Using windows 10

>using windows 10
>get a fucking advertisement notification
Why the fuck is this allowed? Why are winfags okay with this?
Thank fucking god this is just a VM

It's trying to share cool stuff with you you fucking mong

Just ignore if you don't like it

You havent seen anything yet

>just ignore advertisements in the OS you were expected to pay $100 for

I agree with this. however when Windows 10 Home and Pro installs things likes minecraft and candy crush and other bs... thats where it becomes intrusive and i get uncomfortable. LTSB N is good though.

t. zune loyalist

I was one of the sick bastards that liked Zune. Then Zune was killed, and my Windows Phone 7 bricked doing the 7.5 update.

me too. I used it to watch porn on the metro

well you can ignore it but in the long run I recommend uninstalling/disabling all of the ads

> buying windows
lmao wut

What's the difference between N and non-N versions? I downloaded just LTSB

Note the "expected"

N has no media codecs

If you don't pay for it, you shouldn't really complain.

>using windows 10

Why wouldn't Microsoft show ads? They know your bitch ass will keep using Windows anyway. You are their captive audience and they can do whatever they want. Your options are (1) use a different OS or (2) bend over and take it.

interesting.. my LTSB does not seem to have this issue

This, if you are using Windows at this point is because you are too dumb/poor to use something else, they are a private company and can do as they wish with their OS.

>Thank fucking god this is just a VM

MS's main business isn't their OS anymore it's advertising. The OS is just a means to the advertising.

>Why are winfags okay with this?
because winfags are retarded little chucks

If you need Windows get 8.1, that's what I use in my VM, you have a lot more control over the OS versus Winshit 10.


user I have an idea, just hear me out

What if, no seriously guys, what if you just didn't use that feature?

The smiley just makes it worse

A family member of mine got that one and freaked out before calling me to fix it. That was a fun afternoon.

Because the message looks like randomware you fucking poof

Only if you're a retard that has trouble reading multiple consecutive sentences

>mfw for a second i though W10 was leaking my password everywhere

>implying the majority of computer users won't read past the smiley and the ominous first bit of text

You're forgetting that most computer users are idiots. Why do you think that IT support still exists? "muh reading comprehension" won't stop your grandma from thinking it's malware.

>grandma brings it into the Microsoft Store
>friendly employees explain it to her and teach her all about the new features in Windows 10 for free
That's what usually happens


No lol.

>grandma freaks out
>calls grandson or some other family member

or alternative

>grandma freaks out
>takes computer to dodgy repair shop
>gets charged money for """diagnostics"""
>problem doesn't go away

I've encountered this shit multiple times.

I must have imagined all of the old people at the MS store asking for help then

>Why are winfags okay with this?
Because its the only platform that gets games.

I'm gonna upgrade back to win7

fuck this shit

>being ignorant to the fact that most computers aren't bought from the MS store.

>downgrading to 10 in the first place

People still take them there. If they take them to some dodgy repair shop then they only have themselves to blame

My mom got a laptop with win10
Should I just pirate 7 for her?
You can pirate office 2013 too right?

>tfw I just ordered windows 10 from amazon for full retail price and there I NOTHING you neckbeard can do about it

It's her computer, just leave it alone. Windows 10 has plenty of shit built in to keep user stupidity induced issues to a minimum, versus Windows 7 which has fuck all

Cancel that order, you can get it for free

hey man, it's your money. You're welcome to waste it however you like.

Here's my problem. See that setting at the bottom for "Disable fullscreen optimizations"? In the latest update to Windows 10 every game ran at fullscreen and uses directx will disable my desktop gamma settings. Games will be at full brightness, which wouldn't even be that bad since most games have gamma settings in them, but after the game is exited the removed gamma settings remain applied on your desktop. You have to find the executable and go into it's properties and check "Disable fullscreen optimizations". Easy fix right? But there's no global option to remove them. Microsoft expects me to go through my entire library of games and adjust the properties for every fucking game.

Voice your complain to them, they'll eventually fix it if enough people bitch

It's probably disabling desktop compositing by default on fullscreen apps or something

Holy fuck lmao.

This scared the fucking shit out of me when it happened.

Why are you bitching? You're already used to cock in your ass.

Hey! Chill out.

because we can disable that shit nigga, yall bitching about telemetry and else when you can get win 10 ltsb or debottnet the current one

How?? Also why do you guys say that windows 10 home is shit and not pro? Whats the difference?

>They defend advertisements and data mining on their own personal machines

Not a cuck m8, it's not my thing

t. nigger

Fucking hell this is the creepiest shit

Wincucks will defend this


>Kiss your password goodbye
t. NSA


im legit in the process of backing my shit up so i can delete my wendys partition, going full fedora *tips*

>signing into windows with your microsoft account
asking for it

what the actual fuck is this?

Linux quality software when? I literally only use Windows 7 because of software I need, I don't even dare touching Winblows10.

i bought win8 when it was on sale for $10 years back : ^ )

what software you tied to bae? i have needed visual studio but im pretty sure i can survive on vs code now that .netstandard is out

what's the problem exactly? I bet you didn't even know there was an office 1 month free trial; wouldn't you like to try ms office for free for 1 month instead of using that shit that is libreoffice?

DAW's, Photoshop-esque software that doesn't suck (i.e.: not Gimp), good video editing tools.

>Pajeetware Windows in the CURRENT YEAR

Goddamn I though something was up with my screen, it seemed a lot darker, thanks user

Bitwig, Tracktion, Ardour, LMMS, Audacity.

seeing that you don't like GIMP, the only other option would be Krita.

>video editing
Kdenlive is pretty fuckin good. Also Openshot for simpler tasks.

that seems like a good list of options.

I have never used any linux distro. Will I be fucked with drivers and installing the OS?

Had Windows 10 installed for a year now, never had any of that.

>Why the fuck is this allowed?

Ask yourself dumb goy about why you installed home/pro when enterprise exists.

It's a feature.

Windows 7 may be a pain to strip telemetry out of the updates, but at least it doesn't have built in advertisement delivery systems. Or cancerous shit like a Unique Advertising ID that they introduced in 8.

Ubuntu if you're a helpless niggermonkey

OpenShot is the buggiest piece of crapware in the GTK3 universe I ever used.

> Installed and opened OpenShot
> Drag and drop video files
> crashes

I can live with bugs, but I can't live with bugs that crash the whole application and result in data loss.

It is allowed because you're using Windows

They're getting away with what they possibly can think of because you use Windows. Because they know their market share is big and their userbase stupid. They know they can do things, have people bitch about them, but still remain there. No Loonix for em, no macOS, no BSD, nothing.

>In the latest update to Windows 10 every game ran at fullscreen and uses directx will disable my desktop gamma settings.
Clearly a graphics card driver bug.

My cousin works for that shithole. I never see their employees doing fucking anything.

No officer

Tits or gtfo

Send them this face.

Well considering the fact that if you actually know what you are doing to can entirely disable notification, it is not a big deal. Honestly, I'm getting sick of seeing these uninventive trash me installed windows 10 first time oh look excepted problem is existence memes. It's trash and you know it. Windows 10 is cancer but we don't need threads everyday which add nothing to the discussion. It's just the same trash over an over again. Like if you wanted to contribute to the discussion post about something controversial, like how shit cortana is and how the new updates literally keep enabling it after removal.

What are you niggers doing?

I have had win 10 day since 1 and have never got ads in the action centre notifications

Did you install the creators update?

Krita is really good the only negative is its blatantly furry

One of the main "selling points" of Linux is that drivers are integrated into the kernel. And if you use something noob friendly like Ubuntu or Mint you will have a graphical tool to enable proprietary drivers for your graphics card to make it work as intended and it's super easy, like just one click.
Installation is also extremely simple. For Ubuntu just boot the iso off a flash drive or a DVD and you will get a live desktop, so you can play around with the OS before installing, and the installer is super friendly and easy to use.

All of the "suggestions" can be disabled on their first appearance (or even prior to that if you'll go to the settings from the get go).
I'm using Win10 Insider and I'm loving it so far. But I have to agree that "kiss your passwords goodbye" is golden wording. I never got that message myself, though.

kiss you say?

so let me get this straight.

you don't want to try office 365™ one month for free?

Krita is slow, glitchy, lacks advanced functionality and is abhorrently slow.

If you're drawing for a print like 9000*6000px you may well say it just doesnt work

i guess the only choice left is to cram photoshop cc into wine

>He cant configure his own OS

How can you even use Linux, OP?

What's with all these tech companies filling their stuff with smilies, memes and other shit? I know a lot of young people use it but come the fuck on...

>"Something went wrong ;'("
>"New FREE update is ready :D"

It's retarded and creepy as fuck...

The whole smiley is retarded and reminds me of that creepy wallflower trying to be cute through text.