C# is vastly superior to Java

>C# is vastly superior to Java
>Java is desperately trying to implement mechanics C# had since many years
>most of them are half assed and not quite as good
>the only downside of C# - no multiplatform and lack of opensource is disappearing as we speak since they diverted most of their dev power into fixing them
>new runtime, .NET core is completely open and available at github
>tfw LINQ, delegates, properties, true generics, operator overloading & beautiful syntax
>clean and aesthetic code unlike bloated Java
>non-Microsoft, multiplatform IDE released by amazing JetBrains

Why are you not on team C# yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a shit.

I want something like Python but with C# tier performance and no GIL

>it's this thread again

Java's ecosystem is still superior. Try again in 5 years.

>not F#

What exactly makes C# better than Java?

Honest question.

So the .net framework has F#, while the java platform has Clojure. Which of these is actually better?


Java's ecosystem wins hands down.

The secondary, new JVM languages like Scala fuck C# in the ass for beautiful, complex functionality and syntax.

The JVM is faster and actually more applicable as a polyglot platform than .NET, despite only growing into that role.

>non-Microsoft, multiplatform IDE released by amazing JetBrains
That is good, but JetBrains' main product -you know, the one that kept the company alive for a good while now- was Intellij IDEA all along. The JVM language IDE.

C# getting a "me, too" is not that important, particularly since is a fly shit of a market in comparison, especially outside the USA.

If you want F# on the JVM, use Ford. Original F# is probably better.

If you want FP languages on the JVM, the biggest one is probably Scala due to having (in their markets) popular frameworks like Apache Spark, Akka, Play and Scalatra and a bunch more.

Clojure is "just LISP" overall. A fairly good implementation, but it is LISP.

>tfw Java

> 2k17
> enterprise applications programming language
> no source code protection

Clojure/LISP are far better than F#

that feel when you are to intelligent too use Java


>no multiplatform
Look for Mono and .NET Core.

It has much better garbage collection.

Also has a much better standard library.

System.out.println("Hello world");
Console.WriteLine("Hello world");

> C# vs Java dinosaurs at it again.

When will you retards start working in Javascript like the rest of the modern world?

>It has much better garbage collection.
This is an overall good thing, if true that is.

>Also has a much better standard library.
I can't see how your code-example represents that. What's the difference? "out" is a static object on the System singleton, the "standard output".

So you're telling me you can't do both? Enjoy being an underpaid pleb.

b-but microsoft's websites are shiny and my wife's son told me that java a shit because minecraft runs slow. your completely reasonable and valid arguments can't be right

>It has much better garbage collection
>Also has a much better standard library

feel free to substantiate your claims

>feel free to substantiate your claims
>he said while providing zero substance for his

Java is still an industry standard in enterprise. Node might be more popular on reddit or your shitty webdev blogs targeted at beginners, but that doesn't mean shit.

what claims would that be?

>start using kotlin
>90% of OPs argumention goes intro the trash
>you still get all the JVM adventages

microsoft cucks BTFO.

Nim Lang.

>microsoft shill thread


What's the best JVM language

Scala 3 :^)

This thread again.

C# is a meme cuck language. Every WinAPI call must be marshalled from managed to native by copying all attributes back and forth.

Every time you access an array element its checked for out of bounds.

Compiler and JIT is unable to optimize simple variable reuse so u need to be careful when accessing a variable multiple times, instead u need to store it in local var.

LINQ turns 10k elements query into 300mb memory leak. For every LINQ method you do in the set.

String is the devil.

> your completely reasonable and valid arguments can't be right
Thanks, though I myself will admit they were not perfectly solid on their ow.

You can look stuff up starting from there, though.

Well, for the biggest ecosystem still plain old Java. Moving along at a conservative pace which means it's also easy to maintain.

But if you like to deal with a relatively rapidly moving ecosystem with many clever people, Scala has a lot of nice features and a lot of cool libs and toys:

Just SBT (the most commonly used build tool) alone is already extremely neat.

We always have the same threads everyday, this is Sup Forums.

KYS JavaScript is shit

>comparing shitty languages
What's the point?

>to intelligent too
sure thing

Why do game designers use C# instead of C?


People that spend time arguing over programming languages haven't made a single program past "Hello, World!" or a calculator.

Microsoft visual studios

WTF are you paid or what? I see the same thread again. Also C# isn't vastly superior to java. It's good for windows but not for windows games in everything else there are better options.
Also it's not so beautfiul language just compare it to F# or even better swift which are the most modern and smartly written languages right now.

which ones? a lot of them are using C++ and then some of those are basically writing C

I think he means Unity users

>People are now shilling for Java because they hate MS just that much
C# is Java without all the parts that make Java fucking horrible.

If you know one, you have a pretty good working of the other.

it's like VB6.0 but with C++ and OOP memes
I fucking loved it

> programming language developed by winblows

Good god fuck no. Just because you're to fucking dumb to understand destructors in c++ to deal with memory management doesn't make c# good

I'm shilling for Java because it's great. Also I don't really hate MS. I use VSCode and Typescript often.

Also you should fuck off you fucking frogposting faggot

Without all the good parts of c++ though