>News • user keeps dropping phones, can't decide what to get • user posts the battery life of his Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 • user forgets to post rest of his unboxing • Retard over thinks something Jack Ma said • user gets a Benjie C3 and a 64gb flashdrive • These guys try out a Chinese ballistics plate youtube.com/watch?v=9OQw6T48inc • user gets some headphones for his birthday • Get a good deal on some micro usb cables for just 1cent • user is having issues with his FPV transmitter • user finds out chinks also copy nendoroids • user receives fake gold, doesn't recommend it • Spinners fitted with bluetooth speakers are thing now • Something is wrong with user's order, it says it hasn't shipped out but when he clicks dispatch faster it shows it already shipped • user gets a Raspberry Pi 3 case Previous thread
• user wants to know what shape(??) charger a Note 4x uses
Jonathan Price
??? 5V 2A. That is what my 4X charger outputs. I guess anything that deliver said shit will work. I do recommend getting a better charger as the one that comes with the phone looks doggy as fuck.
So i just ordered a tablet with DHL shipping but the tracking info doesnt show up yet. What to do? I ordered other things from Amazon from Chinkland and have to wait 1 week for the tracking -again from DHL- Did the Chink gave me a fake tracking for muy tablet?
Parker Lee
poor girl, chink shit wall is only getting bigger every day.
Colton Mitchell
stop being an impatient faggot, they probably havent packed it yet
Aiden Williams
>tfw your local postman already knows you as the guy who orders a lot of stuff from China
Nicholas Evans
Isaiah Russell
>tfw you go back to your mum's where the postman leaves your chinkshit in the letterbox for you to find when you wake up in the afternoon