It's 2004. How do you listen to music on the go?

It's 2004. How do you listen to music on the go?

Hardmode: No iPod, no Zune

My phone, with wireless bluetooth earphones.

On my sony Walkman

what is a walkman

I prefer wired bluetooth headsets myself

I had an iriver 256MB thing that ran on a single AA. Total garbage


Portable CD player with MP3 decoder.

RCA Lyra 64mb plus a very expensive 256mb SD card. I definitely don't miss transcoding everything to 96k WMA to save space on the player.

I had this


Creative Zen Micro

Nomad Jukebox Zen

Are you all plebs?

iPod or Zune
>hardmode: only the garbage the two replaced for a reason

I guess a based early 2000's sony Walkman. Or an iriver 1gb with a radio.

>mfw i could record music stations with it

my brothers

> How do you listen to music on the go?
With a CD player. WIth a cassette player if I'm poor.

>not enjoying yours music with a true looseless format

>not reading your music directly from music sheet

I use a Fiio X3. You don't need to reflash the firmware with Rockbox, as it already plays basically any format

I used a portable CD player along with everyone else at my school who wanted to listen to music on the go. I didn't even know MP3 players existed at the time.

We're talking about 2004, not the 90s.

>no loss
unless you've got infinitely many quantization levels, there is always loss with digital formatting


I don't

I had a shitty chink mp3 player

No name chink shot that looks like this

I could have sworn those were called Discmans.

There are Walkman and Discman models


God tier.

HDD in a portable? You bet you'll have parking heads often.

I used to take this to gym class. Still have it too. It's pretty rare now.

That player was the shit

There's also loss with analogue.
But thanks for the truism, that's what this thread needed.

my brother

What's a Zune?

What's a Google?


Disney mix stick with 256mb memory with a 512mb SD memory card.

Had to listen to stuff on the bus to school since the driver was playing crap.

bought this at a pawn shop for 40 bucks.
700MB disc full of Mp3's = 8-12hrs worth of music

I used a iRiver Spinn
Ok, it was a few years after 2004, but the touch control impressed everyone
Also incredible design

damm, i thought i was the only one

Did you put porn flash games on it too ?


nothing. i didnt have a pmp till 2009. zune hd 16gb.

I tape a ring of spoons around my leg and it clanks while I walk.

Minidisc player.

Yet another new technology prepped to be 'the 'future' which disappeared relatively quickly.

I had 2 options back then .
My Sony minidisc player and my Sony smartphone.
Apple did not invent the smartphone.

>digital fags

In 2004 I probably had someting like that

>ITT: when Sony was the true god of the audio gear

My phone, It plays Für Elise, kinda, in bad chiptune quality.

this and pic related

With my brand new Motorola Razr. Can you believe how thin this thing is!

I had never seen a walkman model cd player, that pic above was the first. then again sony used to launch 50 different models of the same thing, it kinda made it hard to keep up with them.

i remember a friend getting a 128mb one for something around 150 USD here in argentina and then another friend got one with 512mb but for 100USD a week later, 128 mb dude got BTFO

Used this in 2005, it was great.

Got one from a 7up contest


Had a 128MB one back in the day.

Hell, I still want to use one of those nowadays but they're rare as fuck now, unless you deal with chinks.

Iriver ofc

128MB here. Lowest model, but fuck did it sound pretty good for such a tiny player.
Too bad I could only afford shitty chinese AAA batteries that last 2 hours each.

Fuck yeah brother! I used to have a minidisc player. those were the shit!

this, have a (you)

on mine the screen went blank due to cold weather, so I navigated the songs blind

No one used the zune.

I had an iaudio x5. Fucking loved it until the hdd died in 2009. Wish they still weren't $280.

i bought that ipod shuffle for 200 dollars new

i left it on my car seat and some rain came in through the window. literally a few drops of water fell through the buttions and managed to nuke that entire amarphous plastic blob... 200 dollar teenage bucks down the drain

i am still angry about that.... thanks apple

I used a discman that could read mp3s back then. Pretty ok, but was eyeing a proper mp3 player.

had almost the same model, in blue. Super nice!

>No one used the zune.
Not even the staff at Microsoft, apparently.

I mean it was a decent player. Everyone makes fun of it for the brown color but I liked it. The hd had a nice digital radio built in. the software was nice to use too. It just didn't have any apps not even youtube.
I wish I could get my zune hd syncing with linux. it "works" just anything i put on it shows up as unknown artist.

I had a Zen Micro followed by a Zen Micro Photo which I held onto until the Zune HD came around. I loved them all.


Fucking this. I never got why anyone bought iPods.

I loved the Zune software. Zune Pass was really ahead of its time too, shame no one used it.

As for apps, it may not have had many, but I played the shit out of Audiosurf on that thing.

Are you implying CDs are analog?

on my shitty toshiba laptop, with windows media player and acquired from limewire

What the hell people. None of you still rocked one?

Is dat a PMP300?

I rocked the shit out of one of those. And that weird blue one they made not long afterwards.

>can't use my first gen iPod nano because of the battery might go note 7 on me
Feels bad man

NAS streams an internet radio station (ogg 10 and v0) with mpd. Or copy flac to my phone.

>What's a google?

It's supposed to be 2004 in this thread. Zune wasn't around until 2006.

oh my bad; i can't read it's 2004. I had a Creative Zen. I loved the buttons on the side to easily change tracks or seek without taking it out of my pocket.

I had the bands follow me around and play songs on demand. Truest sound known to man.

Audiosurf was great, there was some nice homebrew from zuneboards too. A decent emulator for gb games. Shame some game called vangard something never took off. I should spin up a vm just for my hd.

Better go buy the latest NogaNet headphones

My nigga

I use this, I'm looking for a similar model since this one have 7 years and I'm afraid it will fuck up.

Probably the Minidisc Walkman N707

I didn't get an iPod until the 3rd gen nano.

personal roving mariachi band, specializing in IDM covers

but really, portable cd player, with a cassette adapter for the car
>It's a Sony

I got one of these CD walkmans.

I was always ashamed of having this in public while white kids were rocking iPods. Thanks dad. Also, it was 64mb so I could fit maybe like 25-30 tracks.

I got this as a gift. Shitty UI designed by Chinese, understanding of tags are as good as their understanding of English, a few quips with buttons and shit, but it sounds alright I guess. This was coming from an iPod Nano 7th gen.

Fuck music, start using future knowledge to make money

i remember using a CD player with over the head headphones.
didn't fall for the mp3 meme until the iPod nano that had the pencil next to it in the ads.

ahh, this baby

2006 but fuck, I loved this thing. The later ones were good too

Fuck now you made me remember I had a panasonic cd player with these shitty headphones. Would listen to metallica CD on bus-ride home from 3rd grade in 2000.

I think it might have been 2005, but I had one of these bad boys, and iriver T30. Shit even supported downloading from subscription services, or from Limewire, which was my personal preference at the time.

Filled up every one of those 256MB and used it until I got a flash Zune years later. After that I think I got a Creative Zen Stone. Still have all of them.

literally what i had in 2004.

Shit I forgot about that thing, I used to have one too