First job in the field stories

>be me
>Fresh out of college with CS bachelor degree.
>Looking for software dev job
>Look for five months, every company claims I don't have enough experience
>Have many interviews, most don't call me back
>Finally one does
>Automated testing QA dev position for web apps (selenium/c#)
>Act like they're doing me a favor by hiring me
>First large scale project with git (did group projects in class with it, but only like three people)
>Think the code is dense and difficult to read because I don't know Selenium (500-3000 line files the handle a single webpage)

>It's been three months
>Over that time found out nobody else on my team has a degree
>Realize the code is dense because they're all shitty programmers
>Muh public static EVERYTHING
>What is limited variable scope? Global all the things
>All the code is in one big pubic partial class
>No inheritance because there's nothing to inherit or inherit from.
>Literally none of the OOP principles

>This morning
>Bring up extension methods since all our string manipulation is tedious and repetitive
>me: "They're in a static class"
>Boss: "what does static mean?"


Nice try pajeet

I mean, they probably were doing you a favour by hiring you with no experience.
But their entire business plan probably relies on cheap programmers they "do favours" for.
Don't get yourself tangled up trying to fix all their old broken cowshit. Just take control of new projects/features and do them the correct way.

The more you work in software development, the more you realize how shod the majority of developers are.
t. designs-machine-automation-and-now-doesn't-trust-robots

>NEET for 2+ years
>6+ years of non-commercial experience with Linux
>finally get that sweet Linux Sysadmin job
>a small company with only Linux Sysadmins
>no time to be lazy
>no own infrastructure to play with, only srs business
>low pay because 2nd world country and no commercial experience
>doing all the boring and repetitive stuff, because Junior Linux Sysadmin
>control freak "my way or highway" boss
>few months later get a much better offer in a foreign country
>get through the interview
>the next month be already moving
>now working for one of the major companies selling commercial Linux
>not having to deal with customers
>being paid for basically playing with various stuff and finding ways to automate everything

Damn, you caught me

glad for you user

Dude nice.

Hang on, buddy.

>first job out of college
>it's an android dev consulting job at a huge company, they hired me because of a side project i did outside of school
>the job is painfully easy, working on government contracts, my coworkers are incompetent as well
>work on an app for about 6 months before we finish it
>the client (national cancer institute or something) decides they hate the app and redesign it from the ground up
>realize that this app is just something for them to waste budget money on (if they don't spend it all, they get less money next year)
>we're all taken off the project while they redesign it
>get assigned to make some educational app teaching about how bad alcohol is for you
>spend every day drinking heavily, don't work on the app at all because i know it's bullshit again
>suddenly the app is due in a week
>begin to panic, plan to take drugs and stay up all night for the next week to finish it
>suddenly the company lays off the entire mobile app team in my area (yes including me)
>they're now stuck with an app with basically 10% progress done and it's due in a week
>fuck yeah i'm off the hook
>find a new job and now i'm in a much better place

I recommend staying out of android development in general. It sucks (independent of government contracts).

>Android development sucks
Oh gee willikers, I'll inform the media!

No but seriously you're right, and I remember getting that exact impression the first time I installed and opened that dev studio monstrosity years ago. It couldn't possibly be more painful, and that's not even considering situations like yours with brain dead clients, etc.

You know, I almost got into Android dev. Kinda glad I didn't

>The more you work in software development, the more you realize how shod the majority of developers are.

A sad truth I'm quickly coming to realize

Also, pic related was my capcha for So.. pic related.

*watches this thread with a thin vein of hope of learning how to get a job*

Damn foreigners stealing my job

Same poster. I should actually share a story.

My internship was being the sole developer for a start-up.

The parent company as a SaaS that was based on liferay. They had an average annual uptime of 80%.

Here's some highlight quotes:

- oh, we don't believe in virtualization
- stop what you're doing and help rebuild the customer data by hand using Google cache archives
- the last backup is 3 months old and corrupted
- why has it taken you over a year to finish this social network you're working on solo. What's blocking you. You said it would only take 3 months when we sold the idea to you as a blog.
- can you write all your passwords on this paper and seal it in an envelope?
- You're leaving after we were two weeks late paying you three months in a row? But what about your project, isn't it like your baby?

One more that I just remembered.

"You're a rockstar. Can you manually transfix the headers on these broken SQL database on a hex level?"

Yeah I spent a week with the same three SQL forensics tutorials on one screen, and cyber fucking on the other.

>in one big pubic partial class

what language(s) do you automate stuff in?

Studied for five years hardcore networking and routing, security and never got hired full time

Worked on some part time contracts and never got anywhere with them, they hire you for two days to install large servers and take inventory of every server/network room they have

Be me, tell them my experience and background they throw some cisco gear at me and see what I can do, turns out layer 3 switches with running routing protocols and I'm working on what I can do

Tell me they will call me after the two days are up, they never called

Age 26, living at home
Getting ready to kill myself since any job nearby wont hire me and when I do interview we talk about the tech they have in house, they tell me they'll call and they never do

Getting ready to end it all within months

One day depressed as fuck, ready to end it all
Sitting at home, parents are gone, brothers and sister are gone

Apply one last time, job about an hour away and a long drive, not sure what to do but here it goes

Get a call within five minutes, recruiter noticed me apply for this position but mentions they have another opportunity half way across the country and they are wondering if I want to interview, I say yes but no intention of accepting offer since everyone else has treated me like shit by not hiring me and wasting my time on interview. Decided to do a skype interview, family is home the day of interview and parents are at the house, they go upstairs and leave me downstairs on a skype call, they are on their knees praying as they told me since I haven't been hired on by any company

Get on a skype call with 8 panel network engineers, analysts, supervisors etc...

They start asking questions, did you get the network diagram? Nope they never sent it to me, failed on two questions but did well either way

>web apps
pick one

//For n print all odd numbers
int i, c;
if ( c = 1) putchar(c);
if ( c = 3) putchar(c);
if ( c = 5) putchar(c);
if ( c = 7) putchar(c);
if ( c = 9) putchar(c);
if ( c = 11) putchar(c);

>pic related

Friday comes around, call from recruiter they will give me the job but need to move across the country, how long will it take etc.. decide fuck it might as well change my life and if I fail I can pull the trigger in another state away from family

>Depressed, on other company ever offered me a job
>Told my dad about job offer across the country, he is proud and says its time to be a man at 26...
>Tell mom, she says you are not leaving and living at home until you find a local job, couldn't pass on this opportunity
>Sold everything I could sell
>Hop in my car 2am, don't say by to anyone, family outside the garage in the morning they hear me trying to leave, they wave good bye
>Fast forward 2.5 years later
>I've been promoted multiple times, I make just over six figures at this point and life is good
>Still live away from home, visit 3-4 times a year
>Always wonder what would have happened if I stayed home and pulled the trigger from depression of
>Tfw no job...

I don't make the webapps brej, I just test them

I sat in a dungeon for 10 hours a day working on stupid features for Bing Maps that will most likely never be used

that's sad m8
waste of your degree desu

protip: quit and start learning to program in a years time you'll learn enough to get a real job

>Graduating in december
>Transferred into CS program from community college fall 2015.
>Too autistic for internships

How fucked am I? I'm starting to get scared.

Any notable side projects?
General location?

I was fucked because no and middle of fucking nowhere. If you're near some tech focused areas or you've made some neat shit, you may be alright

>Implying knowing how to program will get you a real job

Top pip gov'nah

Knowing how to program and being able to apply said programming skills to useful things will get you a job.

t. college graduate

It did get me an job.

An shit job.

>Any notable side projects?
Not really, I've taught myself lots of shit but I haven't made anything big out of it. I have been tackling bugs for other open source projects, though.
I live in the east coast. The only thing I've got going for me is a high GPA, but people only care if it's low.

Contributing to open source is good. Shows you're comfortable working on something (I assume) is large scale.

But see if you can put together something else, solo, on the side. Kinda a "I did this for fun" type thing.

My current project is a voice home assistant (Amazon echo) from scratch, because I'm tired of the NSA listening to me jack off.

Congrats user. Happy to hear that things worked out for you. :)

Neat, thanks.

Routing and security weren't going to be out of style forever, my man. Glad you stuck around so you can flex; it's good to have you here.


Whatever works best for solving the problem. Right now I'm working with system deployment, so I use bash for creating LVM volumes and spinning up VMs, there's some messing with XML and cloud-init to configure the system, depending on if I install from ISO or if I import a VM image. Next I plan to look into Terraform and Salt for system deployment and configuration. Sometime later I want to check out OpenStack. Since I'm not a programmer, I approach the problems from sysadmin's point of view and use various existing tools specific for the task.

The backups thing always makes me laugh as its only useful IF a situation comes where it's needed.
Idiots don't realise that a small blunder Leading to 100% data loss is worth planning for. But because it doesn't provide anything immediately, it's "not worth it, we can rebuild".

>Be me
>Prob have aspergers
>Don't care about jack shit

Job 1.
>Get hired at some kind of trash collecting company
>Get bored out of my mind doing IT, everything goes so sloooooow
>Sleep on bech
>Boss sees me and warns me 3x
>You're fired
>"Sure man whatever you want, good luck"

Job 2.
>Get hired for some shitty webdev job.
>Learn Symfony and Perl
>After 3 months I stopped in my work schedule. (only do it once a month or something)
>Come 20 minutes too late every day for 2 weeks
>"Has to stop" Now I only comes 5 -10 mins late. (This is acceptable?)
>Still not fired for some reason?

Job 3.

Why do I stop caring every fucking time?

What do?

How do you find work so easily?

>I have bachelor degree in CS.
>I'm a europoor
>I apply for a bunch of jobs
>Have a pretty good feeling if I will be hired or not.

That's it?

>Become entry-level Pajeet-tier IT pleb aged 28 after years of NEETness, telesales and putting food in boxes in a factory
>Have a good, non-IT degree and come from an affluent background; just really cannot get jobs
>Lose IT job after four months for no reason
>NEET again for another eight months
>Lots of interviews that don't go anywhere; begin to worry because becoming an IT guy was my last roll of the dice and if I can't make a success of this, I might as well give up
>Get a job interview in the same building as another company that already turned me down after I fucked up that interview
>These guys really like me
>Get on well with them
>Literally talk about anime and Power Rangers in the interview
>"Okay, user, we'd like to give you a second interview"
>"If you pass it, you'll be starting on Monday because we really need to fill this job"
>Second interview; everyone looks sadder and avoids speaking to me
>Go home and worry; it's the Thursday before the Monday I would be starting
>Check emails all Thursday afternoon, all Friday, even Saturday because you never know
>Want to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday night (ends at 4am here because I live in based England)
>Panic enormously
>Email them during the Super Bowl: "If you want me in tomorrow, you should have said because I'm watching the Super Bowl"
>Get up at NEET o'clock (like 2pm) the following day
>Check emails one last time
>"Oh shit yeah we forgot to get back to you. You're hired. Start next week instead."

It's a shit life out there, boys. But it's shit for everyone, so be strong and outlast the weaklings; that's all you really need to do.

Foot in the door and a low bar to excellence? Use it or lose it you entitled shit.

what the fuck is that code

"Low bar to excellence"

Yeah, and a low salary to boot, too!

Hes getting all odd numbers, looks pretty good to me

Its hard when you are on your own in a dept where nobody cares about helping you excel since they can do their work easily