Best phone ever, most beautiful design ever, RIP in piece.


>still have a 5s

>tfw you have a 5s


Get fucked

iphone 5 was apple at its best
iphone 7 is humanity at its worse


To be fair, Version 9 and 10 doesn't work for it either.

>Meanwhile Android phones are released with already outdated versions and maybe one (1) update if you're lucky

As much as I dislike iPhones, they're properly supporting their devices

I have a 5 and I haven't updated beyond 8.2
Why would I though? It will only lag even more as newer versions come out

9.3 was the last worthwhile update for the 5. If you can get past the changes to in 8.4. Everything else cripples it

Same, still on jailbroken 8.1.2.

Looks like my iPhone 5 is not getting another update, ok. It's still doing okay, so whatever. It's actually kind of amazing that it's five years old already this fall. Already replaced the battery, the camera and the headphone jack. It's amazing how cheap and easy it is to repair. Hope the logic board never dies on me. Amazing device.

>Mfw running 7.1 on a phone from 2012 because I'm not a fucking consumerist retard who buys the first thing the best buy salesperson recommends me
Sure feels good.

> Clean install iOS 10 on iPhone 5
> no lags
feels good, too bad it's 32-bit

>Best phone ever, most beautiful design ever
Post the wrong photo?

this, the only phone that can compare with the passport is the iPhone 4 and 4S series

Q10 and Classic also trump the 4 and 4s

My work has a billion 5Cs...

>bought chinkphone
>no updates
I deserve it

>having to manually flash OS updates because your phone doesn't get them

>being this much of a little bitch

>tapping twice and swiping is hard

Leave this board.

whether it's difficult or not isn't even part of the argument, it shouldn't be required at all


Feels damn good bros


I really wish someone would release an improved Passport with all the bullshit fixed... alas, it will never be, nor will my dream phone: a bigger passport with induction charging and e-ink keyboard.

What's wrong with the SE? hoping they update it this year, been looking for a semi dumb phone

The only things that need to be fixed on the Passport are adding a 4th row to the keyboard swapping the IPS bullshit for AMOLED, and a removable battery.

Nothing wrong with it. Been using it since last september or so, works flawlessly and it's about the only comfortable one-hand phone.

Same, still on 7.1.1 . Though lately the battery life has gone to shit so I have to open this phone for the first time and replace it.

5S/SE was fucking perfection. Sony ruins their phones with their stupid UI mod.

Now it's just a phablet wasteland. We're going backwards, to chunky phones that are connected by cable to a battery in a bag.

Same. I don't do much with phones but the 5S is pretty close to perfect.

iOS 10+ looks like it's been designed exclusively for women. Look at how cancerous the message and music apps are. Now they decide to overhaul the App Store to make it look like a shopping app with only one app taking up most of the screen real estate. I'm kinda glad that I'm stuck on the 9.0.2 jb for my i5, but a bit unnerved that I am now 19 months behind since I last updated. Hopefully iH8sn0w releases his iboot exploit after iOS 11 release so that all 32 bit devices can be jb.

Dude, the camera zoom was terrible, the frontal camera was a joke, the plastic components felt flimsy, the charging port on the bottom was not only a hassle to use while it but also is prone to becoming loose, the chipset was continously burning up, and the screen has no palm detection stopping suitable things touching it being registered as a finger and causing it to use up all your picture passwords while in your pocket.

And don't get me started on the bullshit with the BB10 OS...

I've never had an issue with any of that.
>And don't get me started on the bullshit with the BB10 OS
BB10OS is the best

>tfw 6 years and counting
>you outlived two generations of design (e.g. 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 6s, 7)

still on the 4
its fucking UNBEARABLE at this point
will wait for the 8 and make the final decision
to stay or abandon apple

No 5c? Huh. Thought that'd be new enough. Even though it is just a 5.

That the Passport and BB10 were the best doesn't mean there wasn't room for improvement and they had serious flaws, man. And don't give me that "it works in my system" bullshit.

As another ergonomic point, the lack of finger wells makes single hand usage impossible.

I agree it's a little hard to use one handed. If the Passport was a little less wide and had these issues fixed, it'd be perfect.

For what purpose? Why stay on such a shitty phone? In fact if it weren't for the 3GS that came before it and it having 4 iOS versions of support (iOS 6 was barebone tho, one of my reasons to upgrade to a 5), the 4 should have not gotten iOS 7 (it's 4th iOS version). I hope that you at least have taken advantage of the bootrom exploit to jb to whatever version you want. And honestly you should have gotten a 5S when it was current, or at least 6 when you knew the 4 was getting dropped.

Smh I will never understand people. I would love to have my 5 go back to 6.1.4 tho.

>unbearable at this point

What's wrong with it?

Well women are the main market for iPhones because they need their fashion symbols and whatever clothes or they feel unattractive

4S user here

30 minutes battery life
small screen
iOS is crap

Don't old phones run like shit on new iOS?

updating to ios7 was a mistake
didn't like the 6/7 design, the increased size and curved edges made it slippery
didn't want the SE, when i upgrade i want the latest specs
found out about thatexploit late and said fuck it ill just wait

>If the Passport was a little less wide
That defeats the point of the passport. All it needs for it to be easier to work one handed is finger wells on both sides. Have that, and while slower than the intended use, it would still work fine.

And I am telling you, the passport needs e-ink keys. With e-ink keys you can have any mapping you want, and make any orientation auto-rotation practical. Plus, context sensitive keys.

>That defeats the point of the passport
I don't give a flying fuck what the purpose was, if it was a little less wide it'd be perfect.
>And I am telling you, the passport needs e-ink keys.
No, you're telling me you want them. I couldn't give less of a shit if it had them or not. Just give me a standard BlackBerry keyboard and I'd be more than content.

Go get your keyone and find out the orientation issues I am talking about, mate.


Got an iPhone 5 running 10.3.2


>Go get your keyone
Are we arguing over different phones? Because I was talking about the Passport.

Is it true that all your downloaded apps stop working if your iPhone can't get the latest update?

I'm using iOS 6.
wow ebin.

Hopefully that fucker isn't lying about having an exploit for all 32 bit phones to jailbreak, and he actually releases it when it officially killed off.

Devolpers force you to update to the newest or they just shut off old versions. Snapchat is infamous for this.
Its not Apple's fault per se, but you could easily blame them.

>most beautiful design ever

but that is not the e63

>tfw if it werent that i left the phone charging on some cafeteria i would be using it forever


I have a classic. The one think I hate is that I can't turn off the conversion of "emoticons". If I type anything with a colon followed by another character is makes a face. Some words get converted to an emoji. AND NO WAY TO TURN THIS "FEATURE" OFF!

However, Hub is bretty cool. Wish it had a night mode.

iOS Dev here

4S was a great phone, still use mine but can't dev anything with the 512MB of RAM it has. Maybe it would perform better if Apple wasn't releasing iOS updates that gimp my performance.

The 5 really changed things for developers, brought 16:9 to the iPhone, and gave it 1GB of RAM (huge boost).

so long, and goodnight


Why won't they refresh the SE REEEEEEE.
I've been fucking waiting to switch from lagdroid god dammit.

Radical Sandwich Anarchy would be a cool band name desu

Hipster detected, go buy imacs elsewhere.

Because it doesn't need it. It's perfect the way it is. The only thing I'd add is waterproofing. The thing has a tiny, low-res display, it doesn't need the latest chipsets in order to function at its best.

>512mb or ram
>1ghz+ processor
>not enough for anything

Do you even hear yourself rn


The fuck are you on about? The iPhone STILL isn't 16:9

SE is 5 but better. I have slammed it in the floor on purpose multiple times and no scratch, no crack, no damage.

Every model since the iPhone 5 is either extremely close to 16:9 or 16:9.

>tfw still on iOS 9 simply because I like swipe-to-unlock

what can't you do with 512M?

Same here desu.
Iphone 4 Masterace, back when Apple topped every other phones of it's generation

>tfw 4s

its pretty sad, but i stopped caring until the shit battery life reminds me of it

What iOS are you on? You can downgrade on all iOS versions that have a jailbreak with tfp0 enabled(should solve the slow part)

You need to jailbreak it and reload iOS 6.3.1. Works like a charm with the right OS.
I no longer use wifi just so my phone doesn't download and nag me. Still running iOS 9 on my 6s though may hit 10 before 11 is released.


>best anything