What's your opinion on The Verge?

What's your opinion on The Verge?

I used to be a follower of Engadget, when it was run by the guys who made The Verge. Josh Topolsky, Paul Miller, Nilay Patel. They left Engadget after a dispute with AOL, and Josh created "This Is My Next", which then became The Verge, which Paul and Nilay then joined.

I loved old Engadget. It had a sense of humour. They just loved tech. It had a good culture about it.

But these days The Verge feels completely different. Josh Topolsky is obviously gone - he went to write for Bloomberg, then he was fired so now he's doing something else. Paul Miller left for a while, but he's back - but not writing very frequently. Nilay is the editor-in-chief, but he doesn't write frequently either.

Instead The Verge has been taken over by a new generation of millennials. And I think they're all twats. They're all left-wing politicists. I'm sure Engadget was probably left-of-centre back in the day. But it was still primarily a technology site.

Perhaps it's me who's changed instead of the site though.

What do you guys think?

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All the sites changed user

Just like Sup Forums is reddit-Sup Forums hybrid

stopped reading a few years ago, this was the dealbreaker

desu i havent visited that place in years. in fact I hardly read any tech page anymore because each and everyone regurgitate the same shit over and over again. They are pure click machines now. I only visit a handful but thats purely for reading headlines and scanning through so I am not totally in the dark. But even then its more of a very bad habit (heck i still instinctively visit old dead sites like gamespy. old habits die hard i guess...).
I just cant visit them anymore because I can figure them out, I can easily tell if its one guy doing it because he loves that shit, or if its a money generating machine.
It does NOT fucking help that I am in the business of creating major websites as well for clients so I know damn well what makes almost any website tick from how they are made to content creating and business strategies.
The internet has become a shitty place, and tech blogs and news sites are now "old media", a dying breed and they are fighting for even existing. Thats why they are all the same, its the same fucking shit everywhere because thats how they survive.

I REALLY want to give you my opinions of The Verge, and any other tech site for that matter, but I can't because I don't like a single one of them.

yeah same I used to read engadget all the time, it was chill reporting I moved over to the verge as well because it felt engadget was going stale.

I think the problem began when they started going into the "culture" part they try to be not just about tech but post about these social justice issues. I still listen to the podcast with walt and nilay and enjoy it but he said himself that they are liberal leaning and that wasnt something they would protect the verge from.

They still wite some good content that is linked to from other sources, it might just be a review of a specific product or something but I will never just load up the page and browse around because it's complete trash now

yeah this like this was posted too regularly for my liking, how fucking hard is it to report tech without descending into social justice?

the whole industry has been plagued with similar cancer, just got to pick sources more carefully

>not exclusively getting your tech news from Sup Forums

A writer who jerks off on laptops is not the same as a reviewer.
The verge help shape the term "tech reviewers" and they should all be hanged for this crime.
Being bad at your job can be excused when you are inexperienced or pressured by other factors, but the tiny fraction of tech reviewers who are even decent at their job is so rare I doubt they even exist.

This tbqh fàm.

i stopped reading engadget because of this review which made me buy this pos phone


Any tech blogs that's worth anything these days?

I stopped visiting years ago. All the articles have some feminist or homo agenda slant to them. Its totally off putting.
Nilay strikes me as a bit of a cock too tobe be honest.

lol so Joshua Topolsky leaves the verge to work for bloomberg... gets fired and then starts his own website called The Outline which covers "power, culture, and the future." ( Sounds like there is like 80% overlap in topics covered with the verge there). Did he JUST himself? Why not go back to the verge? Why did he e ven leave the verge? He left a more successful site than the one he set up now, must be annoying

>Anything under Vox Media

into the trash.jpg

>your shirt is sexist
A shirt is an inanimate object. How can it be sexist? Why did they not use the word "offensive", who can apply to inanimate objects? This is bad English, no? Or is my knowledge of English wrong, and a shirt can actually be "sexist"?

>Why did they not use the word "offensive", who can apply to inanimate objects?
>who can apply

Brain cannot Ingleze today, amigos.

too much praising applel and jewgle

that's why i never ever trust them anymore

Is that important ?

That's the writers' opinion. It's an opinion website. There are good, neutral articles if you ignore what you don't like.

Also, I suspect that if you see their feminist articles as "off-putting feminist agenda" you're not their target audience.

>Is that important ?
An English website using correct English? Yeah, it is important.

OK, I guess. I have other pet peeves that I find more annoying, like it's/its.

Not convinced though. "Sexist" seems to be used for more than people.


>all these buttpained fanbois ITT
They're alright tbqh. I ignore their culture articles because many of their writers genuinely are raving SJWs but the science and tech articles are decent.
Certainly a better source for tech conference coverage than anything else.

Then you agree" It's important, to use proper' English,

oh look, a cuck. I hope you remembered to check your privilege today

Yes yes. I'm not interested in another pointless pedantic argument.

But if you have a source on proper usage of "sexist", I'm interested. Couldn't find it with a quick search.

>"raving SJWs"
When will you stop raging against feminists and find something more important to do ? This SJW shit has always be retarded but is beginning to get fucking tiring.

how pretentious is this picture

>chicken noises
jog on, brainlet

as long as (more tiring) SJW shit exists, so will anti-SJW sentiment.

make me, fag

This shit was always for fags and if you ever liked it you're a fag by extension.

SJW movement has done fuck all
>SJWs shill harder than ever
>infesting every corner of the media, western culture and internet
>result is Trump is elected and withdraws from Paris contracts
Nice going SJWs you fucked us all over

nice to know about the pendulum swing. getting tired of 2009-2016 infection of SJWs

Yeah of course, radical feminists are why this idiot killed the Paris agreement. Do you have any fucking idea of how geopolitics work ?

Why am I asking this on Sup Forums ?

You're basically me. I listened to the old Engadget podcast religiously. But then Josh and Nilay started thinking they're Walter Cronkite and need to take the "real issues, maan" and Paul tried to become Amish and I lost all interest.

As for Verge, it's basically Macrumors 2.0. Someone will probably post the YT video showing their tireless Apple shilling

would Trump come to power if SJWs didn't infest everything? I doubt it, and the democrats would have had a better candidate too

How disconnected are you to imagine that online communities you don't like are the reason why the current fucking U.S President is who he is ? Are you one of these paranoid fucks who think that a "LGBT lobby" exists ?

The only tech website that still focuses on tech and not on pushing a political agenda is Ars Technica. That's all I read.

total shit, and not even because of the constant apple ball slurping

Paid shills, like everyone else on the internet

get a load of this faggot, ars not political

nowadays tech sites seems to lack any diversity of information. its always the same topics targeted at the consumer and not people who like tech.

Fuck Fuck


Fucky fucking fuck

apple shills


Tech sites that are worth a read in 2017:
>Sup Forums because muh msm
>gsmarena.com for phone/tablet reviews, they also have a list of all devices ever with their specs
?AnandTech because they are not shilled yet...
?Ars Tecnica for their general tech reporting
>Hacker news (Ycombinator) also good
>Lastly reddit /r/technology (before you go all reddit is 4 fags know that this is actuaalaly a good source of news if you actually click the dam links. Tends to lean left, you've been warned.)
That's it.

>having the ">" key right next to the ?

Ars blows

Original Engadget was great. Plenty of Beach Boys references scattered through articles was a bonus too. Went to shit when it was purchased by AOL.

Verge was pretty decent for a while. But when Topolsky left and the new editor-in-chief came in, it fell apart. That was when they really started writing about non-tech things and hired all those entertainment writers. Having Walt write for them was pretty decent, but he's stuck around for like a year and he's retiring now. He's also less about the facts and more about the feel of things.

He knows the brand has already experienced its biggest growth. He'd be better off owning a new site, growing that and then allowing himself to be bought out again.

Women ever time end up become anything her personal daily.

actually, they've managed to kill mozilla.

Engadget is probably the least SJW and most factually correct right now. The commenters keep the writers in check. Voz, Gizmodo, Ars, and most of the others are just SJW trash. Slashdot is just an RSS feed with comments.

Last I checked (admittedly a number of years ago) Engadget had hired some trannie abomination and everyone had to call him "her". Myriam Joire I think

Same as most tech sites right now, fine until they spasm and push out a bunch of weirdly political writing. The Verge focuses more on culture, so they do it more often and have more of those 'and that's amazing' articles that I loathe. Generally avoid, but I check in once every six months or so.

Their camera reviews are also terrible, none of the authors seem to be any good at photography and just slaver over specs. That's to be expected though so I don't really hold it against them.

They keep trying to push a political agenda instead of just talking about tech like they're supposed to. If all these SJW journalists want to whine about Trump and muhsoggyknee why don't they just go write for salon or some shit?

Clinton wouldn't have delivered a speech about how regulating the financial sector is futile because doing so wouldn't end racism, sexism, and homophobia if the American left still paid more than lip service to class issues and wasn't just a giant, steaming pile of ressentement.


>the verge
two words: apple shilling.
Anyonw who unironically visits these sites are either applefags, millenials, redditfags or all of them.

If (You) think you aren't but visit any of those consider an hero.

Anybody tell me what happened to Toms Hardware? It used to be a reliable source for computer building and now it's just a Intel shill

>What's your opinion on The Verge?

They have a bias towards big corporations, probably because they depend on them financially or for news coverage. So these days, they shill indiscriminately for Samsung, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Google.

The PR articles for Facebook are so obvious. Basically everything Zuckerberg does publicly is advertised, as if they're doing political campaigning for him. It's disgusting.

They're not really a technical review site, they're more like a tech culture fanzine of sorts.

Their ratings of products show lots of bias and lack of consistency. They're also based on a lot of subjective criteria, as if their personal likes are relevant to consumers. So, it's not an objective source of tech information.

It's a tech consumerist lifestyle magazine. And yeah, they're leftist and SJW af. Which is ironic, because they're also shills of products made by big corporations. But well, you can't ask leftist hipsters to have a consistent political mindset.


>says im straight
>banned for sexism

>But well, you can't ask leftist hipsters to have a consistent political mindset.

Any sufficiently advanced monopoly is indistinguishable from communism.

Lmao this was when I left them as well. And Nilay's constant political blogging. I used to watch their podcast every week too. I visited their site daily since before they left Engadget. Politics ruined them.



>they've managed to kill mozilla
What's this about?

>Slashdot is just an RSS feed with comments
Used to be the best site, but this is unfortunately true.

firefox has gone down the drain because of SJW

>sjws ruined the verge and hacker news, and countless other good sites

Feels terrible man

where is our haven?

Is Sup Forums the haven that millennials destroyed?

I read them also until everyone started pumping in political propaganda liberals talking about something that doesn't involve tech.

How can they think Trumps gonna lose by doing this?

literally this senpai. they as with almost many other
"mainstream" presenting sites stopped caring about doing their jobs and instead decided to push leftists narratives for shekels and easy pc/anti pc bait

>Constant virtue signaling
>Still didn't have a black employee
Hypocrisy plus shit "journalism"

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?