How can this company still be in business? Who pays for their shit? If they were to disappear tomorrow...

How can this company still be in business? Who pays for their shit? If they were to disappear tomorrow, I would literally not notice it.

>inb4 office
>inb4 games

They have endless pajeets on their payroll and have to support shit like Edge and Bing.

How can this company still be in business? Who uses their shit? If they were to disappear tomorrow, I would literally not notice it.

>I don't use their services therefore no one does!

How can this company still be in business? Who pays for their shit? If they were to disappear tomorrow, I would literally not notice it.

>Search engine
>Best ad service
>Good content website
>Os for phones

They sustained the web 2.0

exactly, if I ever saw someone paying for Azure or using .NET I can't take them seriously. And don't even start on their telemetry ridden autoupdate disguised as an OS, or the Visual 'I will take 800% of you cpu for my blinking cursor' Studio

>windows server licences
>certifications and courses
>consumer cloud services subscriptions
>azure hosting

good question, they don't even have tux racer

They probably will disappear. I don't see MS lasting another ten years personally.

Above all, the talent is gone. Gates is gone and it's literally pajeets running the place. They don't know what they are doing from the sounds of it. Apple or even some Linux distro will be the standard by 2027 imo.

that's what I'm talking about, if I ever have to use Office365 again I will just kill myself. Living on a timeline where office apps are not considered sins against humanity is suffering

Would notice, because I have a Gmail. Yet, wouldn't be troubled by its disappearance even a bit, and would actually be happy than sad.

My hardware is completely Google-free.
I use none of the Google's software.
Don't even use their search engine.
Only Gmail as my secondary, hooked up to my email client, never visit the website.
No Google Drive, no Android, no Chrome.

Would also notice, because Sup Forums, my friends, and news, but wouldn't be bothered.

Same for Apple.

yeah I get you, the state of the document creation software makes me wanna cry

Just because you don't use it does not mean. The rest of the world wouldn't notice.

>no apple phone
>no android phone
>no google

Do you live innawoods on a chinkpad?

Are you retarded? Maybe you wouldn't notice it , but most people use windows.

consumers are a minority. How many windows licenses are sold per year? 10M? They literally let people downgrade to telemetry10 for free. What's that a couple of $B in revenue tops.

If OSes were so easy to develop, I'm sure Android and Windows would have tons of competition.

Did you just say consumers are a minority? Have you ever been outside?

MS does have physical items along with their software. I remember many awwing over one of their recent computers.

I always did wonder who pays or gets paid for Windows on new computes.

you can't outcompete institutional corruption with technical excellence.

yes, consumers windows licenses are a rounding error. Sheeple pay more for cloud scam 365 per year

Office 365
I get one license for free from my uni, though I heard my uni invest a lot on that one.

>Has no idea how many businesses and governments around the world have lengthy and expensive contracts with Microsoft to supply servers and software

they have pretty good strategy with bizspark
offer free shit for a year then have them attached to their platform (windows, azure etc)

>I always did wonder who pays or gets paid for Windows on new computes.
customers because they want windows and not linux

>Who pays for their shit

O365 is free for students. Costs the school nothing. Same goes for none for profits. Even when you are paying for it o365 email is amazing value for money.

Yeah, and the exact same applies for OP's bullshit. My post was a reply the OP deserved, not something I'd say out of nowhere.

Would love to, but a 14-15 year old gypsy kid stole my bike. Gonna buy a new one soon.

I use a Surface,
a Lumia 950,
have Office 365 university subscription,
1 TB OneDrive storage,
listen to music through Groove,
use Cortana on PC (Hey Cortana enabled)
and phone (Hey Cortana disabled),
browse through Edge,
and some other stuff that I don't recall.

I'm very happy with my setup. Occasionally have a ginger pussy as a bonus, and a great house mate.

>it's an "1% pretending to be the majority" episode

>implying activating an account on MS is free

they totally do it for charity, not to route all that data through their servers.
You got it backwards, it is amazing money for value

the big bucks for microsoft is selling software and support to corporations where they have to roll out

Alphabet will be the first trillion dollar company because of their advances in AI

this is spam
not a real post

>Who pays for their shit?

literally every company
most of the governments
OEMs who sell laptops with wangblows preinstalled (that's like 70-80% of the laptops)
good goyim

essentially you are saying they are channeling tax payer money to their pockets and scamming people for their inferior products and services
the question still stands
>How can this company still be in business?

That is a unique and original text. Yours, on the other hand, is one of the very common.