Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums

I have to be honest, /fa/ is my home board. So here's the story.

I really like these ugly shoes, but they resell for about $1,000. It's obviously not worth it. However, I would pay retail for them.

Unfortunately, bots snatch up entire restocks in about 0.2 seconds, and then resell them immediately for 5x the original price. There's another restock coming up on the 24th, and I was wondering if anyone would mind giving a fellow 4chinner some advice on how to build my own bot to buy just one pair of shoes in my size. I've been practicing Javascript for a few months just to be more technologically literate, but I wouldn't know where to even start with this project. Where do you "put" the code for a bot you build? How does it "talk" to the page you're on and tell it to press enter, etc.?

Thanks my guys, trying not to cop another L

Git gud faggot. Also, ycopp.

The best language to make a bot to cop these shoes would be COBOL. I recommend looking up tutorials on it, good luck!

This. COBOL is an extremely well-designed language used in a lot of big corporations, like banks.

And banks don't like to cop L's my nigga. COBOL was destined for this type of hustlin shit. Git gud, git money.

I wouldn't even pay $10 for those. Who the hell buys these things?

Pre-order? Buy them from the store irl?

what in the world are you /fa/gs thinking
how about just downloading the webpage and checking the number of characters, then when they update stock the character count should go up then you can send yourself an email or something
import httplib
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("www.gayboats.com")
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
print len(data)

More importantly when pico seconds count COBOL is what you want to use, which is perfect for your application. Good luck with the shoes.

You'd have to pay me to wear those.

>ever liking yeezys

nice try reddit

that won't help, people have already designed bots to fully automate the checkout process faster than a human can checkout manually

Just buy some replicas.
Check out fashionreps on leddit

Yeah and they did that about 15years ago already.
There is no hope for you to get the ugly shoes that I would not buy for 5$.

if you're not a good enough programmer to help just say so user, don't act like you're too good for the shoes to cover up a lack of programming prowess.

if the entire process needs to be automated its going to require actual work
better to spend that time finding another source, like a decently priced physical store you can put down some money at

yeezy shoes are the biggest hype yet they look retarded and youre retarded if you wear them. Keep them deadstock if you get them cheap or only wear fakes. New fakes look pretty close

You need to find every http request you need to make and then play them back. There might be stuff that will change between sessions, so be careful.

this with some lxml or beautiful soup will get you your faggot shoes

All my supreme apparel is fake but the quality is top tier and nobody could say it's fake.

1:1 SUCC

until you meet someone who actually has worn / seen real supreme

Hey user, thanks for asking a proper question and actually explaining your problem. On top of that you have actually practiced something on the subject and have basic insight of the obstacles to tackle. That is 90% more effort than Sup Forums puts on their projects. Thank you.

nope!!! I have real supreme and high quality fake supreme... you cant differentiate between them

youre kidding right? hes been practising javascript for months and doesnt even know how to use it, not that its the best choice here.

aren't you guys being mean?

Why do you want those shoes? I've only seen Asian makes wear them.

by high quality fake do you mean so high quality that its almost the same price? i gotta know where you get your fakes then. Ive seem some pretty shit fakes of quite a few brands

I got my hands on 2 pairs of the white ones. Resold in a week :^)

$50 brah

that malaysian shithole money... for americunt around $12

man malaysian... the fakes made in malaysia are usually shit quality.

I live in malaysia brah.. Im pretty sure that fakes is from vietnam or indonesia..

$120 replica of the 3M jacket

Fuck COBOL, you need to learn assembly. Talk straight to the processor man! Fast as fuck.

>Not the binary package for google translate

He's trying to resell.

Who the hell would buy a Chinese IBM laptop?