Why does this still exist?

Why does this still exist?

Because changing a standard is hard to do.

>Muh scrap yard pc


Because the PC industry are made up by a bunch of degenerates.

This is why Apple is the best company that drops shit faster than you can say Molex.

you got ur 5v, ur 12v and ur ground. What more do you want?

because it works.

It's simple.
It works.
Doesn't seem to burn your house down as much as sata.

If it works, don't fix it.

>Because changing a standard is hard to do.
>tfw this is one big cause which slows down technological advance
We could have so much good things by now

Don't fix what ain't broken.

Apple doesn't use it.

Because there's still male ones for it to connect to.

A connector that is solid yet not a pain in the dick to work with in small spaces, that doesn't fail in a completely predictable and stupid way (female lug gets misaligned and bent or pushed out of the mold when you're trying to reconnect it),

Molex is like cage nuts. It's a shitty standard that survives on inertia.

Can you afford to change all your hardware every year? Would you? If not, you're the cause of this problem.

Yeah, those old power connections are really impeding progress.

thats the biggest piece of shit connector I've ever come across. I think I've cut myself 5 times so far trying to remove and connect them.

seriously, fuck that shit. whoever created it should be tortured in hell.

It works.

Molex is more robust than sata, which is why it's still used for things other than drives.

Plenty of tech horror stories of retards breaking the sata power off of drives.

Easily the most hated connector inside my PC case. Those fuckers are a royal pain to try to disconnect if you don't have much room to move or anything to push against for leverage.

Why can't everything just use SATA power connectors?

It's the most universal thing. There are molex to sata, molex to 6-pin, molex to 8-pin, molex to fan connectors. However, I've never seen cable adapters without it, like sata to 6-pin or fan to sata. Molex is the king.

hmm what is this OP???