Be me

>be me
>the year is 2023
>hanging out with a friend
>friend asks what's the capital of Belgium
>"I dunno man, lemme Google it. Okay Google!"
>phone beeps
>tablet beeps
>PC beeps
>TV beeps
>stereo beeps
>lights beep
>refrigerator beeps
>toaster beeps
>coffee maker beeps
>"What is the capital of Belgium?"
>"The capital of Belgium is Brussels"
>"I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear that"
>"Setting system language to Belgian"
>"Tuning into channel: BelgiumTV"
>"Playing 2021 Greatest Belgian hits"
>"Lights not hooked up in area 'Belgium'."
>"You do not have the necessary ingredients for Belgian waffles, would you like to order some?"
>"I can search the web for that."
>"Downloading flavor:"
>Google Receipt Box™ beeps
>prints out transaction
>$200 in Belgian TV, music, and food automatically charged to my Google Card™

They'll read context by 2020.
Le funny but 3/10 due to a lack of reality.

Totally not impossible at least in early releases.

If you willingly put an always listening microphone in your fucking house, much less several of them, you deserve everything you get

>he thinks it will be on a voluntary basis

>parents turn on TV
>OK Google commercial comes on
>phone beeps

I'm already a part of the botnet

Am I the only faggot that likes smart devices? Hook them all up to one interface unit and pretend I'm a spessman. If they weren't botnet and I could customize them as I see fit I'd be all over that shit.

found the turbo goy


>I'm part of botnet because I want to be
O-okay, user. Wgat restrains you from flashing custom rom and leaving all proprietary bullshit behind you?
>inb4 drivers and hardware

Using a voice assistant is comfy

Get out.

>Not knowing the capital of Belgium

Do you have a smartphone? Congratulations.

>knowing the capital of some third world african shithole


Washington DC is the capital of the USA which isn't African at all dude.

we'll all be hooked up to Google Brain Network machines allowing us all to interface in VR, watch ads, and allow Google to harvest our energy.

"Ok Google. Activate the hardware backdoor"

>he fell for the 4shalom pass meme

>not afrikan

>He does Google's petty manual labor for free

You're part of the botnet, whether you like it or not. It already has you by the balls.
Google is fucking scary when it comes to the amount of info it gets from you, even if you try to avoid it.

>Couple of days ago start selling shirt designs online.
>Activate google analytics to track the visitors? Sure.
>Look at the data, holy shit.
>Tells me absolutely everything about the person, except their name.
>How long they stayed on the site, what they clicked, where they came from, what search engines they used, who's their ISP, are they on mobile, tablet, desktop, what OS are they using, their screen resolution,
List goes on.
Then there's the stuff that I haven't enabled, like their behavior in social media, people's gender, their interests and other things.
Fuck, the list goes on and on, I haven't even scraped the surface yet.

I enabled it on my furry porn tumblr too.
Some guy from Texas, El Paso using Chrome version 49.0.2623.112, just arrived on my site via searching porn on tumblr, went through 3 pics, found a picture he liked and spent 4 minutes 22 seconds looking at it.
Mfw google basically let me know that some Texan/Mexican just whacked off to one of my works.
It's an Overwatch picture that he was looking at.
It's incredible the amount of data that's out there and it's gathered whether you like it or not.
Google is constantly listening.


well post the picture

Who honestly gives a shit about Belgium? I can't tell you the capital of Kansas either. These places, and the people that live there, don't fucking matter.

But probably the nearest device of the target cuck will answer and the others will receive a STFU signal.

Well share the spank nigga. You can't just say that and walk away.

But anons, that's against the rules of this Christian board.
I'm sure that stuff is hovering around /aco/ or /trash/ though.
Go and pleasure yourselves to all of the Overwatch art there and I'm sure you'll hit something of mine.
Now if you excuse me, I have a tentacle porn commission to finish.



now post CPU where FF gets pwned