I'm fed up playing with USB charging station that keeps dying on me. I'm looking for a reliable USB charging station with at least 8 x 2.5A (not less) USB ports. I do not need data sync, just charging.
I've tried Aukey and lots of no-name chineses chargers but they keep failing me (ports would die two by two, I think it's some inductances that failed).
I'm currently thinking going rugged or industrial if it means reliability but I wouldn't want a 20 ports charging monster, 8-12 ports would be ideal.
TL;DR Looking for a reliable USB charging station, no matter the price.
I don't believe any of those would provide 2.5A on all the ports.
This one however () will do all 5 ports at 5v 3A. So just get 2 of them for 10 ports. Or 3 for 15.
Joseph Reyes
Yes. These 3 ones are also sync/data hubs and the added circuitry only make them less durable. I didn't specify but I used them on the go, they never setlle on a desktop.
Too large for only 5 ports, too bad because it looks like a good alternative.
Cheers but I'd rather have only one box with all my ports. I'll bookmark it anyway, if I don't find any other alternatives.
>Too large for only 5 ports, too bad because it looks like a good alternative. yeah because it's 90w output, it HAS to be that large for the appropriate hardware.
You wont find a big 10-20 port version unless it's rack mount size.
What voltage are you drawing? You said 8x2.5A but 2.5A at what voltage?
Asher Martinez
Buy a 5V 20A switching power supply from Aliexpress and an 8 port USB hub you like the looks of then solder a bunch of wires into the hub to spread the load and connect them to the power supply.
Supposedly 150W output, but it has support for data, too. Looks pretty rugged though. Not sure how hueg the power adapter would be since it seems to accept DC from a barrel plug on the back. I'm guessing it'd be similar to a laptop power adapter.
16 ports, charge-only, extruded aluminum case, each port at 2.4A.
Specifications state it can output "DC5V 44A". So 44 Amps / 16 ports = 2.75 A per port, so it should be capable of delivering stated 5V @ 2.4 Amps per port.
I think this is a winner, although is probably a bit bigger than you wanted.
Jayden Bennett
Unless you NEED a single solution that price is absurd compared to this
Juan Diaz
Yeah you're right I forgot to mention it. I'm only charging 5V devices (no tablets) so anything between 2.1A and 3A @5V is fine
Actually not a bad idea. I can tinker but I fear my electronic is a bit rusty. No diodes or anything to add along with the wires?
Yeah I wonder how it dissipate the heat...
You sure about that? If yes that's good to know, thanks
That look nice if a bit bulky but at least it should dissipate heat. I'm bookmarking it. Cheers
A bit bigger that I need but will definitively consider it. Cheers!
Christopher Cook
I also use these in cramped spaces (closed rugged cases with foam) and for now not a single one as failed. Only 6 ports though.