR DIMM is slower than 2 DIMMs


Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01N1KKKO5/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1496623464&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=cooler master cpu water cooler&dpPl=1&dpID=51aTgc+K6mL&ref=plSrch

you forgot to add the GTX 1070 line you doofus
delete and remake while you have the time

Ryzen 1600x
Asus Crosshair Hero 6
Flare X 3200 8gb+8gb
RX580 Saphire Nitro+ 8gb
Acer XF270HU 1440p Freesync monitor

I already have SSD and Hardrive, is this a good 1440p gaymen PC? Is Freesync worth it?

Freesync is pretty good indeed as it ensures no tearing & smoothness even if you go below 60FPS for a short amount of time
Without Freesync it'd be either getting tearing when without v-sync, or stutter with it

Why do people go with the most expensive board?
Isn't the Taichi the best AM4 board overall?

looks good

Good for 1440p but not the best.


Hello everyone what's your opinion on my build? Should I go for it? Any recommendations?

Freesync is a meme. Get a high quality IPS panel for the same price as these shitty 144hz TN freesync monitors. That gpu will barely be able to hit over 60 fps maxed out in 9/10 modern games anyway at 1440p.

Waitâ„¢ for Vega :^)

this cooler won't do much
The 1600x is already near it's max clocks (4.1GHz), and you can do a 4GHz overclock on all 6 cores with a much cheaper $60 cooler or such because it doesn't heat that much
can save money on SSD
is good otherwise

>combining LEDs
Not funny, my sister died that way


""""Budget"""" Gaming Build Mk.II
HDD, Case, and PSU will be recycled from previous build. Any room for improvement?

what is the best/cheap way of getting windows 10?

Any good books on EE?

The pirate bay

Just make sure to get 8 gb more of ram later on.
Programs are using more and more RAM as technology goes forward.

You should be fine, for now.

Also an SSD is recommended.

Thanks, I had considered each of those and likely will get them down the road

Depends on the games you play.
For Doom, Overwatch, and esports it is just right.

For AAA games, the 1070 is better overall at 1440p

Is this worth buying?

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01N1KKKO5/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1496623464&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=cooler master cpu water cooler&dpPl=1&dpID=51aTgc+K6mL&ref=plSrch

Is it worth hunting down the latest version of Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB for a new computer?

No, get a big sized fan instead(biggest your case can have) and 2 prefereably(at the front) and get a normal sized for the exhaust at the back. Depending on your case you mgiht experiment a bit.
1. Bigger fans barely make noise
2. Do crazy cooling thanks to more air going through case

Water coolers are shitty, overpriced and nobody uses them besides people that are gullible to """pc gaming""" marketing strats

PCPartPicker part list: pcpartpicker.com/list/Jvh83F
Price breakdown by merchant: pcpartpicker.com/list/Jvh83F/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel - Pentium G4560 3.5GHz Dual-Core Processor ($62.49 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master - Hyper T2 54.8 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($9.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Gigabyte - GA-B250M-DS3H Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($69.89 @ OutletPC)
Memory: Crucial - 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($49.88 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($48.44 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: MSI - GeForce GTX 1050 2GB Video Card ($89.98 @ Newegg)
Case: Azza - SIRIUS ATX Mid Tower Case ($19.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: SeaSonic - 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($54.99 @ Amazon)
Optical Drive: LG - GH24NSC0B DVD/CD Writer ($16.88 @ OutletPC)
Sound Card: Asus - Xonar DSX 24-bit 192 KHz Sound Card ($52.88 @ OutletPC)
Wired Network Adapter: TP-Link - TG-3468 PCI-Express x1 10/100/1000 Mbps Network Adapter ($11.95 @ Amazon)
Total: $487.36
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-06-04 20:55 EDT-0400

Well my evo 212 is about 5 or so years old hoow long do heatpipes last?

Good luck finding one in stock

Nah, just use your current license if its a windows 7, 8 or 8.1
Otherwise pirate one of those windows versions.
Microsoft is doing a full 360 on the LTSB version, dont even bother with, microsoft is dead. Just use their older versions till newer games dont work on them anymore then just go back to linux. Microsoft is a joke and will become obsolete in 20years.


Im going with g4600 because I want to do gpu passthrough in the future. Or is the igpu in 4560 good enough?

That's pretty good for the price but why are you getting a soundcard & CPU cooler?

Don't really know but if it still works and your temps are stable I don't see a reason why you should upgrade, its kind of waste of money if that cooler can go hard for atleast another 5 years. Like buying a new mouse because your old one was 5 yrs old.

Unless you're rich, then go ahead and get somthing new so you can have that 5degrees C lower temps even though your cpu will function the same.

>he doesnt use a cooler on his soundcard

Anyone know how to get a phanteks cpu cooler AM4 mounting braket?

Upgrading from my FX-6300/M5A78L-M/960 2gb build. The PSU and storage are being carried over, didn't bother including the latter though. Wanted to get the 580 but that ain't happening anytime soon it seems.

Anyways, would I be seeing a worthwhile overrall performance upgrade from my current build? Not just with gaming but with multatasking and encoding/rendering.

contacting their support

Thoughts on this build would be greatly appreciated:


I'm addicted to spending money, any recommend upgrades?

I wish people would take the time to learn how to delete things on this site. It's two damn clicks.

You'd see a decent performance increase but it'd be a bad choice because both the R5 1500x & 1600 would be much better at rendering, encoding, multitasking & gaming than these overpriced 4 core 4 threads CPUs going by the name of i5
Ditch the i5 & mobo, go R5 1500x & b350 mobo. A320 is fine if you don't intend to OC, and upping to an R5 1600 is much better because of two extra cores & 4 extra threads.

Ryzen is better
Get dual channel RAM unless you are plan on upgrading.

>1060 instead of 580
>80+ bronze psu
Have fun with your overpriced set and longterm high electricity bills

580 uses more power than 1060
80+ bronze is perfectly fine

Higher rated PSUs is just to have them run cooler, so that they're quiter.

bronze/silver/gold/platinum has nothing to do with how good the power supply is, it's just telling you the efficiency,

If you must get Windows 10, get it from Kinguin where it is 25 dollars per key. Or if you prefer even dodgier sites, allkeyshop sells Window 10 keys for 5 bucks.

Looking to purchase a new mobo/psu.

whats boppin on the market right now?

currently working with an i5-3700k and a gtx 950.

thanks boys.

Repost since the last thread died

Nothing that'll fit an i5.

I already have everything on this list, looking for upgrades


So, I know my bearings but i'm still
pretty new to PC's building.

I drew up a pc on PCpartpicker
however my friend told me the
Architecture is bad.

What does this mean and how do i go about fixing it?


What the fuck do you want to do with this?

Why a R5 with an X370 board? Are you supposed to be budget or overclocking garbage?

Is there an A320 build you'd recommend for a 1500x? I was looking at doing a Ryzen 5 1500x build but I heard there were issues with some mobos not running well with them. There are also few reviews of any a320 mobos anyway.

Everything looks great. Looks like a pretty new build as well. What are you looking to upgrade? I mean your monitors could use some upgrading since they are still 1080p60hz. You can afford to get 1080p144hz monitors or a 1440p60 one.

Trying to aim for budget, but mid tier budget.

Assume that the R5 is more important than the mobo and that choosing MOBOS is a pain in the ass

He probably meant the CPU. Get Ryzen.

Architecture refers to the CPU/motherboard socket

Yours is ancient and to upgrade will be to replace nearly every part you're getting here.

If you want Intel, look for a Z170/Z270 or H110 board

If you want AMD, go for a B350 or X370

what a bummer. is the ryzen worth buying into? looking to do some vidya with a bit of video editing.

You want either the Pentium listed in the OP, or an R5 1500X budget depending.

Where can i get a goddamn list of EVERY GPU of the most current lineup being compared. I want to see how shit or not shit a blower gtx1080 is without running into a fucking Text to Speech youtube video from Russia.

just get a prime b350 plus or msi b350 pc mate and up to a 1600 with the money saved

X370s are enthusiasts boards. B350 are budget.
NVMe is bad for boot times, if that's what you want it for.
Use the extra cash exchanging the mobos for two sticks of 2933 or 3000Mhz RAM

>H110 board
At least get a H270 board man

He meant that the CPU architecture is shit which is right, this 7850k could be clocked at 5GHz with ten cores i'd still be pretty shit
Get a pentium g4560 instead with a cheap b270 mobo or cheaper

Just look at any benchmarking site?

You're right, I'm stuck in the past.

Yes, especially the video editing. Ryzen does everything very well. 1600 build will get you what you want without breaking budget.
Really everone prettymuch walks out of here with a 1600. Even builds that typically require a Xeon.

An R5 1600 (6 cores 12 threads) would be a worthwhile upgrade.
Anything cheaper wouldn't be worth it, a 7600k wouldn't be worth it, and you'd get worse performances with an i7 in video encoding / editing until the $400+ ones
R7 1700 is not worth it for you because you're just doing a bit of video editing instead of a lot

Alright so iv\e gone for the the

At this point he might as well save money on the CPU, go for a G4560 and get an RX 470/570 instead
Also, getting a PWM fan case doesn't make much sense, pretty much any mobo allow for custom fan curves anyway

What is your budget? christ dude

Is there a good place to buy used components other than ebay? Because I'd rather not have to deal with ebay. or paypal.

If I have to deal with ebay can I just sign up and go buy something or are people going to refuse to deal with a new account with no feedback?

Depends, paycheck coming through at the ed of the month, so like max 800, heres a build i was thinking of,
changed to the 570


Well that's annoying, anybody know of a cooler that's small and doesn't require extra brackets?

>noctua on a sub $600 build
1500 only if you overclock. But the stock cooler with it is a little underpowered. So that makes the 1500X kinda mandatory unless you have a cooler that you can get a free AM4 mounting kit.

1400* only if you overclock

Is the gtx 1060 still a viable option for playing new game releases on high settings for the next few years?

>that's small
Define small, is 165mm small?

>doesn't require extra brackets?

Just pick up a 1600 and use the wraith cooler or spend two weeks mailing a support person your receipt in hopes of brackets.


>$800 monitor
thats how much my entire build costs

Not OP, but it's been hard to come to a consensus on what to put for the 1070.
It's ~$400 yet only ~25% better than the $215-$230 GTX 1060.
The GTX 1080, on the other hand, is what like 37% better than the 1070 for only ~30%-35% more money?

1070 is bad price/performance and a niche card.
I think the issue is a lot of people severely underrate the performance of the RX570/1060 6GB/RX580 and should be getting one of them.
Nvidia marketing has it in people's head that $170-$260 is somehow a low end GPU price when they do 1080p at 60-144fps fine depending on the game and most people use 1080p. And really, they higher end ones of those models are pretty damn good for 1440p so there's no point in spending so much more for the slightly better 1070 there either.

If someone is sure they need more performance than those 3 mainstream cards, they should be looking at the GTX 1080 instead of the 1070 in almost all cases. The vast majority of people who have been putting a 1070 in their builds have not known what they were doing so it stands to reason that it maybe shouldn't be in the OP when it requires so many qualifiers to explain when it's a good or bad buy.

thanks magic eight ball man.
should I get the gtx 1060 instead of the 1070 then if I plan to use some piece of shit non-144hz monitor in this build?


Any tips to either make this build cheaper without sacrificing performance, or improve it without substantially increasing the price?

Morning Sup Forums



can i suck that eight ball dick?


up to R5 1500x or down to g4560, but 1400 is a very meh CPU and performs pretty much the same as a g4560 even though it costs twice the price

Does it???? dont know much mind you im new to all this,
but surely a 50 pound cpu can preform on the same level as a new release 150 pound?

hey guys, im new to the pc building world. i tried to learn as much as i could in one day but i realized that money is a hude deal when you want something nice. i have a low budget and ive come up with this.

any suggestions? if i could save money or if i just dont know what im doing (most likely) please let me know

g4560 is more around $75 and the 1400 can indeed outperform it decently in some workloads, but games isn't among them.

i forgot to mention, my plan is to build a low budget gaming pc

where's the graphic card?

Critique this build please boys.

I downgraded from the 1070 to the 1060 realizing that I probably don't need all that power. Have I made a mistake?

My first build, bestow with the wealth of your knowledge user.

>buying an operating system


The GTX 1050ti is pretty low end, doesn't make much sense to pair a 1600 with it. Up to a 570 and downgrade to a 1500x / downgrade the RAM if you're lacking money.

Alright. I do have suggestions.
Drop the WD Black drive. It's fairly loud. Replace it with a Seagate 2TB HDD for near the same price. If you don't want 2 TB of storage, get a cheaper WD Blue for under $50

The next thing is Ryzen NEEDS a Graphics card. Ryzen has no integrated GPU, nor dodes the motherboard, so you need a graphics card.
I recommend an RX460/560 4GB or a 1050Ti as a stopgap until you can afford something better.

shit, that takes me way over budget


thanks man
i'm gonna suck that dick one day

even win 7?

upped the price but more efficient

The plan was to use the 1050 until Vega is released, or save up for a 1080, bad idea?

for the price you're paying, drop the 1050TI for an RX470/570