Macbooks are overpriced

>Macbooks are overpriced
>Ok, show me a similarly priced laptop with the same specs or better. Reminder that $1300 rMBPs are light, have a 2560x1600 retina display, the best keyboards and trackpads in existence, 8GB RAM, outstanding battery life, NVMe SSDs, and the best build quality and support in the business

Can we finally put an end to this meme?

Other urls found in this thread:

boom, done.

Better screen, miles better specs, less than 1lb heavier, only $100 than the worst macbook, which has a smaller screen and hardware like half as powerful. The only area where macbooks win is in battery life, admittedly by a lot, but that just comes with the territory of actually having a gpu and an actual 4k display

Not when you keep spamming the same thread, no. I seriously hope you're getting paid to do this.

The SSD and display are good
trackpads are pretty good if for some reason you prefer it to the trackpoint masterrace
keyboard is trash don't delude yourself
RAM and battery life are meh
build quality and support aren't the best in the industry, want proof? >>>/louis rossman/

Thinkpad P51

has a cuck hard drive

Only the OS is worth a damn. I can build a $200 shitbox out of spare parts and dumpster finds, install OS X, and it'll outperform the newest FagBook "Pro".

They are overpriced, in the sense that Apple has to pay their marketing and sales people, the rent of their apple stores in all the expensive locations and still be highly profitable.

In what way? You can get it with a hdd or ssd if you want, and it has an msata drive that you can put into it. Although they are admittedly kind of expensive, they've gone down in price a lot in the last couple years

also, 4k screen doesn't come standard. quit making shit comparisons. an XPS with specs described is closer to $2000

>no video games
>no first-party package manager
>not open source
the worst of both worlds

>Homebrew works fine
>uses lots of open source components
I can partially agree with the last point, but the other two are stupid. It doesn't matter if the package manager is from Applel or not. I use OS X for the polished desktop and how stupidly easy it is to use for shitposting and programming.

Mac's keyboards suck (looks good though).
MBPro's aluminium case is slippery when cold - easy to drop.
You can't really install a good OS on it.
Otherwise really good piece of HW with good battery life...

>>uses lots of open source components

If you are allergic to peanuts, lot of other nuts mixed with peanuts won't make you suffer less.
Ergo - not an argument

>best support in the business
>unless your laptop is five years old

Oh look it's this thread again.

The not so obvious macfag shill thread.

Its not so much the price and parts
its the shit build, you can have a computer with all the bells and whistles but keep in mind that the whole fucking point of a laptop is both convenience and portability, if it cant take a drop its no good as a laptop
its the fact that you pay 1000+ for a """premium""" product that shatters if its dropped from a foot and a warranty that goes belly up if you spill so much as a drop of water on it
fuck parts if it isnt worth the money and isnt durable

also fucking intel graphics
fuck off

>Zero travel
>Best keyboard in existence

>best keyboards
>.0004mm of travel

>XPS is closer to 2000

And its 15inch

Cheapest 15" macbook pro is 2400


>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel admitted it's shit and went back to solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>shit tier 1mm travel chiclet kb
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats constantly from abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz due to chronic overheating problems
>retina meme for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating impossible to use with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade

>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>ultra shit tier zero travel kb
>keyboard louder than WWII cricket
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>soldered SSD
>tamper tape on battery screws
>applel falls for their own thin meme and uses 54WH battery
>2 hour battery life
>it's 2017 and moving folders around in finder will STILL cause massive data loss

>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?

That's a fallacious argument. I could show you any number of laptops that your Mac is worse in some respects but not others. By your logic, the Macbook is worse than tens if not hundreds of random shitty laptops out there.

because everyone knows you can only do college assignments on a macbook, other laptops just arent as capable at word processing and facebook as a macbook


My 2015 MacBook Pro doesn't have this problem.

In what does a fucking package manager help you, especially when you mention 'videogames'? Seems to me you're parroting what you read on other threads rather than thinking about it.


>better screen
Is P3 compliant?

>no first-party package manager
Yesterday you got BFTO when lots of applefags proved that macOS has a package manager (pkgutil)

And every time Rossmann reviews the latest whizbang rainbow LED gaymershit laptop it's even more of a piece of shit than the MacBook Pro

Rossmann just knows too much about how sausages are made when the alternative is eating shit

man even worse
the fucking magnetic power adapter
they have to make it magnetic because every mac user is a fucking chimp
>buh its convenient
>muh comfiness
because putting a shape in a hole is something only toddlers can do and mactoddlers need help with
apple knows who they are selling to
lazy mongoloids and children with budgets

>Louis "I can't stop lying to the stupid goyim" (((Rossmann)))

>Shit trackpad
>4k meme display that does nothing but draining battery life
Try harder

Macshit is LITERALLY worse than Acer.

>That autistic anti apple rage
Magsafe is a lot more robust than your average power connector.
Enjoy your loose power connector after 2-3 years of usage

>t. mactoddler

Just get the thinkpad E570 with the i5
youll get more storage, more options and better warranty
get a laptop for businessmen and not art college babies
im going to art college and they are all incapable if typing in to google "will laptop X be good for course Y"
im getting the thinkpad E570 because it is built to last because they are built for business men who always have something important and cant risk losing data, need something with a long life and reliable
plus you can install an nvme ssd and change the hard drive in the thinkpad without killing the warranty
stop buying things because of objective looks and buy because of usability
macs arent the only machines that are good at art
>OS good for artists
>no touchscreen
>has a """retina""" display
>magnet keyboard
>no usb type a because wacom only makes usb type a graphic pads
gimmicks gimmicks gimmicks

>literally intel's fault
>seriously recommending a E series thinkpad
You're an absolute retard

E series thinkpad, are you fucking kidding me.
That piece of shit will fall apart after 2 days of usage.

I see the appeal of X/T/P series thinkpads, but everything below is not better than some 300$ consumer crap.

not all college students have 1500 to blow on a macbook that has the same 1 year livespan as a phone
college is 4+ years long and youre bound to drop your laptop so get one that lasts

and bro im only reccomending the E series because its cheap

>In what does a fucking package manager help you

Its a hell of a lot better than an "app store" that locks you out if you use a usb wifi dongle and cant even uninstall programs

>the best keyboards


If you honestly think some low budget chinkpad is going to last longer than a macbook you sure got memed hard.

For that you recommend them a fucking T440p instead.
Outside the almost zero keytravel, the new keyboard feels surprisely nice

>what are german jews?

>compares peanuts to software
>tells other people they have no argument
Consider suicide.

drop your macbook and see how long it lasts

>feels nice
>no travel
is this doublethink

just because its made out of recycled soda cans doesn't mean it will permanently dent and warp when dropped

Closed? A scratch, maybe a dent.
Drop your E series thinkpad and the case will crack.

Seriously dude, anything other than X/T/P series are not real thinkpads.
They look like thinkpads but they have trash buildquality.

>it's intel's fault that applel street shitters can't design a proper cooling system


Do you know how to read?
It feels nice because it has tactile feedback, it feels almost mechanical.
But also has low travel, who is a pain in the ass to deal.
It's nice than the old Mac keyboard, but isn't nice as a Thinkpad keyboard. The same is true with mech keyboards: The thinkpad has the best keyboard in a laptop, but any quality mechanical keyboard will run laps around the Thinkpad keyboard.

How are those Intel stocks doing today?

i have a budget of less than 800
if i can scrape together more i will reconsider my options but with the way things are ill have to see
because apple dont design the internal parts of a mac and only design the outside
dont blame intel if they didnt build the machine

>Remove USB ports and SD slots
>"But if you buy this dongle you can connect everything again"
>New iPhone comes out
>Remove the fucking headphone jack
>"But you can still listen to music if you buy these headphones/adapter"
>People fall for this shit
Cancer in its purest form.

>because apple dont design the internal parts of a mac and only design the outside
That's the most retarded thing I have read in the day.

Get a used thinkpad over a "thinkpad" any day.

Said it loud: It's a IdeaPad doing cosplay.

Track pad is fantastic.

Coil whine is such a non-issue and if you're autistic enough to where it bothers you, it is simply a matter of replacing the packaged charger.

The 4K screen on the Dell XPS 15 is great. Dell is noted for having great displays.

you do know how hyperbolic works dont you
or is english not your first language
ill make it easy for you
the >dont blame intel if they didnt build the machine
should have been enough of a contradiction with the sentence above it

No, english isn't my first language
>don't blame intel if they didn't build the machine
I can perfectly blame them: These last six months AMD has demostrated that Intel has issues with their architecture and worse, they aren't doing nothing for it.

intel made the processor
apple designed the internals and how they would be laid out, not intel, apple gimp out on parts and charge a fortune
go back to the ganges pajeet you are stinking up the thread

>apple designs internals based in Intel's given spec
>Intel arch is so crappy that Apple is jewed
>it's apple's fault that Intel is literally a housefire
Go back to the oven, Schlomo.

the E570 has the 15" display that id benefit from
all of the other 15" thinkpads are too expensive

>no video games
I'm not a manchild

>no first-party package manager
>>>no ((first-party))) package manager
Did I really just read this? You had to weasel this in by sticking in first-party***? Kill yourself retard, homebrew is good.

>not open source
Who gives a fuck?

>intels fault

>no goy, our processors aren't ovens (OY VEY) now give us shekels or be reported to the ADL to trigger us bad feelings

Lol nice try
When I'm out and about I'm taking my 2015 MBP [everyday]
>posted from my ubuntu workstation [@home]

Christ Apple is a fucking joke.

Why get a fag book, when you could get a desktop

Their Oryx model blows Mac out of the water for much cheaper.

Wouldn't an X1 Carbon be better?
Who cares about laptops anyways? My keyboard alone costs $700 not to mention all the other stuff my desktop has.
Or are you guys poor?

I wonder if they could've chosen another processor? One that wasn't from the early 2000's but no that's Intel's fault for Apple's Jewish choice

>b me, IT professional
>Azure fags (.NET, JAVA Pajeets) using over priced under powered surface books playing with their toys
>Network & Infrastructure engineers, & Machine learning bros using MBPs (generally connecting into Linux Servers & Workstations) - don't real work
MBP slick, light, powerful (for a laptop)

Literally expensive clevo

They have to go with Ryzen APU this time.

Except with English speaking support and better build quality.

>best support in the business

Lel, they don't even offer NBD on-site services.

>Find me a laptop that has equivalent or greater specs for the same price
I have some great news, if you want exactly that configuration there's a laptop for you called the Macbook Pro. Now fuck off and come back when you want to have a discussion about weighing the values of various features such as longer battery, touch screens, and user serviceability.

here's why every apple user is a fucking retard:
>sees apple ads in TV about how user friendly macs are ("computers for the rest of us", aka for idiots)
>friends recommend apple products because they are apple uses themselves
>"minimalistic" design appeals to the retard, he can't predict that the materials used are designed to be so flimsy to break, also ignores how other products are more ergonomic to use since those aren't just slabs of aluminium
>compares $2000 applel product to the only other laptops he's ever used: $300 walmart trash and is amazed how ""premium"" apple is
>begins to use mac OS and since it's a bit more user friendly he believes it's the greatest thing ever
>now stuck in the apple ecosystem, has to buy a new model every 3 years because some of the hardware broke (planned obsolescence)
>likely a dumb poorfag so he has to take a loan just to buy the fucking computers
>even recommends apple to friends and tries to justify his position with unrealistic claims ("muh special functions only apple has", "I have a higher status in society if people see my computer", "it just werks", "muh special application NEEDS mac OS", "You're just oo poor to afford it and are jealous")

>worst of all, he doesn't even notice how much he has been cucked

tl;dr macfags are fucking retarded

pretty accurate

>spending $200 extra for them to pre-install linux
>better build quality when they're exactly the same thing
Fuck off system76 sales representative.

they are the ugliest machines i have ever seen
like im not a big fan of slim shit since its less hardware bigger price but holy fuck its like they were budget hp chassis's

They take Clevo/Sager machines, install Ubuntu then slap another $200 onto the price. System76 are scum of the earth, only gullible hipsters fall for this shit.

>7yo pos Acer breaks down
>Fixed and upgraded it too many times now, time for something new
>Budget is about €1000
>Find Clevo barebone
>7700k, 1050ti, 1080p ips screen
>No hdd/ram
>Buy ram, second hand 250gb nvme drive, install 500gb ssd from old laptop

I spent a little over 1000 eurobucks on it and it outperforms the newest top tier MacBook pro in everything but ssd speed for a third of the price. What do I lose? Some resolution, battery life is "only" 5-6 hours and the build quality is plastic fantastic. With 2,3kg it's a little heavier too, but my previous one was a 17incher, so it feels light to me. Is that worth 2000 bucks to me, when I have an objectively faster laptop now? Nope.

5-6 hours battery life? How big are the batteries they use, because that's pretty decent.

I meant hq obviously.

About 65wh

Must've worked wonders on Power management.
The latest 15 inch Macbook tests to get only 4-5 hours battery life since Mac OS is heavy as fuck and they shrunk the battery from 99Wh to 78Wh.

The high resolution screen, AMD GPU, and emojibar are probably more to blame than OSX.

Nope its OSX.
I use a 2013 rMBP13 for work, it used to get 11 hours battery life on Mavericks, now its down to 5-6 hours on Sierra, every animation and transparency effect maxes out the CPU.
And no, it's not battery degradation, it still holds 92% charge.

Obviously I don't get those times when stressing it much. But when I'm working on the battery, I usually use Edge (instead of my usual Firefox), because it doesn't use much power.

Also, Intel really managed to get the idle usage down on Kaby Lake and the gpu is turned off most of the time, using HD Graphics instead.

Nope, fixed.
>>Shit trackpad
k meme display that does nothing but draining battery life
Ok, so when it has something better it's a meme. Can I say the trackpad is a meme too?

Also I undervolt the cpu for maximum battery gains.

How do you undervolt? I thought the last ones you can undervolt on laptops are the Core 2 Duos.

>Homebrew works fine
First of all no, it does not work fine, it breaks links and conflicts with XCode all the time.
Can't update system packages like ANY Linux package manager. No, I don't want to use the app store + brew + macports + whatever the fuck.

Update your entire system with 1 utility. Have no duplicated shit (hellooooo Brew's python and XCode's python).

>not using Mavericks