I am a python developer and say i only have one shot

i am a python developer and say i only have one shot.
considering speed, memory management, reverse engineering/hacking stuff are my main goals which compiled language do you suggest for me to learn? why?

>inb4 [obscure meme-like language]

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C/C++ because as a python dev your understanding of OOP is probably fundamentally flawed.

You should never have one shot. All those languages are worth trying

>your understanding of OOP is probably fundamentally flawed
can you elaborate on this? i have seen this statement multiple times and i am genuinely wondering how python developers see oop compared to c/c++ developers? the concept should remain the same (class is a recipe, object is the manifestation and there are methods, inheritance and stuff), so is it something technical?

>All those languages are worth trying

OP don't waste your time and go straight for C.

Spotted the average edgy Sup Forums toddler who just finished reading K&R

You'll need to learn about the instruction set for the architecture you want to reverse engineer. Then try looking at the dissasembler of simple, non-optimized programs and see how your code gets translated for the target. Use godbolt.org/ to try out stuff.

OP, don't listen to C is garbage and Rust isn't ready yet.
I assume you won't use it for ten-liners that would become a function call bottleneck anyway.
As soon as you create more worthwile parts in C++ you will immensely profit from a standard library that has basic things in it like dynamically resizing arrays and threads.

Interfacing with Python is a pain either way, but at least you have Boost.Python and don't have to put up with shitty generators they way you'd have in C.

Also, don't fall for the extension over embedding meme.
As soon as you have a real application that requires both heavy data processing and responsive user real time interaction, extension won't work.

It's mostly technical really. Python doesn't actually implement objects properly. Basically in python the only way to actually "inherit" from a parent class is to explicitly call its constructor. It's pretty backwards shit. Also it doesn't support encapsulation very well and makes overriding/overloading a bitch to deal with.


Of course the whiteknighting faggots are here.

C is the only sabe choice for your criteria.

>All theses C babbies ITT

Daily reminder that C is so bad that C/C++ is considered an improvement on it by basically everyone outside of Sup Forums.


>IP count doesn't increase

C or C++

C++17, C is outdated and Rust is for SJWs

lisp/ocaml, makes you look at the craft of programming in a radically different way than how you used to.



C++ post C++11 is actually pretty pleasant to use, so that's what I would recommend.

Lean Ada!


Bloated, overthought, convoluted spaghetti code language. If you're forced to use it, use it as much like C as possible and ignore the cancerous OO bullshit as best you can.

>meme-like language
All those are meme languages.