How does Sup Forums prefer their Enter keys?

How does Sup Forums prefer their Enter keys?

I'd prefer if you went back


>he's a keylet

Definetly ISO

ANSI just looks from and I'm confused every time I see one

ISO master race

ANSI is fucking disgusting

I don't need either. I use the mouse.

ISO is an abomination.

Upside down fatty L is as how God intended ret

tell me about bane! why does he wear the mask!?

iso plz go
ansi get in my pantsi

I'd take the ISO enter key on the ANSI layout

Iso or BIG
ansi is cancer

ANSI, and I'm not even a burger. Oh, and it's not about the Enter key for me, it's about the backslash key.

Literally who is this 1337 xd le hacker matrix faggot?

also it's called the return key (short for carriage return.) The Enter key is on the numpad

After using ISO for decades I can't use ANSI without hitting the wrong key occasionally.

ISO, ANSI is for subhumans

ANSI because all other formats fuck with the layout.

ISO, im just used to it. I used ANSI on laptops before and I kept missing it entirely, but thats my fault obviously.

Why is it called the enter key?

Because it's wrong but people call it that anyway. Most keyboards just have the arrow and a lot say return for a reason

But there is literally Enter written on it.

I don't have problems pressing buttons


BIGass > everything else

Ansi and iso are shit tier.

Fair enough, but I vaguely remember reading some ergowank that basically said enter keys are all too small. I can comfortably type on my memepad with ANSI enter key all day, though, at least for now. Fucking ergofags.

Because i'm german and we get wet dreams about engineering standards

But the \ | button is shitty on ISO and plus there's that abomination between left shift and Z


>mfw half of a europoor keyboard is the return key

ANSI all day

I learned to type on a Model M, so ANSI.
This is the superior and original keyboard layout.

ANSI. Rest is communist/muslim/nigger shit.

If your country doesn't use ANSI on keyboards, you're a fucking 3rd world trash.

ANSI, of course. It's the only non-retarded choice.


>Because i'm german
kys Muhammed.

ansi keylet shilling is in full force

Nobody's shilling, we're just members of the masterrace suggesting you join.

DESU, BIGass. I switched to ANSI before I started using forward slash more often. I liked having a small backspace and a forward slash next to it.

ISO is shit
Others are OK

ANSI. Because it extends towards the home row where you hands should be without wasting space like BIGass does.

>abomination between left shift and Z
I agree with you on this one
It's just so annoying when you are writing code
Another point why i prefer ISO is because german keyboards are available exclusesively in ISO
Pic related
Sometimes i want to kill the guy who invented QWERTZ

Fuck off, Tyrone

BIGass is the only way to go

kys Mohammed.

bigass, of course

ANSI is a fucking retarded layout.

*is the best

It's completely incompatible with every other layout.

Back off to Sup Forums again retard
I was just making a self-ironic joke but i guess you are too autistic to get it

kys Achmed


Or then he's just legitmately annoyed by how big of a moron you are

ISO with the JP layout.
Dumb euros think the \ key should be on the left side of the keyboard, they have the same type of problem with their cars.

>Dumb euros think the \ key
My \ key is in the middle of the keyboard and I'm European.


holy fuck, clean your keyboard
my "\" is on the 8 btw


I have an ANSI keyboard and I don't like it. ISO is better.

ANSI is the only layout that's actually makes any sense.

ISO is a europoor abomination with a retarded return and left shift key.

this, i always liked iso and BIGass enter better but in my country ansi is the standard

Bigass because muh a e s t h e t i c s.
Also because it's bigass.

ANSI because it allows the other keys to not be smooshed together

wow i looked on my keyboard and found a new key!

t. american

I'm a yuropoor but like ANSI.
ISO has that retarded key due to which they shortened left shift and I mostly write in english on computers anyway.

Also fuck QWERTZ.


I'm not.

What the fuck does that mean? That you can't use other keycaps or what? They all have the same buttons, just than the ANSI actually puts them in good places

>They all have the same buttons
Literally incorrect.

Technology gore

Well nothing I couldn't live without
>convince me that I'm missing some button in my life from ISO or some other gayout

>Americans like big things
>Their standard keyboard is for keylets
Makes you think

>nothing I couldn't live without
Yeah, you seemingly live just fine without that many things. Like a brain.

Nice rebuttal

Jesus christ why is your keyboard moist under the keys
What the fuck man

ISO enter key is better but the ISO short left shift key is garbage.

Im used to work with keyboards that have ANSI so I choose ANSI, works for me

backslash is always at the same position for german keyboard. Doesnt matter if ansi or iso, but most keyboards in germany are iso anyways, so fuck ansi.

fuggg :DD

>"Enter" not "Return"


Alt Gr tfw

European here.
ANSI is superior.

Dude clean your keyboard

That layout fucking sucks. UK ISO is boss

Why? Are your regular keys also too small for you?

don't clean it, just throw it out.

Everything else is American trash

ANSI. Unix layout is maximum comfy


I prefer ANSI but I have ISO.


Compact keyboards or die.

The Jews were behind this.


this user knows whats up

>spreading out your modifier keys
fucking hell


ISO is patrician choice.
Bigass is wrong way round.
BIGass is for fatfucks.
ANSI is for fuccbois.

ISO, all day, every day.

They gave me a shitty ANSI keyboard at work, I kept hitting รน all day.
Gave them the keyboard back and brought one from home. Absolutely unbearable.

>cares about keyboards when you could just use mouse