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Post your simple/small/stupid questions
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How to fix a scratch on an IPS monitor?
In the TRIB formula does variable K(information bits per character) include the parity bits?
Say for example I have 8 bits plus 1 parity bit
Is my information bit per character 8 or 9?
do you have TWRP?
What's the best (atleast 24") gaming monitor for under 300?
yes, TWRP works and I was thinking of making a backup with it, doing a factory reset, then recovering the backup, but I don't know if it'll just have the same problem.
Also, since I only have internal memory right now, will the twrp backup still work if I copy over to PC and back to phone later? If I remember correctly it's just in a folder called twrp/backups or something
you can extract applications and data from a TWRP backup using Titanium Backup, might require premium though.
I've only used it once and seemed to work fine.
hey Sup Forums, so I got my ham technicians license and a baofeng a while ago and wanted to get more into the desktop amateur radio side of things. i do already have some experience with linux
i looked at
awesome, thanks
Anyone who uses Notepad++:
How do you change the console from Windows CMD to the built-in console or vise-versa? Trying to compile and execute C++ in the native console but it outputs to Windows console.
What's your software of choice for creating RAM disks on Windows 7?
What android phone should I buy? Is Samsung still the best option?
You can transfer it off phone then back to it later, but you might have issues with transfer size
some dumb shit about no FAT32 files above 4gb or something -- be careful of that as you might not be able to get the file back onto phone
I recommend backing up to a USB over OTG that's formatted with the correct filesystem for android (fat32) then wiping the device, get android going, then transfer the file back. Do not transfer the file to the USB if its not already formatted with the correct filesystem; most devices will require it to be formatted into FAT32 if its not when in android.
i believe theres a thread for smart phone gemeral
but depends on the budget
general consensus is that samsung has the best hardware
but far far from the best software
alot of other brands have more features, but samsung is the only phone brand that polishes its software enough to compete with iphones.
stress tests show that samsung perform alot better that other androids and will be much more lag-free
why does this c++ code exit as soon as you give it input?
cout > decision;
Cheers gonna go to that other thread
Can anyone help me with installing sourcemage? When I get to the part about partitioning drives I get fatal error and then it just wont install off of the CD
Im probably just retarded but please halp
I'm using pic related (2e) as my introduction to C. Everything was going fantastic until I got to Section 1.5 in the tutorial. I've read through pages 15-17 probably 5 times now and it just doesn't make sense. Please help :(
Hi Sup Forums
When I am setting up the wireless on my router, I have
>Connection Control
>Association Control
What is the difference?
what other programming languages you know?
I/O is typically a complex part to any language. Look up some outside sources to learn it- it really is a concept that some people grasp in a different way to others.
Only a little bit of Java. And I have no experience using Linux or any operating system other than Windows
Literally how is this possible
I'll try this, thanks.
holy shit, if you starting C get a different book, something that is actually oriented at the beginners
well, usually as this shit goes is you should not hang up on details.
if you stop on every thing you dont immediatly understand you wont get far. just be aware of shit and move on
but unless you have some specific objective to do, you should not be doing language like C, it takes hundreds of hours to feel like you gain something useful that translates in actionable thing
Oh I have the hours. I'm wanting to learn R, but, as you warned, got hung up on some of the details. I've read from countless sources that learning C will make any language in the future easier, so I figured I would go ahead and bite the bullet.
Recommend anything in particular? Or maybe some prerequisite knowledge to using this book?
Ah just checked out your image. I will take this into consideration thank you.
Where can I get a working copy of Windows 7?
>Oh I have the hours. I'm wanting to learn R, but, as you warned, got hung up on some of the details. I've read from countless sources that learning C will make any language in the future easier, so I figured I would go ahead and bite the bullet.
yeah, thats old theory of old farts
usually meant for actual daytime full time students who will be taughted, and will be forced to use, and will moved forward
not someone who learns on its own
major thing with learning yourself is staying motivated and keep learning, and low level langauges like C have really hard time with that
you can spend 700 hours learning C and your projects would be still so extremely limited
Get the ISO of the one you want and use a tool to unlock it.
I can't remember the exact name of the tool but it's basically the best way to activate it. Google it, I'm sure it'll be up there with the top results.
I'm trying to compile mpv on a pretty new ubuntu 17.04 install.
Checking for OpenGL video outputs : not found any of egl-x11, gl-win32, plain-gl, gl-wayland, mali-fbdev, gl-cocoa, rpi, gl-x11, egl-drm
No OpenGL video output found or enabled. Aborting. If you really mean to compile without OpenGL video outputs use --disable-gl.
Any idea what the deal here is? glxinfo looks fine to me..
OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile
OpenGL core profile version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 17.0.3
OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 3.30
OpenGL core profile context flags: (none)
OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile
OpenGL core profile extensions:
OpenGL version string: 3.0 Mesa 17.0.3
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.30
OpenGL context flags: (none)
OpenGL extensions:
OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 17.0.3
OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.00
OpenGL ES profile extensions:
Alright I'll take a look. All of the results for just Windows 7 working copy were shit.
something like
Read the OP, faggt
So how would I go about reformatting my hdd to gpt if it is the main boot drive with the os and everything?
That was the name of it
Download that and use it on an inactivated copy of W7. It's the best cracker.
backup your files, format, install gentoo like normal
Thank you
Please help me Sup Forumsents
I got a new windows update on my laptop with dual boot
this new update brought a feature that allows me to use my laptop as wifi hotspot while im connected to another wifi
how can i do this on linux?
Why should it hang without being told to do so?
does it make sense for a disk to load things slowly (thousands of image thumbnails for example) during a large installation?
I have a spare laptop screen that I want to sell, its from a memepad t520. Is there any website to see what laptops are compatible with it so I can list them in the ad?
Is there a difference between depositing a check at an ATM and depositing a check on the internet? Like is one faster?
S8 seems okay? Except for the extremly fragile screen but thats nothing a protection case (?) can fix,right?
I thought that's what cin.get() did.
Even if I put another cin >>, it'll close instantly, without running any other code. I don't know why this happens.
Get a SSD.
i have one
>depositing a check on the internet?
Do you mean using an app to snap pictures of the check to send to your bank? Things seem to take an extra day or so to clear for me, but it will vary from bank to bank.
IS my gpu dead?
>window logo then black screen when using Amd drivers
>use generic ms ones shit works fine
>same shit on win 10 and win 7
Is it dead guys? why is still working in generic mode?
>why is still working in generic mode?
cuz no hardware acceleartion is actually used I believe
Have it print whatever that last cin.get() gets. My guess is it's returning what ever end of line sequence is there.
All they ever talk about is chink phones tho
> Tfw the PC I built in 2011 has died.
I'm sad now. Thankfully, my friend has a spare laptop from 2014, should I take it from him? He has no use for it himself he says. So yeah, should I take it? I haven't used a laptop since god like, 2005
You're grabbing a number, but you typed something like "123\n" so the newline is still dangling there.
can I build my own server rack form factor/1U server?
What command-line interpreter should I install to write and run code seen in SICP?
I have a Windows 7 machine, as well as a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian installed, so for either would be fine.
So it seems I can buy the case/chassis and throw my own hardware in there
is there special form factor hardware for a server chassis or is it the same shit, save for the PSU?
I believe it's best to run it with MIT Scheme but a lot of people use something else, like Chez / Petite Chez. Maybe chicken. I used PLT Scheme (now Racket) but there are some incompatibilities which aren't hard to manage if you've ever programmed before.
Pls respond
if you have a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse you can hook them all up to the laptop and pretend it's a desktop for the time being
posting this from my watch
nigger he could be giving you utter shit or a great beast
anyway if you got ~$350 and you dont need mobility you should build rather desktop
im so fucking shit on maths, what language i should learn or i just kill myself?
Do you think a 3 year old laptop could run Overwatch? I don't know the specs
to do what?
anyway, python
how to run a .jar once extracted without a gui?
it keeps working as a winrar instead of a .jar, tried opening with "Java Platform SE Binary" and nothing happens.
it contains only 1 class, how could this be so fucking hard?
been struggling since 1 hour ago, considering jihad as a better career.
My dad has a 4k TV and a smartpad with linux, and wants to watch movies on the TV from the pad. it only has a microusb and USB ports on it. any way to nigrig it to get it to work? what cords would he need?
From experience I can say that 24-27 is the sweet spot you're looking for as anything else distorts the picture too much.
At the 1080p resolution just find the fastest response with the lowest delay and you should be pretty much set. As your budget is 300 or less you're not going to have too much of a variance in picture quality.
Remember, keep your monitor to known brands as other manufacturers are chronically bad with pixel death and short lifetimes. The price is lower but your enjoyment will be too.
ubuntu separates development headers into their own packages
>considering jihad as a better career.
Don't do it, user, the early retirement plan sucks.
can you open a command prompt or terminal and run java from the command line? If so, run what's in the jar file with "java -jar jarfile.jar" to see if it complains about anything.
My home wifi has been weird lately. My laptop and phone can't stay connected, and in general it acts as if the signal is weak, even if I'm in the same room as my router/AP.
Today I logged into my router and in the system log I see a boatload of error messages:
Jun 3 18:32:21 2017 System Log Message Resetting; Code: 01
Jun 3 18:32:21 2017 System Log Message ath_bstuck_tasklet : Entering
They repeat every two seconds, nonstop.
I google'd "ath_bstuck_tasklet" and got some hits with people describing similar problems. However all I've seen so far are coming from network professionals overseeing medium-large networks on Cisco or UniFi hardware, not two-bit FiOS peons like me.
From what I can gather, the problem may be signal noise related. How do I troubleshoot that?
I bought a .com domain on squarespace for $20 a year and assumed i'd get to use their tools as well, but their tools are $12 a month
i can write HTML etc but i could have got a on goDaddy for £9.99 per year
can i upload html to squarespace without paying? can i get a refund on the domain? i can code websites as i said but i have no idea about how to make them live
>to do what?
>I dont know just pick one for me
> Just for fun
> Im interested
> i want to learn more about how OS works
> and works more related to science
if it isn't explicitly a gaming computer, no. Even then it'd be like watching a slideshow on a stovetop
Change the band on which your router's running. 2ghz->5ghz
a couple keys on the keyboard weren't working, I opened it up and found all the non functional keys on the same stretch of 'contact'
I think I've found a mark/blockage near the top of the 'contact line', what would be the best way to patch it? my next idea is to tape some aluminum foil over the area I think the fuck up is in
any idea?
been a while since i used cmd prompt for anything.
Ok, i changed the dir to the file containing the .jar
what do i do now?
i say check the user license agreement.
If refunds are non-applicable, then you fucked up.
If refunds are, then do the godaddy thing.
I think what you're talking about it hosting
you pay for the domain and usually you pay for hosting and you get a cpanel or whatever
I have no idea about squarespace but here's some clues to what I think you want anyway
aluminum and duct-tape will do.
I'm guessing your 4k tv is 'smart', should have some 'wifi direct' kind of shit on it
I think LG uses smartshare
google the tv brand + stream from tablet
then you'll probably have to fuck with apps to do streaming
did you try connecting the tablet (microusb) straight to the tv (usb) ?
you're fairly limited by the possible cables anyway
Please send help
thanks man, I'll post results even if you're not interested
i'm interested enough.
Not a smart tv actually, they wanted non-smart cause muh NSA. Would a microusb to usb actually transfer video? I'd need an hdmi adapter or something right? I might have to connect several cords together. I'll investigate what ports are actually available on both devices
pls hlep
How can I ping my docker container by its name?
type java and see if it runs. If it does, exit. Now, type the command I gave in quotes substituting your jar file name for "jarfile.jar" as you do so.
Chromecast and stream it through that.
Or a roku.
>Type "Java "
The Syntax of the command is incorrent
>Type "Java return"
Error: could not load or find main class return
I might not have installed the JDK correctly.
I poured some juice on my laptop keyboard and now some of the keys are squeaky. Is that bad?
It was orange and raspberry by the way.
works inconsistently, turns out if I press down real hard on the foiled area it works, doesn't when not under pressure
tried using a keyring around it, not tight enough, put some tape over the keyring, still not enough, I smooshed a length of paperclip down, still not tight enough, also the foiled area is an awkward enough spot to fit shit around
takin a break now, any suggestions for long term squishing solutions are appreciated
was it much?
sounds like you spilled it a while ago and the shit's not gonna break but in general if you pour shit on your laptop turn it off, put it upside down to dry out
you can probably order a replacement laptop keyboard for like 20$ if the squeking gets too much though
Which is better, two phones or one with dual sim?