Latest commit 4d498e9 on Apr 17

>Latest commit 4d498e9 on Apr 17

Since Floens has abandoned Clover, what dedicated Sup Forums app do I use now?

Other urls found in this thread:!!dMAx/7Da7uM

google chrome canary

He will probably start working on it when he is finished with this semester (so in about ~4 weeks).

t. classmate of floens

Tried dashchan and its hot trash
Clover works and never crashed or anything, it just downloads the pics too lsow.

Is he in some kind of summer school? Wtf

What's wrong with that?

Why would you need weekly updates adding features you don't need?

App is fine as it is.

No, prolly yurop. My semester will end in about 6-7 weeks iirc

Summer classes are a thing you know.

non-brainlets take summer courses to get ahead on their degree/do professorial research/work internships dumbass

Dashchan is unusable until the dev sets up an fdroid repo

Tell me about floens? What is he like in real life?

what's wrong with dashchan?

He is a janitor on the internet

He does it for free

Code optimization. I'm sure if he wasn't such a lazy faggot I could load threads 0.0001% faster by now.


He's a big guy



Clover was abandoned a long time ago. I will work on something better and faster after I finish the finals.


It werks

Overchan is kill, I guess you mean the new fork on fdroid, How is it?

Just put Clover dev and then use whatever tripcode. It's not like anyone remembers it.

You're joking but clover actually takes millenia to download images; it needs to be addressed. It doesn't support latex, which makes browsing /sci/ a pain in the ass.

>He didn't memorize floens's tripcode

Works fine for me

I had issues with it until I replaced my router, was using some 5 year old dlink and it always was giving me https errors

One feature id really like is image md5 filtering
Also 4chanx syncing with filters

Shut up

And fixing the random crashes

Truly disgusting.

>t. classmate of floens
is this the new dad at nintendo maymay?

His tripcode

That tripcode has expired months ago, friend. For that, the new app will be delayed by 2 months.

Fuck off back to

5 months now, keep them coming.

Gonna leave now but you do realize anyone can just search for your tripcode to find all (archived) posts made by you? Since it's a secure tripcode it's essentially a fingerprint so good fucking job joining the botnet.!!dMAx/7Da7uM

What the fuck lmao, I just made this tripcode in 3 seconds. Looks like someone stole my "dicks" password kek