Help me out, what can i do with a 1 core 1.6 ghz processor?

Help me out, what can i do with a 1 core 1.6 ghz processor?
>be me
>see pile of trash near me
>see netbook broken but with charger near
>decide to take home
>try to power it up
>2gb ddr2 ram 160 hdd
>decide to check the harddrive to see if it has errors
>mfw its in perfect state
>format it and install windows 10 preview
>think that would be a great idea to mount it into my 720 tv
>pic related
What do i do now?, its slow as fuck, im planning to install arch or gento but what can i use it for? it has an intel atom n450

Also pic of mounting it


intel atoms are trash, single core especially.

What was on the hard drive before hand?

bunch of school documents pictures of a dog, nothing worth mentioning

yeah really trash, is there any way to overclock it via front bus?

This is actually a pretty good idea.

Alternatively you could just get a wireless keyboard + trackpad thing and install puppylinux or mint (or any other light Linux distro) and basically use that as your "smart" features for the TV.


>it has an intel atom n450
That's better than the n270 netbook I tossed. It was running XP. Made for a decent portable emulator box.


you have to go back

иди нaхyй

>Install windows 10
What a waste. That Atom is going to struggle like a scooter carrying a 400 pound man.

Put linux something with XFCE on it.

Install RemixOs on it OP.

I have an Acer atom 1.6ghz with 2gb and a 250gb hd running it.

I mounted it back of a 42 inch Sony tv amd connected the laptop vka HDMI.

I installed a bunch of IPTV apps, popcorn time and netflix, a few games and a multiconsole emulator, since remix forces chrome the apps to work as desktop Firefox runs perfect.

Adguard running as a vpn and system adblocker and ublock as extra adblocking works great.

Only downside i have is that i cant customize the interface but it isnt ugly at all..


>I installed a bunch of IPTV apps, popcorn time and netflix,
>atom n450
>GMA 3150
>no h246 hardware acceleration
Are u watching 720p?

and how the fuck are you doing this without hardware acceleration? GMA can't process 1080p video reliably at all, even 720p stutters on that shit.

Install Gentoo

Recover all of the deleted files with a disk digger.

Install gentoo.

you couldnt run anything higher that SNES in that thing

have you thought about time of compilations?

I used to run GNU/Linux with a Win 7 VM on mine to play VNs.

Single-core 1.6Ghz and 2gig RAM, worked fine.

>>be me

go back to redddit

Dual-boot with win98

no use, i repeat it only had data of school plus i have already reformat it completely

>found the newfag

I was emulating up to CPS3 and PGM (Cave) on my N270. Emulators will run on fucking anything.

You could OC some Acer and Asus netbooks like that
Most of the software it's abandoned and only would on Windows though

Retro gaming machine and media client with Kodi

Windows 10 requirements are the same as Vista from 10 years ago. Only difference is that if you CPU is missing features it'll refuse to install altogether

already sugested

Nigga is that eletrical tape holding it on?

So do it then

That is not something you want to show off
Especially on a tech board

>only real niggas tape their motherboards to the tv

why the hell not?

Nice timestamp.

>tech board
>where NEETs install GANOO PLUS LOONIX on their 10 year old Thinkpad and post screenshots of shitty GUIs with lolicon wallpapers

That's just completely false

I installed Win10 on a Gateway 2000 with a 40GB IDE hard drive and the bare minimum RAM. Yeah it ran like shit but you can do it

Why didn t you took a look a the drive first

Works for me

I once made the mistake to install Windows 8 on my netbook. I couldn't get into the system settings because you can't run the settings app on solutions lower than 1024x800 (mine is 1024x600).

Use Linux with a light DE instead of Windows. I still use mine daily with Manjaro for taking notes, programming and shitposting, it's super comfy.

i did,there wasnt anything useful or intriguing

you can force resolution on regedit

Netbooks, not even once

Could have just plugged it into a monitor you know

That works when you only need to change your settings once and never use any other metro apps. In other words, it doesn't.

Give it back, Jamal

MS clearly said there are minimum resolution requirements for running Metro apps when Windows 8 first came out, stop being poor

>wont give it to you tyrone

its downsampling dude

>I-I'm not retarded I swear! I'm an oldfag I've been here for two years!

This, and even then don't expect it to deal with N64 emulation or 1080p vids without going to shit.

shut up fag this is the best I've seen in months


user it stutters with 720p videos

Old intel atoms are trash

How? Even my OG Xbox running XBMC can play 720p videos

i will try it later on linux, but in windows it stuttered like a bitch

Sounds like an issue with PEBCAK

Install water cooling + some cool LED's to it and then install Gentoo with Enlightenment as DE.

It can't even play 720p h.264
It has no hw decoder too

i think velcro would have been a better, cleaner solution

Puppy linux with xfce or something suitably light (MATE and lxde for some looks iceWM if you need performance)
It could probably emulate up to GBA level.
Also nice for Kodi or shitposting.

too lazy to go and buy it

i MAY do it with my neighbors internet

my old Samsung N150 (Atom N450) played 720p h264 fine, but yeah depends on the hardware

I remember installing coreavc and watching railgun on my 1st generation atom.

It's still running to this day. I use it as a torrent box. It consumes 5w and doesn't make any noise. It just werks.

Isnt 1core atom weaker than raspberry pi3?
I doubt that it could run kodi well.

You should leave it headless for a tiny web/ftp server or a seedbox desu

there is a difference between arm for what i know its more powerful

>not having rolls of velcro on hand



obviously there is a diffrence between arm and x86, but when we take 4core armv7 and bench it against 1.6ghz single core i wonder which would come out on top.

Either way when i used to be broke i had this single core celeron laptop that i watched some movies on, it would struggle with most players and youtube in browser, but when i tried MPV on it, most 720p run flawlessly. It could even do 720 youtube with youtube-dl through mpv.

Install Gentoo. Jokes aside compiling from source with platform specific optimizations help low end hardware even more.